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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

A story about people who got out and stuff

That's a good read, thanks for posting, also this post on reddit, linked from that article, is also worth reading.

Around this time she found others online who had grown sceptical of the movement, and had begun questioning the extraordinary amounts of money being raised. This and follow-up welfare visits by the police were the final impetus for her to leave the ‘freedom’ movement.

“The weight that came off my shoulders instantly – it was unbelievable,” she says.

I suppose this gives some hope, the more life starts returning to normal, there's a chance that an increasing number of people will wake-up and realise they have fallen down a rabbit hole, increasing the pool of sceptical people online, and the chances of others stumbling across anti-conspiracy theories content, and that taking on a snowball effect.
That's a good read, thanks for posting, also this post on reddit, linked from that article, is also worth reading.

I suppose this gives some hope, the more life starts returning to normal, there's a chance that an increasing number of people will wake-up and realise they have fallen down a rabbit hole, increasing the pool of sceptical people online, and the chances of others stumbling across anti-conspiracy theories content, and that taking on a snowball effect.
A good start would be to educate everyone what exactly a grift is. People think those that that are online ranting into microphones in home studios are doing it for the good of truth, or just the good of something. The grift if you are ignorant of such matters is hidden. But the grift economy pays in two ways: money, and like-validation. whether it's money or through building an ever growing audiance/like ratio (Who doesn't like seeing their posts liked?), then there's a vested interest. And it's all so instant. This is so different to teh slow burn trajectory of a college proffessor say or an author who spends decades building his reputation up. people might then see why content gets so extreme so quickly. people need the views/likes as quickly as possible. they might then see through the rivers of bullshit somewhat and start to look at the more thorough, quieter, experts, like those who, ya know, spend their life time hidden in universities, or who are respected across everyone in their fields etc.

i honestly think now that a person protects themselves the longer they stay off social media. a wise person now i think doesn't even go there. there's a wisdom in rejecting to play even if they are missing out on "key information" amongst the rivers of dopamine laden bullshit.
I had a long, long chat with a freshly divorced mate of mine who has been spouting manosphere horseshit recently. game, alphas, loads of sentances that begin with "men are..." or "women are...."

He truly is a great bloke and I was truly worried about him. And the conversation I ahd with him was very revealling. He just said that for comfort after his divorce (which has left him broke and he will be broke for a decade or so to come likely), he said he would watch manosphere stuff on youtube, one after the other on the "recommend" panel and it gave him a strange sense of calm and comfort. Toward teh end of the debate i said "mate - it's far right mysoginy, just end of. replace "women" with "black people" and you will see that it's the same biological determinism drivel that has fuelled far right racism". he acknowledged that it wasn't healthy for him, that he will move away from it. he also bought it up again later on after the convo had long finished. he said "i realise i should be blaming the individual (in this case his wife for his percieved greviances) instead of blaming her and then applying it to teh whole group (i.e. "women). i just said "yes, i agree." so maybe he's climbing out of the hole. alogrithymed extremism. i think he will be alright becasue he's incredibly bright and he listens to my counter arguments openly and with no resistance, like he wants to reframe what has happened to him. it's sad. a few times i have thoguht of breaking things off with him because of it but i am glad i haven't. he's normally a liberal centrist type and certainly no rabid right winger.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

Just hope he doesn't come up against someone doing porridge that's lost an elderly relative ...
Statistically likely. Lesss likely (currently) to encounter someone whom lost someone purely as a result of the restrictions that were put in place ..ONS latest has sucides going down 9.1% in 2020
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Thu, Aug 18, 2016

But the footage appears to have been recorded as part of a prank by scientists at Europe’s top physics lab.

Cern claims the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility “taking their sense of humour too far.”
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Thu, Aug 18, 2016

But the footage appears to have been recorded as part of a prank by scientists at Europe’s top physics lab.

Cern claims the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility “taking their sense of humour too far.”
that's what they want you to think

Thu, Aug 18, 2016

But the footage appears to have been recorded as part of a prank by scientists at Europe’s top physics lab.

Cern claims the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility “taking their sense of humour too far.”
If I was conducting ritual Satanic abuse on the grounds of CERN that would be my excuse as well.
The CERN strand of the Christian loonasphere is quite entertaining.

The truth is revealed. CERN, Satan’s Playground


People mock the truth and play pranks but unwittingly they HELP the Forces of Light.

People make money.


Will CERN share its dangerous dark matter with a government or military that is dead set on war, world domination, and destruction? Will CERN create a black hole that swallows the world, or will they release Satan and his legion of demons, locusts, and armies upon the world as the last days predict and approach?

Serious newspapers such as checks notes the Daily Express and the Nigerian Observer write about it.


The articles are linked to at Reddit.

There’s not anything left to protest about here is there? Nothing mandated. Thick cunts.
Looks that way, though Canada is a diferent story + as is elsewhere, EU Court had them as acceptable before anyone even asked, Still a thing on a Globalist agenda that only really entrenches corperates and isn't dead. But even then, a few workarounds are breaking though you can go to Spain on just test results for example. Trudeau though, seems to be drawing battle lines in other direction.
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