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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

This whole HIV/vaccine thing is just to kick the conspiracy bucket down the line. They can’t accept the fact they’ve been wrong the whole time so now it’s some sort of immune issue that’s going to happen at some stage in the future.

Same thing with Trump and the election. All the QAnon heads claimed he would be installed as rightful President further down the line. They’re just complete fucking arse wipes aren’t they.
Speaking personally, arsewipes are a pleasant presence in my life, and I would be getting through a lot of old socks without them. "Arse wipes" does not represent the complete uselessness of those wastes of skin.
Speaking personally, arsewipes are a pleasant presence in my life, and I would be getting through a lot of old socks without them. "Arse wipes" does not represent the complete uselessness of those wastes of skin.
feel the need to add that that if the arse wipes are Paper based only they get flushed but any wipes must go in the bin
save the planet
prevent the fatberg!
Do you have it in writing so you can post it somewhere he will always be reminded of it ?
I'm currently managing to annoy a PalTalker by posting stuff in my profile for everyone to see.
A lot of these people only say stuff because they think its ephemeral.
Hmmm. Yes and No be careful. Having read post you put up the earlier, have caiuse to think at some point in the future they might consider they weren't very well at the moment. Tread carefully if you have any concern for them getting better

The Metropolitan Police has found no evidence of criminal offences related to the UK’s Covid vaccination programme, following a complaint by anti-vaxxers.

Activists had made a formal complaint to the force in December, alleging crimes ranging from misconduct in public office to murder, manslaughter and “multiple breaches of The Nuremberg Code 1947”.

They then used the crime reference number generated to repeatedly claim that crimes were being committed, and encourage people to make reports across the country.

So, the Met has confirmed the anti-vaxxers are morons, and there are no criminal offences in respect of the vaccine roll-out, this has been met with shock, horror, denial, and sheer stupidly, as summed up with this guy phoning the police to complain, you need to hear this, it's so bonkers. :facepalm: :D


So, the Met has confirmed the anti-vaxxers are morons, and there are no criminal offences in respect of the vaccine roll-out, this has been met with shock, horror, denial, and sheer stupidly, as summed up with this guy phoning the police to complain, you need to hear this, it's so bonkers. :facepalm: :D

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Surely they've got to get done for wasting police time.
Yes I'm wondering whether we could get a crime number for this: wasting police time, incitement to riot, there must be something ...

I guess the cops just reckon it's not worth the paperwork and wasting even more time. I imagine that if something more pressing occurred whilst these no marks are blathering on they'd be given short shrift and left standing with their mouths opening and closing like fish.

So, the Met has confirmed the anti-vaxxers are morons, and there are no criminal offences in respect of the vaccine roll-out, this has been met with shock, horror, denial, and sheer stupidly, as summed up with this guy phoning the police to complain, you need to hear this, it's so bonkers. :facepalm: :D

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Oh my god!

The police are in on the conspiracy. :eek:

They need to start charging the twats with wasting police time or something. They'll likely all get off on diminished responsibility though.
I guess the cops just reckon it's not worth the paperwork and wasting even more time. I imagine that if something more pressing occurred whilst these no marks are blathering on they'd be given short shrift and left standing with their mouths opening and closing like fish.
This is true but then people could go up to the twats making a nuisance of themselves and wave a piece of paper and say "Go home - we've got a crime number and we'll have you locked up for crimes against humanity unless you go away"

So, the Met has confirmed the anti-vaxxers are morons, and there are no criminal offences in respect of the vaccine roll-out, this has been met with shock, horror, denial, and sheer stupidly, as summed up with this guy phoning the police to complain, you need to hear this, it's so bonkers. :facepalm: :D

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all this talk about de-population, yet their scene is riddled with holocaust deniers. truth seekers my arse. dangerous right wingers, the lot of them.

(on a side note - they've even stolen a healthy mistrust in the police from us, the cunts)
I don't know Simon Parry nor his stance on holocaust denial and NWO theories, but I'm sure he's never distanced himself or publicly questioned his fellow-freedom-fighters beliefs and agendas. Or has he?
If not, it makes him complicit at best. 'De-population' is a very dodgy ground to walk without historical context or even denial.
I don't know Simon Parry nor his stance on holocaust denial and NWO theories, but I'm sure he's never distanced himself or publicly questioned his fellow-freedom-fighters beliefs and agendas. Or has he?
If not, it makes him complicit at best. 'De-population' is a very dodgy ground to walk without historical context or even denial.
What would be the point of depopulation anyway? A drastically reduced population would mean less people generating money for the evil capitalist overlords.
I don't know Simon Parry nor his stance on holocaust denial and NWO theories, but I'm sure he's never distanced himself or publicly questioned his fellow-freedom-fighters beliefs and agendas. Or has he?
If not, it makes him complicit at best. 'De-population' is a very dodgy ground to walk without historical context or even denial.

Well, this is part of an e-mail he sent to his supporters, he's well down the de-population rabbit hole...

Hmmm. Yes and No be careful. Having read post you put up the earlier, have caiuse to think at some point in the future they might consider they weren't very well at the moment. Tread carefully if you have any concern for them getting better
She spent ages in my room on several occasions listening to my voice while I gently unpicked her misrepresentation of the science as she typed stupid shit - then before yesterday's outburst it was all flattering comments about my appearance - she's a bit hung up on her Peruvian ethnicity - lives in NW Washington DC ... I admit I'm clumsy when it comes to finding cracks in their armour ...
I spoke to a friend of hers and she said she was fairly normal before COVID.
Just lately she seemed to be toning down her profile photos ...
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