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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Going to Glastonbury (Town! :D ), as I did quite recently ( :oops: ), doesn't in the least bit!! help for avoiding that utter shitrag!!! :mad: :mad: :(

Widely distributed in G-Town .. best off to swig cider :thumbs::beer: and then some more :D :)
This doesn't surprise me at all.

I used to have to cover a service in Glastonbury. I'd pop out at lunchtime to try and find a Greggs or somewhere to grab a sarnie, but it was always a struggle. I could buy lorryloads of dream-catchers and crystals, but normal food was in short supply.

There is some net benefit to the country by keeping most of the hippy wankers in one town, it's jsut hard if you have to visit it now and again.
That shitrag The Light found it's way through my letterbox and there's piles of them in our only pub (landlady is antivax).
Plaster the bogs with pro-vaccine stickers & leave leaflets in the bar.

and take a couple of copies that rag off to the recycling / bin at every opportunity.

Had to laugh yesterday.
One of the parcels at work was packed with newspaper.
I think Korean but from some of the illustrations, somewhat anti-vaxx. They had been modified a bit to remove that layer.
And the crunched up remains ended up in the stove ...
This doesn't surprise me at all.

I used to have to cover a service in Glastonbury. I'd pop out at lunchtime to try and find a Greggs or somewhere to grab a sarnie, but it was always a struggle. I could buy lorryloads of dream-catchers and crystals, but normal food was in short supply.

There is some net benefit to the country by keeping most of the hippy wankers in one town, it's jsut hard if you have to visit it now and again.
A local cycling youtuber I used to follow a bit has gone down the rabbithole - suggested people read some vile rag called "The Light" - published by some character called Darren Nesbit ..
I’m out for a drink later with a close family member of his. Needless to say, my friend thinks Darren is a complete fucking loon and avoids him whenever possible.
A million years ago these fucking idiots would have simply got eaten by dinosaurs or what have you

(Yes. I know the time line isn't correct, but the principle still stands, the tribe would simply have killed them off)

Would they have been killed off? I think it might have been exactly this kind of person who first came up with theories that storms happen because an all-powerful supernatural being is angry about people wanking too much or whatever.
Would they have been killed off? I think it might have been exactly this kind of person who first came up with theories that storms happen because an all-powerful supernatural being is angry about people wanking too much or whatever.
Well, if I'd've been in the tribe I'd've made sure they were killed off, life was a lot simpler then

Truth be told I'd not shed a tear if they all got covid and died now. I s'pose that makes me a bad person but... <shrug> over it already
It's an obvious piss take, he practically admits it towards the end.

Yeah, the end of it was where I thought this must be a pisstake.

But like Cupid Stunt says, it's not far from the genuine wackos though. The counting guy in the video above. Gove is Russian etc...
It's being shared by anti-vaxxers, but 'Take Back Democracy' does seem sound enough, I guess the loons just plan to tag along.
yes I went to check the website and it is mostly about the right to protest and fuck off boris as far as I can tell, no loonery whatsoever, but it makes sense the loons might try and hijack it to try and bolster their apparent numbers.
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