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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I have very hard water and have never descaled anything.
I took the filter off the kettle because it used to clog up :D
The limescale has probably saved me from the ill-effects of the lead water pipe... :hmm:
citric acid for descaling
Screenshot just above : Exactly what is "The UK Study"?? :confused: -- are they legit scierntists? :hmm:

Those utterly barking conspiraloons :mad: who seem to be monopolising the reactions :mad: do make me a little suspicious :rolleyes:, but I suppose "The UK Study" people may just be innocent victims in this .....

But as for the first ALL CAPS loonspud ("GET YOUR EVIL HANDS OFF KIDS"), I wonder how she's bringing up her kids? :hmm:
To follow in her crazy footsteps??

Fucks sake! :facepalm:
It's a sponsored advert on FB and it says valneva study on teenager so sounds legit but I never click on those things as a matter of principle.
Sometimes wonder if these kind of FB posts are mostly wind-ups, with some genuine conspiracy dickheads thrown into the mix
I wish I could be as positive as you.
I worry that this ant-vaxx attitude will be spreading further into "normal" vaccinations like MMR ...

Get kids to have their shots - I had both Measles & Mumps as a kid.
The diseases made me quite ill & I got fairly serious "complications" on both occasions.
And was told that adults run much higher risks with the "complications" with them.
[Mumps & adult males, anyone ?]
I worry that this ant-vaxx attitude will be spreading further into "normal" vaccinations like MMR ...
Vaccine resistance in previous centuries was often about the imposition of laws by unelected leaders.
The current wave is massively down to Wakefield / MMR.
If anyone deserves to personally experience infectious disease it's him - though you can bet your life he's fully-vaccinated ...

I wonder if Mad Mel Philips will re-explore her MMR bullshit in light of her Damascean conversion to vaccination-advocate thanks to Israel having recently being in the lead ...
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. . . I got a bit excited about super powers and being able to retire early for a minute there...
Mate, both me and Mrs Voltz are both double vaxxed AND boosted and I still don't get a G mobile signal let alone 5G where we live . . . but we both have taken early retirement, so swings and roundabouts 'n' that
I may have to visit a less enlightened part of town - I have a bit of scourer in my back pocket and nothing worthy of my attention for months :p
Good that's been shut down - I was so very tempted to "comment" on the page.

The one set up by Northumberland Hunt Watch - to replace a vandalised car and add some cctv / security - has reached the initial [small] target with gofundme interfering ...
...donations to the convoy are back open via paypal, which I think means peeps will be sending funds direct to an individual....😳
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