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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

TBH I hope the 'rain' was someone pissing on them off that conveniently located bridge.

Disappointingly, no. Also

ACKSHERLY there wer more protesters on that bridge is just the MSM don't want you to kno how many people were really there u shud be ashamed Devon Live

Pretty much what one of the comments said.
People are very bad at understanding the numbers involved and how what may not look like a lot is a actually 'a hell of a lot more than normal'. I was thinking about this recently - luckily, thus far no immediate friends or family have died of COVID. Three people connected to them have - two friends' fathers and one friend of my parents. So I don't directly know anyone that's died. But has there ever in my life been a period of 18 months during which 3 connections of friends/family have died of the same virus? Nope. Never. It's easy to say 'Well no one I know has died', but I think everyone knows someone who knows/is related to someone who died of the same virus in what is a pretty short period, and that's unprecedented in our lifetimes.
To be fair, I think there's a valid comparison to be made between the response to Covid and the response to HIV. How would things have looked if all the stops had been pulled out to combat HIV in the same way they have for Covid? And Fauci was heavily involved in the Reagan government's response to HIV and was blamed by some activists for how poor it was.

I don't know if that's what the poster was intending to get at, and you're looking at things around 35 years removed from each other of course, but I don't think it's necessarily some mad anti-vax thing.

According to my microbiology professor mate, there are significant differences between covid and HIV, which make HIV a far trickier beast to deal with. I understood it whilst he was telling me, but can't remember any detail now.
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According to my microbiology professor mate, there are significant differences between covid and HIV, which make HIV a far trickier beast to deal with. I understood it whilst he was telling me, but can't remember any detail now.

HIV is a retrovirus, which means it writes itself in to your DNA, making them very difficult to treat. There's a relatively simple page on it here if you fancy a read.

It should be added that an absolute ton of resources has been thrown at preventing and treating HIV/AIDS but it's a much more complicated problem than a "simple" coronavirus. Nonetheless, progress has been immense and an HIV diagnosis is no longer the automatic horrific death sentence it was in the 80s (in the developed world at least).
Yeah I definitely don't think the establishment is still dragging it's heels on HIV like it's still the mid-80s or anything, or that even now they should be able to get a vaccine out in the same time period. I'd imagine it's hard for anyone who was involved at that time not to look at it and see the contrast though. I heard a good interview with someone who was an Act Up activist recently talking about it which was really worth listening to. He just sounded sad more than anything tbh.
Yeah I definitely don't think the establishment is still dragging it's heels on HIV like it's still the mid-80s or anything, or that even now they should be able to get a vaccine out in the same time period. I'd imagine it's hard for anyone who was involved at that time not to look at it and see the contrast though. I heard a good interview with someone who was an Act Up activist recently talking about it which was really worth listening to. He just sounded sad more than anything tbh.
Pretty much none of the science that has been thrown at the 'rona vaccines was available in the mid-80s. They did what they could with what they knew, but virology then was like the dark ages compared to the 2020s. In fact, a lot of the knowledge we now have actually came about because of research into HIV.
Totnes is only just down the road from me relatively speaking. I’m not sure it’s my sort of place, but have a mind there may be some gems in the charity shops. A visit for one day in the spring I think.
Saw this today on the way up to the park and removed it. I don't have a scooby who Jeanette Archer is. Also saw the same sticker in the same road the other day and did the same. Don't know if it's related but we've also had a load of Christian stickers in town - one type which says Jesus Loves You and another type that says Repent : Hell is Real.


Saw this today on the way up to the park and removed it. I don't have a scooby who Jeanette Archer is. Also saw the same sticker in the same road the other day and did the same. Don't know if it's related but we've also had a load of Christian stickers in town - one type which says Jesus Loves You and another type that says Repent : Hell is Real.

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I found this :-

She supports this guy Wilfred Wong: Gang who abducted Anglesey child and claimed satanic abuse jailed for 63 years | ITV News
One thing I discovered some time back is that when these people go down the rabbithole, they never question the other crazies they find themselves in the same club with ...

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It’s like the flat-earth lot. Every one of them has a different theory about the shape of the earth. The only one who gets a little bit of stink eye is the one claiming it has rounded corners.
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