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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

A fellow traveller linked from his Youtube channel is apparently a "Tartarian" - a batshit conspiracy I am resisting allowing any space in my head ...
Basically apparently denying recent history - but I suppose the late 19th and early 20th centuries must seem that much more fuzzy to a millenial ...

I'm sure there plenty of amazing millenials and younger out there, but I despair at what will happen when there's no one left who remembers the pre-Facebook age ... but for as many of us who remember polio and the vaccines, there are others who still think pox parties were a good idea ... though shingles may change their minds ...
I'm sure there plenty of amazing millenials and younger out there, but I despair at what will happen when there's no one left who remembers the pre-Facebook age ... but for as many of us who remember polio and the vaccines, there are others who still think pox parties were a good idea ... though shingles may change their minds ...

Pretty sure that a lot of Millennials are abandoning Facebook. Younger gens are all about the TikToks and Instagrams these days, less likely to run into your cringey Boomer/GenX relatives on there.
I've looked a lot at SciManDan's youtube channel where he is debunking the Flat Earthers and other conspiracies, and a common theme running though them is no matter what evidence / proof is shown to the Flat Earthers they are not interested. The conspiracy is true and any evidence to the contrary is fake.

Flat Earther: See there are no flights going across the Southern Hemisphere as it's shorter to go North
Person: But look Qantas fly to from Sydney to Santiago (QF27 I think)
Flat Earther: But it doesn't fly every day and it's fake anyway.

Anti Vaxxers seem to be the nadir of this thought process.
Thanks for the tip on that twitter account, it's wild.

I've wasted about half an hour of my life today watching these absolute buffoons make fools of themselves.

However after seeing the type of people in the majority of videos I am concerned that garden centres are becoming hubs of radicalisation and therefore "we" should probably invade/bomb/freedom them all.
I feel sorry for a lot of them, just poor confused fuckers taken in by complete bullshit. i see some of those videos and think that’s someone’s mum accosting hospital staff with utter nonsense, imagine if that was a family member, not ashamed to humiliate themselves on camera because of going down an internet wormhole. It’s kind of tragic.
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