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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

A rare sticker appeared in the park.
Looks like someone else already made a start on it.
I did a fair bit of damage with my nylon spudger, but it's sneakily plastic rather than paper so may need some solvent as well as a scouring pad...

View attachment 304103

Isn’t it that the point about Jesus is he only saves you once you’re already dead? Always seemed a bit of a cop-out to me.
What I like about the vaccines is they save you while you’re still alive.
Would he have done that before covid/anti-vax stuff, or is that a spillover from recent stuff do you think?

I think it’s been part of his worldview for a long time, 20 years I’ve known him, he’s 70 y.o and an environmental zealot, loves the covid virus and is looking forward to even more deadlier variants and even nastier viruses on top of that which will take out billions+ of humanity He sees the current situation as the opening volley of the human races karmic payback for the way we treat animals and nature.....he’s a barrel of laughs on a night out.
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When does it tip into being unwell? I mean being against lockdowns, or being vaccine hesitant, yeah whatever.

But thinking there's nanobots or trackers in the vaccine, or that everyone that has it will die in 18 months, or that it's a psy-ops program of genocide and mass control etc. That's paranoia and/or delusional isn't it?

Well, if I'm going to die in six months, time to buy a Maserati on tick. :)
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