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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I seem to recall being told that one has to tell someone to leave a place [like a Railway Station after train operating hours] three times, before 'civil' trespass has been committed. Assuming damage hasn't been done, when it becomes something more serious.
I'm neither a police-person or a lawyer, but England does have "breach of the peace" (think there was something further back on this thread where police said they would nick twats for breach of the peace if they didn't shut up and bugger off - or words to that effect)
I once got threatened with arrest for causing a breach of the peace by shouting at Princess Anne. The police can and do use it for anything they don’t like or approve of
I once got threatened with arrest for causing a breach of the peace by shouting at Princess Anne. The police can and do use it for anything they don’t like or approve of

Whether a court would have felt you shouting at her was sufficient to amount to an offence is another matter. But I take your point that coppers threaten arrest to get their way
A lot of of professions have oaths when they qualify. The police one is:

I (name) ...of (police force)... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

And doctors have the hippocratic oath, etc.

I assume the antivaxx lot are so certain in their nonsense about crimes being committed and human rights violations that they think somehow mentioning the oath will guilt trip cops into closing down vaccine centres or whatever bollocks they think they are doing.

From the vids I've seen it is almost like they think they are doing a clever entrapment where if the cop says yes they are working as a police officer today, look at the uniform mate, that this means they can't deny they were in the wrong when the great day of judgement happens.

This is all nonsense, of course. You can't be at work as police officer and NOT be "under your oath" as that is what you've signed up to do - it's part of the contract.
Thanks, I just wondered why coppers don't say 'yes, I'm here under my oath' because I thought the loons were asking for something different than what you've posted.

Like you say it's probably some sort of bizarre attempt at entrapment but I suppose loons are gonna loon.
I seem to recall being told that one has to tell someone to leave a place [like a Railway Station after train operating hours] three times, before 'civil' trespass has been committed. Assuming damage hasn't been done, when it becomes something more serious.

IIRC, as a result of mostly historic/archaic legal issues around how it was purchased/obtained/requisitioned under the various railway acts and the later amalgamation into BR, "Railway Land" is treated/viewed a bit differently from other places when it comes to trespass and other access-related issues/enforcement.
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IIRC, as a result of mostly historic/archaic legal issues around how it was purchased/obtained/requisitioned under the various railway acts and the later amalgamation into BR, "Railway Land" is treated/viewed a bit differently from other places when it comes to trespass and other access-related issues/enforcement.
Yup, and there are [or used to be] some other useful laws specifically for damage & trespass on railway land. inc running lines.
Yup, and there are [or used to be] some other useful laws specifically for damage & trespass on railway land. inc running lines.
It's crazy to watch Youtube videos of people taking the piss around US rail lines - whereas you can be arrested for Jay-walking there !
Coppers threatening "aggravated trespass" to get loons out of the station:

That's a very good and very obvious point made by the copper there. If the crime has already been reported and there's already a crime number then it's already being investigated. Why the need to report it at multiple police stations reading the same old script? It's totally bizarre. It's like me having my phone robbed, reporting it at Clapham nick, getting a crime number and then turning up at Wimbledon nick the next day saying 'my phone's been robbed and I've got a crime number from Clapham.'
Do we think someone is coining it in with contributions from these saps ?
Yes absolutely but I don't know enough about the personalities. The "12 Rules For What" book on net fascsim describes this sort of thing as an eco-system with various grifters vying for positions where they can make loadsamoney and be famous.

My guess is that there will be people trying to be full time activists and content creators who will be asking for donations (are the "common law constable" training courses free? Dunno).

Then things will ramp up when someone is finally charged for wasting police time or aggravated trespass or harassment or any of the bazillion things that they could be done for. Appeals for legal aid "free x" etc.
Some good quotes in that article...

"Sean also said his car, which he called his 'beautiful Jenny', had also been seized by the DVLA due to it having no tax."

Freeman stuff I wonder?

"Was it all worth it? Yes! If I’ve saved one life then yes," the Manchester actor went on.

Ego fueled dick, more like helped people die.

"He went on to in military drama Our Girl as Fingers but was killed off in series four."

Sean also said his car, which he called his 'beautiful Jenny', had also been seized by the DVLA due to it having no tax.

"Was it all worth it? Yes! If I’ve saved one life then yes," the Manchester actor went on.

So it wasn't worth it then.

I reckon their 'why vehicle excise duty is mass murder' pamphlet would be quite entertaining to be fair.
I reckon he'd still be finding work as an actor if he hadn't decided to start being a dripping, crusty conspiracock. These people have an amazing ability to empty an entire magazine into their feet, all while blaming everything except their own thick-headed decisions, made on the basis of batshit.


I'm hoping that as a guy who's only a year younger than me, that he's some kind of outlier for folks of my generation. It would be nice to think that my cohort isn't overly represented among the ranks of the mush-brained morons.
In my defence, whether I watch Coronation Street or not it's impossible to look at the MEN for long before knowing who most of the actors are. (Although I actually got this one confused with Shayne Ward).
I don't know how I knew the name, - perhaps LBC news ...but I had a colleague called Marcus and I constantly kept getting "Trescothick" in my head trying to remember his name ..
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