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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Do we think someone is coining it in with contributions from these saps ?

Money for stickers. Money for newspapers. Money for posters. Money for Tshirts. Money for travel. Money for websites, streaming and "presence". Money for organising protests. Money for just the sake of collecting money.

The parallels with QAnon are stark. Get the money, promise the world, run off with the profits when nothing happens.
Me neither. But it would appear that he's some kind of D-list actor, who probably decided his fame gave him some significance as an "influencer", went large on it, and found out he wasn't quite as special as he thought he was. See also: Lawrence Fox :D
Big difference though, is that being of a different class, Fox will do just fine.
The cricketer?

Doesn't bother me hugely, they're effectively saying there is no such thing as the concept of common law constables.

Not just uk but promising ...

A 50-year-old bearded man, a former anti-vaxxer with his head in a ventilation apparatus, gasps for air as he tells the Italian state-owned broadcaster, RAI, about his painful realization. From a hospital bed in Piacenza, in Northern Italy, the man has a message for his fellow unvaccinated. “Vaccinate yourselves,” he scolds them lightly, the stream of oxygen muffling the words coming from his mouth.

“I made a mistake,” he concludes, drawing measured breaths. “Don’t die from this disease.”

Nearly every day in Italian newspapers and on evening TV news broadcasts there are similar reports of Italy’s no vax pentiti—the repentant no-vaxxers—who tell journalists about a kind of Damascene conversion they have had in regard to the importance of getting the COVID jab. Italy is also a country where you’ll find some of the toughest mandates in the world impelling citizens to get vaccinated, and boosted.
Heard a good one the other day. My MiL’s best friend‘s daughter has stated that her opposition to getting vaccinated has been validated by the fact that “one of her friends got the vaccine and became magnetic”….!

So naturally I’m sure that‘s 100% true and she does have a real life friend who currently can’t use cutlery and not simply something she’s read in a Facebook group about Nicky Minaj’s cousin or some such.
Heard a good one the other day. My MiL’s best friend‘s daughter has stated that her opposition to getting vaccinated has been validated by the fact that “one of her friends got the vaccine and became magnetic”….!

So naturally I’m sure that‘s 100% true and she does have a real life friend who currently can’t use cutlery and not simply something she’s read in a Facebook group about Nicky Minaj’s cousin or some such.

Heard a good one the other day. My MiL’s best friend‘s daughter has stated that her opposition to getting vaccinated has been validated by the fact that “one of her friends got the vaccine and became magnetic”….!
I'm still having to pick up my knife and fork the traditional way. I got a bit excited about super powers and being able to retire early for a minute there...
Unless they mean attractive to others. That doesn't appear to be working either.
Screenshot just above : Exactly what is "The UK Study"?? :confused: -- are they legit scierntists? :hmm:

Those utterly barking conspiraloons :mad: who seem to be monopolising the reactions :mad: do make me a little suspicious :rolleyes:, but I suppose "The UK Study" people may just be innocent victims in this .....

But as for the first ALL CAPS loonspud ("GET YOUR EVIL HANDS OFF KIDS"), I wonder how she's bringing up her kids? :hmm:
To follow in her crazy footsteps??

Fucks sake! :facepalm:
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