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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

And at another centre, they arrested the police :D

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Serious question - does anyone else find that one of the strangest things they've seen humans do? Genocide. Trying to arrest the police. Magical Crime Codes. Magic words. Nuremburg codes. Ordinary wellness mum type saying that Chris Copper is complicit in mass genocide?

It honestly leaves me speachless. Is it all unprecidented? What the actual fuck?
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It's cargo cult-ism - whether they use the symbols of science or law...
None of them understand the shit they claim to believe - I would guess a lot of them are too scared to admit that in public ...

And then you get the ostensibly intelligent ones - like the Oxbridge educated lawyer who thought it OK to step way out of his area ...
i won't prattle on but the Decoding the Guru's Joe - 200 million downloads a month - Rogan episodes are truly terrifying, if you like that sort of thing lol.
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But others have TOLD them that's what the bollocks means ...
of course. it's not like they've sat in teh british library for decades studying this stuff. they've read a few articles been sent to them and suddenly magic powers. again it's that lack of humility, astonishing. i've never seen hubris like it in my life time in the discourse. i guess it's always been there but the pandemic was the stick that prodded it into sight.
Serious question - does anyone else find that one of the strangest things they've seen humans do? Genocide. Trying to arrest the police. Magical Crime Codes. Magic words. Nuremburg codes. Ordinary wellness mum type saying that Chris Coper is complicit in mass genocide?

It honestly leaves me speachless. Is it all unprecidented? What the actual fuck?
'citizens arrests' have been banged on about by the loons for decades.
There's probably a handful of idiots who dream up this shit - the projects and the depositions are probably the equivalent of the Trump team's, - probably a few idiots with law degrees, the minions just need to remember a few set phrases ...
I've been posting comedy shite on loons' Facebooks who've forwarded shite about Malone, graphine and Luciferase ... I found myself posting on Gov. Mike Huckabee's page earlier :D
of course. it's not like they've sat in teh british library for decades studying this stuff. they've read a few articles been sent to them and suddenly magic powers. again it's that lack of humility, astonishing. i've never seen hubris like it in my life time in the discourse. i guess it's always been there but the pandemic was the stick that prodded it into sight.

"I think we've all had enough of experts"

This sort of sums it up. People are now free to believe anything they want in the face of all the evidence, because it's just ok to do thst now. Why should the view of any doctor /scientist /expert be more valid than mine? The fact that it's the opinion of almost all doctors that they're going against doesn't seem to trouble them
I just think it's what the internet "does" to some people. i am less persuaded by teh usual troupe of social and economic explanations. I think a lot of this is just pure alogrithym manifest.

These kind of cranks existed before the internet, and once the internet became more popular, they started congregating on USENET and later on web forums. But the advent of social media, along with the ability of its polarising and concentrating algorithms to create virtual bubble-worlds for people to live in vicariously, has explosively accelerated the ability of cranks to find each other and generate their own networks off the back of social media infrastructure. This created much more of a market for grifters and chancers to make money off these people. And now they're also being weaponised by various governments in an attempt to weaken and destroy the fabric of their enemies' societies.

I have a terrible feeling that this situation is going to get really ugly before substantive action is taken to address it.
I feel sorry for a lot of them, just poor confused fuckers taken in by complete bullshit. i see some of those videos and think that’s someone’s mum accosting hospital staff with utter nonsense, imagine if that was a family member, not ashamed to humiliate themselves on camera because of going down an internet wormhole. It’s kind of tragic.

I did. I still feel sorry for their families and friends but I’ve lost any sympathy for them. They are filed in the same part of my mind as fascists and religious extremists. They are actively causing harm to people and I’ve run out of understanding. I understand where you’re coming from though.
These kind of cranks existed before the internet, and once the internet became more popular, they started congregating on USENET and later on web forums. But the advent of social media, along with the ability of its polarising and concentrating algorithms to create virtual bubble-worlds for people to live in vicariously, has explosively accelerated the ability of cranks to find each other and generate their own networks off the back of social media infrastructure. This created much more of a market for grifters and chancers to make money off these people. And now they're also being weaponised by various governments in an attempt to weaken and destroy the fabric of their enemies' societies.

I have a terrible feeling that this situation is going to get really ugly before substantive action is taken to address it.
i still think this all started with trump's "fake news" memes. a turning point. he just used to say to anyone who disagreed with him "that's fake news" and i can remember feeling somethign change. somethign ripple through. it's grim. the people we see in these videos are just the tip of the spear, or tip of the iceburg. this stuff is counted by a better education system, a more equal society, educating children about how teh internet works, how it monitizes attention and emotion. i've already explained to my daughter what a "grifter is" "someone who uses provoking views over and over again so he can pay his mortgage." it's all capitalism once again init.
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