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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I was listening to Rumpole a lot during the summer and the key thing about him is he "doesn't know much actual law .." .
As someone who hasn't read a book in many years, it makes my head hurt when I see how apparently simple things can be made to fill whole books ...
I suspect it's an over-simplification, but we must admit - not least because of our grouchy middle-ageness that we make judgements - we predict by the way people present themselves - plus the context - we triage them into possible friend, foe or whatever ...
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I confess I requested "Spycatcher" from the local library when it first came out - perhaps for vaguely "political" reasons - ... I did actually find some of the analogue radio techniques interesting ... this was pre-Internet times ..

I actually bought The Satanic Verses on principle but couldn't get through the first chapter ...
I confess I requested "Spycatcher" from the local library when it first came out - perhaps for vaguely "political" reasons - ... I did actually find some of the analogue radio techniques interesting ... this was pre-Internet times ..
Were you wearing a bronco hat at the time? :hmm:
Can anyone make head or arse of what this particular fucknugget is on about?

DELTA, the Triangle OMICRON the eye...Eye in the Triangle the ill uminati all seeing all controlling eye? Omicron: Soul Dest royer Omicron is the Phoe nic ian A in "Eye"; the Eye of Hor us. Omicron is Zero seen in Zo ro aster "Undiluted Star" aka Bl ack Star/Bl ack Sun, the missing Vowel in G-D used by Rab bis to designate their false god YH WH (Sat an), the Crown/Halo and Ser pent eating its own tail. O-micron "small/micro" and O-mega "Large/Vast" is seen in Gravity, the Force giving Mass to Matter on the Micro level .. you awake yet?
You can see the attraction for them though - they're at the very front of understanding the conspiracy that's going on right in front of people. Unique and fundamental research to enlighten the people following them.
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