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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

With these twats constantly baiting people, it's hardly surprising that someone would strike back and fair play to her, shame her target wasn't Corbyn himself, but fucking hell, the reaction from the anti-vaxxers, especially from the one described as 'Corbyn's tiny attack dog'!

Sadly, she got arrested. :(

With these twats constantly baiting people, it's hardly surprising that someone would strike back and fair play to her, shame her target wasn't Corbyn himself, but fucking hell, the reaction from the anti-vaxxers, especially from the one described as 'Corbyn's tiny attack dog'!

Sadly, she got arrested. :(

I think it will work out OK. Provocation is a mitigation, and that footage makes it pretty clear that they were quite deliberately being provocative.
I agree with both the above points, but it still ruined her night out.
Yes. Nobody should have to tolerate that kind of aggressive, noisy haranguing. And if I'd lost a relative to Covid, and someone responded like that to me, I think I'd struggle to be restrained and completely calm about it. Although I'd probably settle for an articulate rant, during which I'd call the heartless cunts heartless cunts.
keybored, yeah he's one of Corbyn's regular loons, some other faces from last night are also in their 'trying to keep a fart in your trousers' video.

What a fucking bunch of loons.
Who the fuck is she? She's very fucking annoying.

American expat, apparently lost her way to Totnes and ended up in London.

American expat, apparently lost her way to Totnes and ended up in London.

That website is an attack on the eyes.
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