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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I've seen it pointed out recently that Alex Jones has stacks of the stuff on his desk - in spite of the green screen fakery backdrop - wears a Rolex but can't afford any studio tech ... or more likely can't operate it - see also Pillowman in the "biggest broadcast place ever" ...

I suppose spreadsheets and paper say "intelligent / research" to some ...

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He's apparently a chemtrailer too ... I hope someone samples his video so he doesn't earn clicks.
What gets me is what special air does he think the elites breathe in London and elsewhere ?


Someone famous apparently once said - "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"

By all accounts paraphrasing the Bible ...
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A person who I thought was okay turns out to be a tit. I joined fb only because I needed to advertise my business. Looked at his profile after he liked my page and apparently the ' jibby jabby of death' gives you aids! It's happening all around him and it's devastating. Fact , sheeple and other key words in caps lock obvs.
In other news, Ukraine is crawling with Nazis because the news said it isn't. :facepalm:.
Oh for FFS, same bloke :D
This is remarkable.

That’s the thing with it isn’t it. It’s so compellingly moronic. It’s not EDL or Countryside alliance, say, stupid, it’s stupid on the level of complete and utter delusion. With very few avenues “in” to hook onto to debate (as you could, say, though repulsive as the views are, a pro fox hunter). Has not one of them thought to look into whether it has actually worked, ever? What kind of level of self assured stupidity does it take to disappear so deep down the hole - it’s fascinating, never seen anything like it.
Mind blowing. The getting an advisor for his dispute. The fact that they print their own cards. Just blows my mind to think of the psychological framework people are looking out from. From the article:

The young father reveals that he has already brought in a sovereign citizen “legal adviser” to act as his representative in his dealings with the hospital treating his sick newborn.
And alarm bells ring when the eldest, and by outward appearances, most vulnerable member of the group – a woman who claims her adult son was “damaged” by a childhood vaccine – asks Monani if the sovereign citizens can provide financial advice for those, like her, who are struggling to make ends meet.
“Absolutely,” says the trainer, and encourages her to reach out to people on conspiracist Telegram groups for advice on how she can simply stop paying her bills.
READ: How to spot the secret signals of sovereign citizens
At the end of the day, four of the group of seven, including myself, put our hands up to be sworn in as peace constables. We’re advised to get body cams, and burner phones, if possible.
The other three indicate that while they still intend to be involved in the “freedom” movement, they’re unready or unsuited to a frontline role as peace officers.
As we wait to have our photos taken for the “warrant cards” that will allow us to join local “constabularies,” my fellow new “recruits” acknowledge that they’re playing a long game, seeing themselves as the embryo of an “awakened” movement they hope will one day be large and powerful enough to enforce their own version of reality on the world.
READ: Conspiracy theorists are gearing up to punch each other in the face for anti-vax “charities”
“I feel like we are guinea pigs in this situation,” remarks the young father, preparing to line up against the wall for his picture. “But the situation is so bad, maybe we just have to be.”
Some time after I completed my training, I’m still waiting for my warrant card to arrive. But I was left with another memento of the day – one that I anticipated as the first flurry of coughs had ricocheted around the table, giving me a sinking feeling.
Acknowledging the coughing, the young father had cracked a joke. “The COVID fanatics would have a field day if they heard this. ‘All the anti-vaxxers coughing!’” he said, getting laughs from the room at the expense of the deluded morons out there who think coronavirus is real. Naturally, I tested positive a few days later.”
This is remarkable.

Just the opening paragraphs got me.

To understand how the world really works, the tutor is explaining to our group of trainee “sovereign citizens,” you have to grasp the concept of “word spells.”

For example, she says, when a judge or police officer asks if we “understand” them, we should never say yes – because they’re really asking if we “stand under” them, or submit to their authority. Saying “I comprehend” would avoid that pitfall.

Very informative.

To illustrate the “word spell” concept further, she writes the phrase “build back better” on the whiteboard – a slogan adopted by the UK and US governments for their pandemic-recovery programmes – and asks if we notice anything about it.

Then she excitedly circles the lower-case “b’s,” which sort-of-but-don’t-really resemble 6s.

“That’s right!” she says. “6-6-6!”

Blimey, that's a proper eye-opener!

Now, where do I sign up?
It's true that the pandemic has changed the nature of FOTL nonsense. Previously they were rare and harmless cranks popping up in court to dispute their council tax.

The pandemic has multiplied their number and the increased visibility of the anti vaxx bollocks (thanks Zuck) has emboldened them and joined them together.
Another conspiracy cross-over, planes creating chemtrails are actually spraying omicron on the people, he's done a lot of research on this. :facepalm: :D

I like the idea of a Dostoevsky type Novella with one of these terrorist types who have kidnapped coppers etc like in teh vid above.

That the novella is them doing the crime, getting arrested, using magic words with no affect, using magic words in court with no affect, getting lifed off and then about ten years into teh sentance they wake up one morning and suddenly realise "oh fuck i am an idiot".
Another conspiracy cross-over, planes creating chemtrails are actually spraying omicron on the people, he's done a lot of research on this. :facepalm: :D

the dudes playing conspiracy bingo i see. i guess it's a nice day for it. couldn't resist a peado escalation right at the end, too.
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