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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Looks like they're coming down harder on the loons. Not quite sure how I feel - totally agree to protect NHS staff int cases like this but could be misused.

I'm sure they'll scream about being oppressed but they'll do that anyway so I don't see it gives them much additional ammo.

I'm not in favour of their demos bring cracked down on, annoying as they are, as I can see where that leads beyond their cause. Harrassing patients and hospital staff in a pandemic though? Fuck em.
What sick pay do you even get at Ocado and Morrisons? I would have assumed it was statutory anyway, which comes from the DWP doesn't it?
There seems to be a few of them wanging on about "an active investigation" via Hammersmith Police station which I thought sounded like a load of bollocks. So:

I completely believe that there is a crime number but that is not the same thing as an active investigation.

The people attacking vax and testing sites are using this heavily as they believe the old bill should be closing them to 'gather evidence'. They are trying to enforce this with their role as Common Law Constables :D :D
The people attacking vax and testing sites are using this heavily as they believe the old bill should be closing them to 'gather evidence'. They are trying to enforce this with their role as Common Law Constables :D :D
Yeeeeeeeeees. Be interesting to see if any of them get done for impersonating a police officer.
What sick pay do you even get at Ocado and Morrisons? I would have assumed it was statutory anyway, which comes from the DWP doesn't it?
Don’t know about Ocado but the long-standing supermarkets and retailers would - I imagine - have fairly decent sick pay cover especially for those on legacy contracts which would include occupational sick pay. Possibly including a 3-day lead in period so unpaid for absences less than 3 days which is quite common in retail and other low paid industries eg care.

Usually the same sickness entitlement applies to all staff - including the head office staff, and you won’t recruit good accountants etc if you don’t offer sick pay.

SSP is paid by the employer and is not recoverable from HMRC.
What sick pay do you even get at Ocado and Morrisons? I would have assumed it was statutory anyway, which comes from the DWP doesn't it?
Don't know, but a friend's son works for a company in Cornwall that was recently taken over by Morrisons and they all got a pay rise and (I think) extra holiday so Morrisons can't be that bad - he enjoys working there.
One of my colleagues and his boy were at the Aberdeen/Rangers match last night. One of the first since the Scottish restrictions were eased but with a requirement that 50% of those admitted be checked for compliance with the vaccine passport scheme.

A group of about thirty anti-vax/passport protesters were outside, determined to make their presence felt. Which became difficult as they soon needed to be ringed by police (who were there in greater than normal quantity) for their own protection.

The chant of “Get vaxxed or get fucked!” Was heard at one point!
Don’t know about Ocado but the long-standing supermarkets and retailers would - I imagine - have fairly decent sick pay cover especially for those on legacy contracts which would include occupational sick pay. Possibly including a 3-day lead in period so unpaid for absences less than 3 days which is quite common in retail and other low paid industries eg care.

Usually the same sickness entitlement applies to all staff - including the head office staff, and you won’t recruit good accountants etc if you don’t offer sick pay.

SSP is paid by the employer and is not recoverable from HMRC.

A BBC article on the story has this:

Unjabbed Morrisons workers who are told to isolate but test negative now get statutory sick pay of £96.35 a week.

Covid-positive staff get full sick pay regardless of vaccination status. The firm pays staff at least £10 per hour.

Purebloods‘is the term they like.
Fascinating bunch of people. We've been told that that an attack is imminent at our state sponsored microchipping centre. The police have informed us that they have infiltrated their secret communication platform known as Facebook and that under no circumstances should we directly interact with them. We have been told to leave any counter demonstration actions to the Plodders so they can thwart the attack by escorting them off the site in an orderly manner. Probably going to be the biggest challenge of my career. :D
I struggle to imagine what it must be like to somehow have managed to get into adulthood without acquiring the very basics of a science education - while simultaneously having access to the world's knowledge in your pocket at all times ..
There are vast areas of stuff I won't ever understand - I barely step outside Newtonian physics for example, but I feel I can make fairly intelligent judgements about who to trust ...
But billions of people don't have a clue where oil comes from for instance ...
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