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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

When I was working with people in and out of drug addiction and running addiction management programs some years ago Russell Brand was getting himself clean from years of abuse. His videos back then were pretty supportive of others on the same track and I'd sometimes use them with clients. He was honest about his drug use and honest about what it had cost him over the years, and also honest about the struggle to keep clean over time. Then there came a change when he started to become a bit of a life commentator offering his views as an outsider looking in on British culture. He began appearing on TV talk shows etc as if he had some special wisdom. I think people bought into his persona out of respect for his journey in getting clean from drugs. As time went on he became a parody of his previous self and I tuned out. This is the first time I've seen him in action for a long time. He seems to be standing at the top of the rabbit hole and saying to people, '"If you want to know whats really happening, here's where you can start."

A reasonable (if a bit charitable) comment on the above YouTube clip.
Its easy to be fooled by a twat that shares some of your own views just remember its likely he was a twat long before you discovered his other views
The cinema that came up here on numerous occasions is in the news again!

A cinema ordered to close, after refusing to enforce Welsh laws requiring customers to show a NHS Covid pass, went on to premiere a film by the son of conspiracy theorist David Icke, it's emerged.

Anna Redfern, owner of Swansea's Cinema & Co, admits showing a film making serious unfounded allegations against the NHS after the first court order.

Directed and produced by Icke's son Jaymie, it makes several baseless accusations against NHS doctors and nurses, including that they are deliberately killing elderly people in hospitals to "boost the numbers" of Covid deaths.

The film was described as "completely false" and "dangerous" by the head of research for the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

Redfern said Cinema & Co did not practise censorship and she had found the film thought-provoking after caring for her mother at the end of her life and reflecting on her own mortality.

The production company behind the film has not commented.

I got that off the BBC live updated page but the full story is at: Covid: Cinema & Co flouted ban to show conspiracy film

edit - oh I think this was also maybe mentioned on the main UK thread this morning but I overlooked it.
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QAnon and the plot to break reality. Reporter and presenter Gabriel Gatehouse takes a journey into the dark undergrowth of modern America

Haven't listened to it myself, yet.
First part was broadcast on R4 today.

Actually, would be more useful on a QAnon dedicated thread… will have a search to re-post there.
I think it’s been part of his worldview for a long time, 20 years I’ve known him, he’s 70 y.o and an environmental zealot, loves the covid virus and is looking forward to even more deadlier variants and even nastier viruses on top of that which will take out billions+ of humanity He sees the current situation as the opening volley of the human races karmic payback for the way we treat animals and nature.....he’s a barrel of laughs on a night out.

I fucking hate it when people slip into misanthropic rhetoric when it comes to environmental stuff. Scum such as those described are the logical endpoint of talking like that. Hypocrites and literal traitors to their entire species. Each and every one, damn their eyes.
I fucking hate it when people slip into misanthropic rhetoric when it comes to environmental stuff. Scum such as those described are the logical endpoint of talking like that. Hypocrites and literal traitors to their entire species. Each and every one, damn their eyes.

....well yeah, as i said in the post you quoted this is where conversation often ended up after a few drinks and I had to go home, he kind of saved my life once tho so there’s that.
I fucking hate it when people slip into misanthropic rhetoric when it comes to environmental stuff. Scum such as those described are the logical endpoint of talking like that. Hypocrites and literal traitors to their entire species. Each and every one, damn their eyes.
also never understood the "lets go back to nature and live in the fields off the land etc". they cannot see the inherent value in something like a damn washign machine for example. the fact that you can literally pick up a shit load of clothes, throw them in and forget about it. instead of hours scrubbing and hanging etc.

fetishizing "the natural". and if it crosses into "unnatural" then it's all evil and sick or somthing. who gets to decide what is "natural?"

agree that often at the root of that sort of outlook is just a generalised contempt for the species.

that said i am very much behind the trend to save the damn planet. to do all that we can to ensure the protection of the planet.
also never understood the "lets go back to nature and live in the fields off the land etc". they cannot see the inherent value in something like a damn washign machine for example. the fact that you can literally pick up a shit load of clothes, throw them in and forget about it. instead of hours scrubbing and hanging etc.

fetishizing "the natural". and if it crosses into "unnatural" then it's all evil and sick or somthing. who gets to decide what is "natural?"

agree that often at the root of that sort of outlook is just a generalised contempt for the species.

that said i am very much behind the trend to save the damn planet. to do all that we can to ensure the protection of the planet.

The planet will be fine though. The biosphere has survived disruptions that pale in comparison to whatever us evolved apes can throw at it. Environmentalism is (or at least should be) for our sake.
also never understood the "lets go back to nature and live in the fields off the land etc". they cannot see the inherent value in something like a damn washign machine for example. the fact that you can literally pick up a shit load of clothes, throw them in and forget about it. instead of hours scrubbing and hanging etc.

fetishizing "the natural". and if it crosses into "unnatural" then it's all evil and sick or somthing. who gets to decide what is "natural?"
They seem OK with posting all about it on Instagram though.
They seem OK with posting all about it on Instagram though.
i went through a stage of reading about modern day hermits (Into The Wild etc), and one thing that struck me more than anything with these folk who disappear into the woods etc is how unrellentingly grim/boring it sounds. and boring. and unstimulating. i went fishing, i lit a fire, i starved for a month, there's snakes in teh camp, won't stop snowing, i fished, i camped. i'd look around the warm cafe i was in and think "i'm supposed to be the brainwashed mug?"

i dunno, on one hand i get it (nothing to me more pleasurable than going fishing for a week on my own).
Some anti-vax types have even started calling omicron "nature's vaccine" - because sure, getting infected by a mutant bat virus of unknown origin with unknown long-term effects is clearly nature's way.
yeh it's the binary either/or good/bad goodie/badie way of chopping up the world in their mind. that clip of the doctor calling out the "natural immunity" guy is the perfect example of that. he senses and feels something good and pure and natural within him (his immune system) and divides his view of the pandemic accordingly. we all do this to an extent it's when theirs almost zero humility (a shrug of the shoulders and saying "i don't know" - i'll stick with the general consesus) when it becomes problematic, not always, everyone is entitled to interpret things they way they want, problematic meaning in this case ending up gasping on a ventilator.
And as I've pointed out a few times before, we are part virus anyway, ooh isnt nature wonderful!

Some anti-vax types have even started calling omicron "nature's vaccine" - because sure, getting infected by a mutant bat virus of unknown origin with unknown long-term effects is clearly nature's way.

When its severity drops down into the range of vaccine side effects I'll be happy to join them.
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