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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

There's just something highly amusing to me about the fact she's there with all her papers, glasses on and being uber serious only to have it all completely undermined by the fact she's got pink hair and is chatting pure, unadulterated horse shit but with all the certainty of a highly trained lawyer.
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There's just something highly amusing to me about the fact she's there with all her papers, glasses on and being uber serious only to have it all completely undermined by the fact she's got pink hair and is chatting pure, unadulterated horse shit but with all the certainty of a highly trained trained lawyer.
It's like watching a kid pretending to be a train driver.

"Looks like we're gonna have to go back to the drawing board".

Scratches head.

Funny that. Almost like what these loonspuds believe is an utter load of shite.
There's just something highly amusing to me about the fact she's there with all her papers, glasses on and being uber serious only to have it all completely undermined by the fact she's got pink hair and is chatting pure, unadulterated horse shit but with all the certainty of a highly trained lawyer.
Not sure what having pink hair has got to do with anything. :confused:
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And they are out in London again today, and "around the world"...
My acquaintance believe the lifting of restrictions in the UK is because of his brave demonstrating throughout...
The delusion is deep in him.
I know it is wrong but I think the fact that lifting the restrictions will be victory for these cunts pisses me of more than Johnson going fuck it a few hundred (thousand? More?) more dead is less important than me staying in my job.
I know it is wrong but I think the fact that lifting the restrictions will be victory for these cunts pisses me of more than Johnson going fuck it a few hundred (thousand? More?) more dead is less important than me staying in my job.

Thing is they're so desperate to be oppressed they don't seem to have actually noticed that.
I wonder what the grifters will move on to next - they'll hardly want to waste all that attention on themselves.
Great Reset encompasses everything neatly.
Climate change seems to be the next ‘big one’ from what I’ve seen so far. Fuck knows what shite they’re gonna come out with on that one.
Well yes, just like lockdowns it impiges on their "freedom" to not do the right thing.
Actually grownups believing that 'the vaccine' can be 'under criminal investigation'.

That's not how crime works. You can't charge a medical intervention with a crime. :facepalm:
What the loonies do is to start from the conclusion they wish to have (vaccines R BAAD), and cherrypick stuff which supports that conclusion. And the further they go into the cherry picking, the loonier it looks to us...even though to them they have constructed a logical edifice which confirms itself.
I feel sorry for a lot of them, just poor confused fuckers taken in by complete bullshit. i see some of those videos and think that’s someone’s mum accosting hospital staff with utter nonsense, imagine if that was a family member, not ashamed to humiliate themselves on camera because of going down an internet wormhole. It’s kind of tragic.
This has crossed my mind too.

The ring leaders exploiting and preying on the vulnerable who will lose jobs, friends, relationships. Once you’ve started down the wormhole can you get out again?

Same as any other cult really.
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