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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

if you want to see something just down right creepy, have a look at Robert Malone - the God Father of Anti Vax grift - and how he presents himself on Joe Rogan. Hey, Guys, I'm just a reasonable, softly spoken guy asking questions (he does no such thing, but just rolls out the same lunatic shit over and over - but in a soft, academicy voice).

Honestly - I'd laugh if someone punched the cunt into tomorrow. And it's rare that I view political opponants in that view. Scum.
there's a certain streak of anti-socialness that runs through most of these freaks, i wouldn't be surpised to disover. a certain pinched, narccistic groove within their thinking.
It gets better, protestors falling out. :D

I'm not even sure why but that made me piss myself. soemthing to do with the bemused, bored, coppers, the word salads, the PEDO escalation, the fact there's a dog somewhere, the "i'm uncomfortable", and the half-arsed crowd control of the copper at the end "shall we go somehwere else? bit down here?"

PMSL! thanks CS
if you want to see something just down right creepy, have a look at Robert Malone - the God Father of Anti Vax grift - and how he presents himself on Joe Rogan. Hey, Guys, I'm just a reasonable, softly spoken guy asking questions (he does no such thing, but just rolls out the same lunatic shit over and over - but in a soft, academicy voice).

Honestly - I'd laugh if someone punched the cunt into tomorrow. And it's rare that I view political opponants in that view. Scum.

I get the impression with Malone that there's a big ego thing going on, possibly even more so than the grifting element. He does have a genuine claim to have been involved in the development of RNA vaccines but feels like he's been overlooked in favour of a number of others. And now he gets to call himself 'the inventor of RNA vaccines' and get a load of adulation.
I get the impression with Malone that there's a big ego thing going on, possibly even more so than the grifting element. He does have a genuine claim to have been involved in the development of RNA vaccines but feels like he's been overlooked in favour of a number of others. And now he gets to call himself 'the inventor of RNA vaccines' and get a load of adulation.
he's a snake. listen to Decoding The Guru's episode on his Rogan appearance.
there's a certain streak of anti-socialness that runs through most of these freaks, i wouldn't be surpised to disover. a certain pinched, narccistic groove within their thinking.

One I’m personally familiar with claimed to be an empath without an ego.
Scratch an empath and you’ll find a narcissist.
1:34 - a "police officer with over 30 years experience" . . . wonder who that could be?? a copper who's recently found herself themselves with time on their hands
I fear you are failing to give Mark Sexton his due.

Sexton is a retired Birmingham PC who was the first to film himself reporting "a criminal offence of misconduct in public office" against Nadim Zahawi and various criminal associates in June last year. So arguably 'patient zero' as regards the UK 'crime number' epidemic.

The video of this historic moment - "The 'I'm not having a shot' heard round the world" - is here on Instagram (and many other places).

A full transcript can be seen here at this archived copy of a page on 'The Conservative Woman' site. You may be surprised to hear that the site is a little bit right wing and conspiranoid.

Sexton is also the author of the thriller 'Elimination'


Hmmm - a story about a policeman who hates 'scroungers', becomes the victim of a government conspiracy when they start dying, and battles to reveal the 'shocking truth'. Documentary? Psychological profile?

I'm (genuinely) sad to discover that, as far as I can see, no-one has leaked this book online yet.
I fear you are failing to give Mark Sexton his due.

Sexton is a retired Birmingham PC who was the first to film himself reporting "a criminal offence of misconduct in public office" against Nadim Zahawi and various criminal associates in June last year. So arguably 'patient zero' as regards the UK 'crime number' epidemic.

The video of this historic moment - "The 'I'm not having a shot' heard round the world" - is here on Instagram (and many other places).

A full transcript can be seen here at this archived copy of a page on 'The Conservative Woman' site. You may be surprised to hear that the site is a little bit right wing and conspiranoid.

Sexton is also the author of the thriller 'Elimination'


Hmmm - a story about a policeman who hates 'scroungers', becomes the victim of a government conspiracy when they start dying, and battles to reveal the 'shocking truth'. Documentary? Psychological profile?

I'm (genuinely) sad to discover that, as far as I can see, no-one has leaked this book online yet.

Yeah, but claiming that it might be Cressida Dick is funnier
Mind you, he has some strong competition from this one.

Needless to say, his claim that the Met has launched an investigation into the vaccine roll-out is bollocks.

The twats should get done for wasting police time. :mad:

What a fucking string
I fear you are failing to give Mark Sexton his due.

Sexton is a retired Birmingham PC who was the first to film himself reporting "a criminal offence of misconduct in public office" against Nadim Zahawi and various criminal associates in June last year. So arguably 'patient zero' as regards the UK 'crime number' epidemic.

The video of this historic moment - "The 'I'm not having a shot' heard round the world" - is here on Instagram (and many other places).

A full transcript can be seen here at this archived copy of a page on 'The Conservative Woman' site. You may be surprised to hear that the site is a little bit right wing and conspiranoid.

Sexton is also the author of the thriller 'Elimination'


Hmmm - a story about a policeman who hates 'scroungers', becomes the victim of a government conspiracy when they start dying, and battles to reveal the 'shocking truth'. Documentary? Psychological profile?

I'm (genuinely) sad to discover that, as far as I can see, no-one has leaked this book online yet.

"I've done a little bit of research, sorry... I mean a lot of research."

I could only cope with a few minutes of his wibbling. Reporting it to Special Branch as a terrorist attack. Plus all sorts of other weirdness. I get some of why people get attracted to bits of the anti-vax etc. stuff, but some of the stuff like this that's out there which people just repeat is absolutely wild and I do wonder what the fuck is going on for them with this. Shit not-diagnosis warning... to me loads of them have the air and mannerisms of people that are actually quite mentally unwell.

E2A: Just watched that other video of the tube. He's seems clearly not that OK to me.
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What's her background? Not heard her name before. She comes across as a bit of a London Assange/Palestine activist type
"I've done a little bit of research, sorry... I mean a lot of research."

I could only cope with a few minutes of his wibbling. Reporting it to Special Branch as a terrorist attack. Plus all sorts of other weirdness. I get some of why people get attracted to bits of the anti-vax etc. stuff, but some of the stuff like this that's out there which people just repeat is absolutely wild and I do wonder what the fuck is going on for them with this. Shit not-diagnosis warning... to me loads of them have the air and mannerisms of people that are actually quite mentally unwell.

E2A: Just watched that other video of the tube. He's seems clearly not that OK to me.
the personalities on display from these folks have always interested me. I don't see huge amounts of subjective suffering on display (though beliefs in children-eating cabals must be pretty terrifying), rather just monumental arrogance (I've out thought/researched Global Consensus) and just a epistomological method of interpreting the world described commonly as stupid i.e. Roger on Whatsapp has posted this and I believe it because it fits with my own highly emotionally charged view of the world - that's just stupid, sorry if harsh. lack of critical thinking skills, arrogance, paranoia - a heady mix.
What's her background? Not heard her name before. She comes across as a bit of a London Assange/Palestine activist type

Yep, she's a pro-Palestinian activist, also got arrested on a couple of times verbally harassing police at anti-lockdown protests, then this case, where she linked Grenfell to the antisemitic conspiracy related to the 9/11, and she has the support of Piers Corbyn, proper loon.

She posted an image of the Grenfell Tower fire in west London with the message: “Watch the footage of people trapped in the inferno with flames behind them. They were burnt alive in a Jewish sacrifice.” The Times investigation into activism around the disaster uncovered that post.

An ensuing Scotland Yard inquiry into her social media found the message that led to her second charge. She had written: “Jews have always been the ones behind ritual torture, crucifixion and murder of children, especially young boys, as a way of atoning for their sins in order to be allowed back into Palestine.”

A message she wrote about her evidence in the trial was forwarded to the anti-lockdown group The Freedom Festival, which she founded. She wrote: “I got to drop so many truth bombs as part of my defence inc on 9/11, wars of terror as a result, Rothschild, Palestine/Israel, our fake democracy, the fact that I was clearly referring to the extremist Jews just as I also attacked all the extremist Muslims, Americans, Saudis, British, Western governments etc.”

Piers Corbyn, the anti-vaccine campaigner, was among demonstrators who protested outside the Old Bailey to support Ahmed. He expressed concern to The Times over what he said was the unacceptably violent nature of her arrest.

Full, paywall busted, article from the Times - archive.ph

Here she is babbling on about her 'inner divine power', and putting the police 'on notice', and explaining that the Coronavirus Act is not the law, it's a act. 🤷‍♂️

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Oops, anti-vaxxer, and judging by his behaviour in court is also a 'Freeloon on the Land', has landed himself with 7-days inside for contempt of court. :D :D :D

Philip McLoughlin, 41, of Blacon Point Road, Chester, appeared at the courtroom escorted by police officers on Friday, February 11, having previously been charged with an offence of assaulting a police officer on June 14, 2021.

But McLoughlin, who represented himself, refused to get in the dock in the courtroom, or to enter a plea to the charge, claiming he had "not been charged with anything whatsoever" and that police documents were "bogus".

He also claimed police had assaulted him during the June 2021 incident, understood to have happened during an anti-vaccination rally.

McLoughlin attempted to 'approach the bench' to show Judge Michael Leeming a bundle of documents, which unrepresented defendants are not allowed to do.

During the hearing, Judge Leeming advised McLoughlin to seek representation from a solicitor to put forward a defence case. After McLoughlin ignored the arraignment plea to the charge of assaulting a police officer, referring again to his bundle of documents, Judge Leeming said: "I will take that as a not guilty plea and will set a date for trial."

An increasingly irate McLoughlin continued to protest, and Judge Leeming said: "I find you in contempt. Police, arrest him."

And, still he thought he was in the right, and the Judge was wrong :facepalm: ....

As McLoughlin was being handcuffed, he said: "That's battery, this is criminal, get off. Get off my paperwork.

"There is no justice, this is criminal."

He continued his vocal protests as he was led into the dock and down into the cells.

Oops, anti-vaxxer, and judging by his behaviour in court is also a 'Freeloon on the Land', has landed himself with 7-days inside for contempt of court. :D :D :D

And, still he thought he was in the right, and the Judge was wrong :facepalm: ....

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

Just hope he doesn't come up against someone doing porridge that's lost an elderly relative ...
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