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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Well quite. But you're the one who seems to have an issue with it for some strange reason.

Maybe it's time to broaden your horizons. :thumbs:
You're the one who leapt on the bit about the pink hair dye, and hasn't stopped going on about it since.

Yeah, OK, there's a bit of a stereotypical judgement there, but he was talking about someone who was patently not a lawyer pretending to be one and the comment only mentions the hair colour in passing as one of the things that makes her not look like a lawyer - "all completely undermined by the fact she's got pink hair and is chatting pure, unadulterated horse shit but with all the certainty of a highly trained lawyer".

Personally, I think you're seeing discrimination where it doesn't exist, at least in this particular case.

Had the pretend-lawyer been one of the equally peculiar-looking men in these rabbles that are going round serving notice on people, there would no doubt have been some characteristic of their appearance, maybe straggly beards, that was equally incongruous with the notion of their being a lawyer.

Straggly beards and pink hair may not automatically mean that someone isn't a lawyer, but in combination with the other aspects of their behaviour, it hardly lends much credence to that idea. And the whole point of this is idiots assuming positions of authority they clearly lack, and lack the capability to even successfully pretend to have.

Personally, I never noticed that the hair was pink - I thought it was grey. And the knowledge that her hair was pink rather than grey doesn't lower my opinion of her at all, given that the performance was still, as I described it earlier, like watching a child pretending to drive a train. The idea that she'd do that with pink hair does rather confirm her total lack of self-awareness, though - if she ever hoped she'd persuade people she did know what she was talking about, the pink hair definitely wasn't going to help, no matter how right-on you might want to insist people on Urban describe her.
Has anyone mentioned the barrister upthread who was offering support to the loons in the street while wearing wig and gown ... somewhat like the Internet doctors wearing a white coat and especially a stethoscope ?
You're the one who leapt on the bit about the pink hair dye, and hasn't stopped going on about it since.

Yeah, OK, there's a bit of a stereotypical judgement there, but he was talking about someone who was patently not a lawyer pretending to be one and the comment only mentions the hair colour in passing as one of the things that makes her not look like a lawyer - "all completely undermined by the fact she's got pink hair and is chatting pure, unadulterated horse shit but with all the certainty of a highly trained lawyer".

Personally, I think you're seeing discrimination where it doesn't exist, at least in this particular case.

Had the pretend-lawyer been one of the equally peculiar-looking men in these rabbles that are going round serving notice on people, there would no doubt have been some characteristic of their appearance, maybe straggly beards, that was equally incongruous with the notion of their being a lawyer.

Straggly beards and pink hair may not automatically mean that someone isn't a lawyer, but in combination with the other aspects of their behaviour, it hardly lends much credence to that idea. And the whole point of this is idiots assuming positions of authority they clearly lack, and lack the capability to even successfully pretend to have.

Personally, I never noticed that the hair was pink - I thought it was grey. And the knowledge that her hair was pink rather than grey doesn't lower my opinion of her at all, given that the performance was still, as I described it earlier, like watching a child pretending to drive a train. The idea that she'd do that with pink hair does rather confirm her total lack of self-awareness, though - if she ever hoped she'd persuade people she did know what she was talking about, the pink hair definitely wasn't going to help, no matter how right-on you might want to insist people on Urban describe her.
Oh dear! I thought the principle of attacking people's views/actions rather than how they look was pretty well established round here.

You also seem to have pretty fixed (and dare I say, old-fashioned?) Ideas of what a lawyer should or does look like..? Strangely enough, they come in all shapes and sizes and with various hair colours. :)
Oh dear! I thought the principle of attacking people's views/actions rather than how they look was pretty well established round here.

You also seem to have pretty fixed (and dare I say, old-fashioned?) Ideas of what a lawyer should or does look like..? Strangely enough, they come in all shapes and sizes and with various hair colours. :)
You're missing the point. You've made the hair colour thing a big deal, while completely ignoring the context of the argument.

And, while I can't speak for Doctor Carrot, I can tell you on your own behalf that your attempts to read my mind are failing miserably ;) :thumbs:
You're missing the point. You've made the hair colour thing a big deal, while completely ignoring the context of the argument.
My point is that mentioning someone's appearance (whether it be their hair colour, teeth, weight or whatever else) should have no place in the argument at all.
And, while I can't speak for Doctor Carrot, I can tell you on your own behalf that your attempts to read my mind are failing miserably ;) :thumbs:
Oh, I would never try to read you mind. Didn't need to tbh.
My point is that mentioning someone's appearance (whether it be their hair colour, teeth, weight or whatever else) should have no place in the argument at all.

Oh, I would never try to read you mind. Didn't need to tbh.
And right there's your mistake. You've already decided you know what other people are thinking. Nice one.
Well if you will write stuff down... 🤣

Anyway, no interest in continuing this.
For the record I mentioned the hair colour because it is kinda funny to me people with shocking pink hair, blue etc being serious. By funny I mean for about 3 seconds, like a little chuckle. Not because I think they're stupid, that their arguments are invalid, that they shouldn't have pink hairor whatever (I myself have had various colours in the past) I just think the juxtaposition between the two is amusing. That's it.

I also find it funny that on a thread (or it may have been the other one) where people who clearly have mental health issues have been laughed at and on a forum where people regularly have wank fantasies about stringing people up who are politically opposed to them, hair dye is where you make your stand but hey ho, it's one of the many reasons to love urban.

More than happy for all this to dye down now though.
Govt ends restrictions on Friday.

Loons have a shamble against restrictions on Saturday.

Last week Jeanette Archer announced the next action in her campaign against the VIP Lizard Paedos.
A visit to Waddesdon Manor, a National Trust property that was built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild.


Can't help feeling there might be some subtext to this but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Archer's previous marches have had secondary targets. Reportedly she announced this one would too, and one of her genius followers apparently let slip that it was a vaccination centre.

Sadly the day did not go to plan. Entertaining twitter thread here from someone who followed the live feeds and the videos posted to Facebook by attendees, and the commentary and encouragement from their online supporters. Link to twitter thread. Archived here as a web page.

Archer and her unpleasant partner were arrested on the way there. The person who mentioned the plan to go on to a vaccination centre also didn't arrive, but instead spent his afternoon live streaming footage of the police car following him. Still, never mind, there was a speech from Danny Rampling.

Loads of people dye their hair to hide the grey, men and women. I bet there's fucktons of solicitors with a bit of colour in their barnet.
I would definitely go for colour rather than artifice ... I'm sometimes annoyed with young people dyeing their hair faux-grey - perhaps they think it gives them gravitas ...
I went from pony tail to buzz-cutting once I started thinning on top and before the grey fully set in.
The facial hair is a bit Werthers Original if I let it go too long ...
Last week Jeanette Archer announced the next action in her campaign against the VIP Lizard Paedos.
A visit to Waddesdon Manor, a National Trust property that was built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild.


Can't help feeling there might be some subtext to this but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Archer's previous marches have had secondary targets. Reportedly she announced this one would too, and one of her genius followers apparently let slip that it was a vaccination centre.

Sadly the day did not go to plan. Entertaining twitter thread here from someone who followed the live feeds and the videos posted to Facebook by attendees, and the commentary and encouragement from their online supporters. Link to twitter thread. Archived here as a web page.

Archer and her unpleasant partner were arrested on the way there. The person who mentioned the plan to go on to a vaccination centre also didn't arrive, but instead spent his afternoon live streaming footage of the police car following him. Still, never mind, there was a speech from Danny Rampling.

Speak of themselves in the third person, like she is a ...
I would definitely go for colour rather than artifice ... I'm sometimes annoyed with young people dyeing their hair faux-grey - perhaps they think it gives them gravitas ...
tbf it quite suits some (younger) people
I wonder if the UK Royal nonsense gets considerably down-sized once Andrew is banged-up and post Liz, the SRA thing will have less traction in the UK ...
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