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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

what are they tangling themselves up in now? anyone been monitoring?
My regular on PT has been online a lot less recently and has struggled to find an excuse to post anything in the chatroom where it's all about Ukraine.
They're gradually replacing antivax memes in their profile with ethnic pride ...
My regular on PT has been online a lot less recently and has struggled to find an excuse to post anything in the chatroom where it's all about Ukraine.
They're gradually replacing antivax memes in their profile with ethnic pride ...
wot a weird road for those who have painted themselves into the corner through online radicalisation, who were otherwise "normal" before covid. is there a point where they stop screaming about child eating global elites? or are tehy in for the long road? idiots.
they had a stall in my town on sat, and i had a good look at them as i was walkign towards them. what struck me is how anxious and twitchy they looked. is it any surprise with teh stuff they now believe? can you imagine the inner terror at believing covid was a hidden plot? they must see evil hidden behind everything. that really is not an enviable mental state. best of luck, that's all i can say. and best of luck to their kids if they are being taught this stuff at home.
My regular on PT has been online a lot less recently and has struggled to find an excuse to post anything in the chatroom where it's all about Ukraine.
They're gradually replacing antivax memes in their profile with ethnic pride ...

...after being blocked by my main spreader of Facebook antivax truth it my feeds went quiet but now it seems the ‘approved’ version of events unfolding has been decided and the ‘awake’ are spreading new shit about the invasiion..I’m not gonna say all stuff in the mainstream about Ukraine is unquestionable,in fact the way the wests acts globally from earlier times feeds nicely into the narrative but it’s weird how all these free thinkers come to the same conclusion, one disturbing thing for me is the lack of empathy from these ‘special ones’....can probably be traced back to Ickes theory about ‘minion incarnations’ ( untermensch) that he was spouting back in 90’s, where it once was about ’infinite love’ it’s now gone full narcissist with the more attractive expensively tattooed Instagram posuers farming likes types coming to the fore....
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Had a Psychedelic Society meeting yesterday and a couple of the attendees were anti-vaxxers. Nice enough people apart from those views. Always comes back to shit like "but people die from flu", "but you can still get covid if you've had the vaccine", "I don't want toxic shit injected in me" (strange thing coming from people who've ingested various weird chemicals)... :facepalm: We had to do a quick topic change a couple of times.

Also know a couple of people who are really cutting off their nose to spite their face in terms of wanting to travel abroad but it's probably not going to happen because they won't get vaccinated. I think if you asked them what their issue is with the vaccine, they probably wouldn't know, and some of the silliness comes from a partner or social circle. I wonder now if some folk aren't budging out of pride?
Hmmm. Yes and No be careful. Having read post you put up the earlier, have cause to think at some point in the future they might consider they weren't very well at the moment. Tread carefully if you have any concern for them getting better

Today they replaced all the antivax memes in their profile with "Hater" ones - plus a load of new "frightened rabbit" photos - the only antivax reference is now this :-

"About Me: I hope my haters took the covid shots because it's safe and effective like the media said hahahahaha "

So I redacted the item in my profile and changed the label to this :-

"This is what anti-vaccination conspiracies can do to an otherwise apparently normal person. - albeit this is PalTalk ... it was around 04.25 their time on a Tuesday morning."
Someone on nextdoor put up a pro putin message along the same lines and got serially laughed at, then put up a 'Hope all the haters are satisfied' type message and got serially laughed at again. :)
It's interesting how quickly these people adopt a victim posture...and that seems to be true in spades of those expressing support for Putin, including on Urban :hmm:
I don't know if I've mentioned it before but I encountered my first nuclear weapon denier the other day (as in Japanese photos faked) - of course they're also an antivaxxer and believes CBD cures everything ...
The guy has been dining out for years for having done session work for Glenn Matlock.

About Me:10+ net Global #1s - Global media via Out-Rage 02 by Pistol Glen M - played on 4 UK vinyls - been in several signed UK bands
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I don't know if I've mentioned it before but I encountered my first nuclear weapon denier the other day (as in Japanese photos faked) - of course they're also an antivaxxer and believes CBD cures everything ...
The guy has been dining out for years for having done session work for Glenn Matlock.
what is a nuclear weapons denier?
Sorry if it sounds stupid but I am beffudled by this.
what is a nuclear weapons denier?
Sorry if it sounds stupid but I am beffudled by this.
It's somewhat similar to Holocaust denier - with "nuclear weapons" being a lie used to control the sheeple just like Covid ... as two sheds suggested it's all about the photos - and since these were relatively small bombs, they can always cite Dresden and say it was just conventional weapons...

The particular idiot in this case isn't even a fan of the UK Tory govt.

His main "thing" - apart from antivax is the evils of alcohol versus weed - I'm guessing he's a recovered alcoholic - even moderate consumption with food being used to suggest that the brains of said sheeple have been permanently damaged ....

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Just up for my middle aged bloke wee so checked my socials. Made the mistake of sending a pro-vaccine tweet in response to fears that infection rates are going up as a consequence of recent government decisions and of course I've become a target of the anti-everything brigade 🤦🏻‍♀️

Middle aged bloke wees are a hoax. Tell us why you were really up! We demand the truth!!!
Some of these nutters are still trying to report the vaccine roll-out as a crime, this copper is having none of that bullshit. :D

oh fuck it blows my mind. it's so surreal. he's just using magic words to try and bring down the Police State. Can you imagine being that far gone? really think it through.

fuuuucccck its mad
some of them i think are just rigidly anti-social/narcissistic. when you see them it's just extreme selfishness manifest. lack of concern for others combined with a mind blowing faith in their own thought proceses/research.

others i think are lost, and it is sad. i do feel for them. it's like watching someone in the throws of a breakdown that is entirely a product of their own intellectual and emotional choices, and the grifters who have funded their mortgages from it. they seem to lack any sort of quiet introspection, that thought that is so useful to most people "...perhaps i might be wrong..." its sad. i hope they manage to move on.
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