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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Rock Against Racism was created in response to Clapton's "wogs out, keep Britain white" rant, maybe its time for Rock Against Conspiraloonery.
Just read about that and I never new that about EC. Always found him to be a bit up his own arse anyway but little less time for him after reading that given his art was built on the back of the black musicians that pioneered the music he is so well known for.
I laughed my arse off when she said 'I was at Sandringham' whilst brandishing a picture of her at Sandringham.


And when she said she out ranked the police officer 😂
That type of behaviour is illegal in Canada.

Maybe you guys should pass something similar....

I'm neither a police-person or a lawyer, but England does have "breach of the peace" (think there was something further back on this thread where police said they would nick twats for breach of the peace if they didn't shut up and bugger off - or words to that effect)
I'm neither a police-person or a lawyer, but England does have "breach of the peace" (think there was something further back on this thread where police said they would nick twats for breach of the peace if they didn't shut up and bugger off - or words to that effect)

Then why was the woman in the video not arrested or escorted out and given a fine?
Then why was the woman in the video not arrested or escorted out and given a fine?
If you watch the video the coppers said something like 'you've made your point you can either leave now or we do it the hard way' so there are powers to remove cretins like this.

Maybe the police were enjoying them making an arse of themselves and the fact everyone there was either ignoring them or calling them mental? I know I would've enjoyed that if I was a copper.
I had a bloody nightmare about body-slamming that hideous British solicitor ... it pays to remember that the BNP was led by a law graduate ...
What is the 'are you standing under your oath?' crap these freeman types always bollock on about?
A lot of of professions have oaths when they qualify. The police one is:

I (name) ...of (police force)... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

And doctors have the hippocratic oath, etc.

I assume the antivaxx lot are so certain in their nonsense about crimes being committed and human rights violations that they think somehow mentioning the oath will guilt trip cops into closing down vaccine centres or whatever bollocks they think they are doing.

From the vids I've seen it is almost like they think they are doing a clever entrapment where if the cop says yes they are working as a police officer today, look at the uniform mate, that this means they can't deny they were in the wrong when the great day of judgement happens.

This is all nonsense, of course. You can't be at work as police officer and NOT be "under your oath" as that is what you've signed up to do - it's part of the contract.
If you watch the video the coppers said something like 'you've made your point you can either leave now or we do it the hard way' so there are powers to remove cretins like this.

Maybe the police were enjoying them making an arse of themselves and the fact everyone there was either ignoring them or calling them mental? I know I would've enjoyed that if I was a copper.
It would be aggravated trespass I presume - I've heard coppers in other videos mention it. Vaccine centres are open to the public, but if you're told to leave (and don't) you're then trespassing.

A person commits the offence of aggravated trespass if he trespasses on land [F1in the open air] and, in relation to any lawful activity which persons are engaging in or are about to engage in on that or adjoining land [F2in the open air], does there anything which is intended by him to have the effect—

(a)of intimidating those persons or any of them so as to deter them or any of them from engaging in that activity,

(b)of obstructing that activity, or

(c)of disrupting that activity.
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