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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Has this been posted yet ?
I was exploring someone's facebook friends and came across a "sovereign citizen" ... they posted this advert at least three times ...

The QR codes link to a whole load of shite

https:// pjhlaw.co.uk/wp-content /uploads/2021/12/letterMHRA.pdf
https:// www.saveusnow.org.uk /covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal/
https:// www.docdroid.com /WUjv6iw/icc-complaint-7-1-pdf

"International Criminal Court Office of the ProsecutorCommunicationsPost Office Box 195192500 CM The HagueThe NetherlandsEMAIL: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.intBEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT(TREATY OF ROME STATUTE, ART. 15.1 AND 53)"

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It's clear proof that the loons who copy and paste this shite around never read it.
And there's reams of the shite.
It looks like the work of Giuliani and crew ,,,
"Alpha Men Assemble" - see also MGTOW, FOL, INCEL, MRA ...
Always amused by men who call themselves alpha. Nothing exhibits a man's sense of security in how manly he is more than joining up with other men in groups with big manly titles that constantly announce how manly and alpha they are.

MGTOW is another favourite. Of course they're going to ignore women and go their own way because what else are they going to do when they're utterly repellent to every woman within a 5 mile radius of wherever they've gone their own way to.
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Always amused by men who call themselves alpha. Nothing exhibits a man's sense of security in how manly he is more than joining up with other men in groups with big manly titles that constantly announce how manly and alpha they are.

MGTOW is another favourite. Of course they're going to ignore women and go their own way because what else are they going to do when they're utterly repellent to every woman within a 5 mile radius of wherever they've gone their own way to.
MGTOW is just so pretentious and ridiculous. It's a way for these men to desperately have a sense of being precious and special. It's so pathetic. It's pretensious because they've tried to come up with a grandiose, special term for simply being single - or somehow better than being single. In what way are they 'going their own way'? How are they boldly 'exploring unchartered territory'? It's so sad and it smacks of insecurity and desperation. We are supposed to believe that these men are not at all dependent on women - yet the truth is that these MGTOWS are known to pay for sex workers - not exactly the self-sufficient, rugged trailblazers they claim to be. It's such dishonest, fake nonsense.
MGTOW is just so pretentious and ridiculous. It's a way for these men to desperately have a sense of being precious and special. It's so pathetic. It's pretensious because they've tried to come up with a grandiose, special term for simply being single - or somehow better than being single. In what way are they 'going their own way'? How are they boldly going into 'unchartered territory'? It's so sad and it smacks of insecurity.
If they're excluding themselves from the gene pool I can only applaud them.
MGTOW is just so pretentious and ridiculous. It's a way for these men to desperately have a sense of being precious and special. It's so pathetic. It's pretensious because they've tried to come up with a grandiose, special term for simply being single - or somehow better than being single. In what way are they 'going their own way'? How are they boldly 'exploring unchartered territory'? It's so sad and it smacks of insecurity and desperation. We are supposed to believe that these men are not at all dependent on women - yet the truth is that these MGTOWS are known to pay for sex workers - not exactly the self-sufficient, rugged trailblazers they claim to be. It's such dishonest, fake nonsense.

I very stromgly suspect that a lot of these people are failing to concentrate properly on truly insane conspiracy theories! :eek: :hmm: :D

The fucking fail-merchants! ;)
tldr, but I found loads of stuff about how Robert Malone (medical doctor but never completed the RNA/Lipid PhD) has become an anti-vax grifter ...Some are calling him the new Wakefield...

The process from his crude (failed) experiments to a viable vaccine is a very long one - and there are hints at Nobel Prizes being in the offing ...

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MGTOW is just so pretentious and ridiculous. It's a way for these men to desperately have a sense of being precious and special. It's so pathetic. It's pretensious because they've tried to come up with a grandiose, special term for simply being single - or somehow better than being single. In what way are they 'going their own way'? How are they boldly 'exploring unchartered territory'? It's so sad and it smacks of insecurity and desperation. We are supposed to believe that these men are not at all dependent on women - yet the truth is that these MGTOWS are known to pay for sex workers - not exactly the self-sufficient, rugged trailblazers they claim to be. It's such dishonest, fake nonsense.
Exactly this, they're not single by choice so they have to invent a new label so they don't feel so miserable about that fact. I watched a couple of videos of one MGTOW and he was one of the most pretentious, arrogant sounding toss pots I've ever come across. His videos are just him ranting about women, feminism and SJW type topics set to a slide show of stock images only he does it in the most smug voice imaginable. He's called sandman, I saw him about 4 years ago and yep, just checked he's still there and repeating the same topics.

No mistake these people are gross and pathetic but I do feel a tinge of sympathy because if only they'd actually work on themselves they might actually not be so repellent to women. Instead they've just found this toxic community that just makes them worse and worse over time and a potential threat to everyone else.

Anyway, apologies for derail.
No mistake these people are gross and pathetic but I do feel a tinge of sympathy because if only they'd actually work on themselves they might actually not be so repellent to women. Instead they've just found this toxic community that just makes them worse and worse over time and a potential threat to everyone else.

Anyway, apologies for derail.
Easier to blame women for all their problems than deal with them though, innit?
I do think the pandemic has been great for these groups to grow and 'recruit' those vulnerable to their ideas.
Very, its why Im here (well that and to laugh at the tiny timothys in life)
My experience says that the kind of people who put much effort into laughing at "tiny timothys" are usually doing it because, at some level, they fear themselves to be a "tiny timothy", and are frantically trying to dead-cat that idea so that people will assume they're not. 🤷‍♂️
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