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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

In this clip of the people shouting at Starmer, there's at least one Canadian flag, a guy draped in it and wearing a Canada flag baseball cap. Could be coincidence, but does anyone know if there's a direct link with that "freedom convoy?"

In this clip of the people shouting at Starmer, there's at least one Canadian flag, a guy draped in it and wearing a Canada flag baseball cap. Could be coincidence, but does anyone know if there's a direct link with that "freedom convoy?"

I would imagine that the courageous and indefatigable truckers were an inspiration to Maple-Leafman. However, not being a conspiracy theorist I don't suppose that there is a direct link
Some of these could be handy.

View attachment 309085
Simultaneously trolling antivaxxers and grammar pedants. And good-picture-of-horses-purists, if those are a thing that exists, I suppose.
I don't believe for one second that Facebook/Meta are at all serious in their attempts at fighting disinformation. They surely must know by now that the tinfoilers consider it a badge of honour to have their posts labelled with such "missing context" and "misleading information" warnings.

The only conclusion that can reasonably be drawn is that Facebook/Meta cares more about maintaining "engagement" over preventing the spread of misinformation and radicalisation sponsored by government agencies.
Doesn't seem like much of a stretch, given what we already know about their ethics:

“Thirty-two percent of teen girls said that when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse,” the researchers said in a March 2020 slide presentation posted to Facebook’s internal message board, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. “Comparisons on Instagram can change how young women view and describe themselves.”

For the past three years, Facebook has been conducting studies into how its photo-sharing app affects its millions of young users. Repeatedly, the company’s researchers found that Instagram is harmful for a sizable percentage of them, most notably teenage girls.

“We make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls,” said one slide from 2019, summarizing research about teen girls who experience the issues.

“Teens blame Instagram for increases in the rate of anxiety and depression,” said another slide. “This reaction was unprompted and consistent across all groups.”

Among teens who reported suicidal thoughts, 13% of British users and 6% of American users traced the desire to kill themselves to Instagram, one presentation showed...

“Instagram is well positioned to resonate and win with young people,” said a researcher’s slide posted internally. Another post said: “There is a path to growth if Instagram can continue their trajectory.”

In public, Facebook has consistently played down the app’s negative effects on teens, and hasn’t made its research public or available to academics or lawmakers who have asked for it.

“The research that we’ve seen is that using social apps to connect with other people can have positive mental-health benefits,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg said at a congressional hearing in March 2021 when asked about children and mental health.

In May, Instagram head Adam Mosseri told reporters that research he had seen suggests the app’s effects on teen well-being is likely “quite small.”
Canada is flavour of the moment ...
We have to take reassurance that these idiots are much more in a minority in the UK than in the US / Canada.

Canada has a higher vaccination rate than Britain and the anti-vax demos tend to be a lot smaller - the country's only anti-vax flavour of the moment because the trucker protest was very visible and authorities were dumb enough to let them get a long-term presence established in the capital.
I see people are liking this but I really don't think he is being in this one. Particuarly if the journalism isn in the articles he is reading holds up. Within the articles narritive seems to me stuff worth taking in to account. I even get missing context as a flag. In the hands of the type people who get worked up about things like hydrogen dioxide such pier reviewed stuff could play into confirmation bias more than the harzards outlined within the BMJ. deserve. The issue to though on that is the 'news blog' part of it. The missing context arguement only really works with missing context if BMJ is seen as as a trade journal. And a trade journl of sufficent predigree that you'd think twice on artibration of truth if, as they appear to have done, they get into a pissing contest with Johnny Come lately Meta.
Meta's previous incarnation was so bad at truth arbitration they got implicated in a genocide (Myanmar) and countless other things. So bad in fact they were willing to spend 20million on the name alone to get away from being Facebook. Its good that they are making an effort on facct checking and stuff but room for some fine tuning
This is true. However, he’s completely wrong about the nature of “missing context”. The whole nature of discourse is that it is all situated in context. It is written for a purpose and an audience with certain shared assumptions about underlying themes. Taking it out of that context changes the discourse it is engaged in. When he questions whether “anything Robert Kennedy finds interesting is automatically anti-vax”, I would have to say yes, that’s exactly what it means when it is being presented in an anti-vax context. Brand makes out that “truth” exists as a context-free absolute but it doesn’t.

The BMJ also don’t necessarily understand this, incidentally. The medical profession are notorious for failing to understand psychosocial notions of context and relative truth. That’s why the BMJ are getting on their high horse about something they also feel has the status of “absolute truth”
This is true. However, he’s completely wrong about the nature of “missing context”. The whole nature of discourse is that it is all situated in context. It is written for a purpose and an audience with certain shared assumptions about underlying themes. Taking it out of that context changes the discourse it is engaged in. When he questions whether “anything Robert Kennedy finds interesting is automatically anti-vax”, I would have to say yes, that’s exactly what it means when it is being presented in an anti-vax context. Brand makes out that “truth” exists as a context-free absolute but it doesn’t.

The BMJ also don’t necessarily understand this, incidentally. The medical profession are notorious for failing to understand psychosocial notions of context and relative truth. That’s why the BMJ are getting on their high horse about something they also feel has the status of “absolute truth”
Hmm. Moving this back to an area you and I are more familiar with. Probably unhelpful to you if the behind the scences decions that happen on how to minimise aircraft falling out the sky aren't washed in public in real time, but exqually unhelpful if said discussions don't happen. There are lots of risks in getting people from A2B and a whole bunch of people standing on each others shoulders to make it happen, each reliant on each others specialism.
Granted whats happened here is like a plane spotter pulling out a NOTAM or maitnence update and someone like ABTA saying 'what do they know?'. It right it should be flagged, such are the specialism of modern society, there will be nuiances and understandings in it, you won't get from a standing start, they come with experience and exposure to the document.

You are right that Brand is wrong if he wants to talk in terms of "absolute truth' how right I'll leave up to you. But the BMJ do take their position seriously, they have in impact factor of 39,890 and are signed up to the Dora Agreement. That is not a 'news blog' And it's not just FB I watched the youtube response from a guy to the BBC calling out the FOI he'd got on Covid deaths - the 'misleading 17,000 one' he showed he had addressed the issues regarded as misleading. in his reportage As inconvient as the ONS stat was to whatever narritive BBC fact checkers chose to follow.

Direction of travel at the momnet, we are going to need regulation of fact checking and that going to smack striaght into US first amendmendt rights same as it did with credit rating agencies
Yes, I think your general point is that something is broken at the point that Facebook can declare the BMJ a “news blog” and blanket ban a BMJ article from being posted on the grounds of “misinformation”. I agree with that. There has to be other ways.
Yes, I think your general point is that something is broken at the point that Facebook can declare the BMJ a “news blog” and blanket ban a BMJ article from being posted on the grounds of “misinformation”. I agree with that. There has to be other ways.
Or the BBC saying ONS stats are misleading. Not that isn't impossible have truck with the ONS. Both examples you've got claiments attempting citation against fact checking that are finding facts inconvieint and themselves beyond reproach.

They will end up undermining their own function if they are not careful, the unscrupulous using their mistakes to undermine something there is clearly call for
Had to drive into Waterloo for work today. First time I’ve driven into central London for aaaaages.

Took the opportunity to drive down embankment very slowly past the 3 antivax convoy vehicles there and give them a full throated “WANKERS” out the window. It was lovely and quiet so they would all have heard. Very happy.

Was it brave? No.

Was it funny? Yes.

Mind you, he has some strong competition from this one.

Needless to say, his claim that the Met has launched an investigation into the vaccine roll-out is bollocks.

A spokesman said: “On 20 December (2021), a number of documents were submitted at a west London police station in support of allegations of criminality in relation to the UK’s vaccine programme.

“A crime reference number was created and provided to the complainants. This is not an indication that an investigation is under way or that a crime has been committed, it merely acknowledges that an allegation has been received and recorded.

“Officers have been tasked with reviewing the documents. This process is time consuming and has been prolonged by the submission of further documents by people encouraged to do so online. While the assessment continues, to date there is nothing to indicate that a crime has been committed and no criminal investigation has been launched.”

The twats should get done for wasting police time. :mad:

Blackshirts, NF, BNP, EDL, "casuals", now these lot. A thread through history and diminishing returns each time.
Mind you, he has some strong competition from this one.

Needless to say, his claim that the Met has launched an investigation into the vaccine roll-out is bollocks.

The twats should get done for wasting police time. :mad:

Yeah, Fozzie Bear flagged this/him on the Hackney thread. :(
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