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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Yeah, basically a thing happened, but the tales escalated into the idea of a massive crowd of inbred Welsh yokels bearing pitchforks and rudimentary firearms driving someone out of their home.

I'm not saying that never happens, but generally it doesn't happen to paediatricians.
Has anyone crunched the numbers in terms of like vaccinated/unvaccinated adjusted for proportion of the population? So, what proportion of vaccinated adults are being hospitalised vs what proportion of unvaccinated adults are, that sort of thing?
Yes. Its too early to do it properly for Omicron, but rates per 100,000 of the population were being done using a number of weeks worth of data at a time during the Delta wave. This has been shown via some very dry tables in weekly variant reports, but just over a week ago that same data was used to create some nice charts in a cabinet office presentation.

See pages 12 and 13 in this document. I've posted these before but I dont remember in which thread:

As expected, they demonstrate that vaccines were having the expected effect, a big effect. I only go on about the raw figures like I did today in this thread because a different impression continues to be generated by anecdotes and in certain press reports than is actually demonstrated by the raw figures in real data. Thats not surprising either, there is more interest in the unvaccinated and when it comes to people wanting to say things in the press that they hope can make a real difference, drawing all the attention to the unvaccinated who've ended up in bad health tends to be the priority. Because some of them will be saved in future if they just listen to such messages and get vaccinated. I just happen to feel bound to describe the full situation, which inevitably includes plenty of people who were vaccinated being hospitalised.
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I am wondering whether or not the people who filed that law suit (and others who support them) genuinely truly believe what they are saying, that over 50 million people in this country will be dead (from the genocidal vaccine) within a year and a half.
Do you think they actually believe that?
If they do then they must be having meetings to plan how the world will work after the rapture.
I think they don’t really believe it, are to some degree aware that it’s a mad made up story that’s useful to them right now.
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I am wondering whether or not the people who filed that law suit (and others who support them) genuinely truly believe what they are saying, that over 50 million people in this country will be dead (from the genocidal vaccine) within a year and a half.
Do you think they actually believe that?
If they do then they must be having meetings to plan how the world will work after the rapture.
I think they don’t really believe it, are to some degree aware that it’s a mad made up story that’s useful to them right now.

Warning, coffee fueled rambles...

Think it's hard to say for sure, but I think they can be broken down into a number of sub-groups. Some, like you say, are bandwagon jumpers and don't care very much about what's said, they just see it as a chance to gather people around their ego and/or their 'politics'. They're the ones that goad the others and provide them with some form of legitimacy in the big picture. I think there's a significant number of people that believe a single bit of the whole fucked up picture (covid is not that bad, lockdowns don't work, the vaccine is dangerous, or something like that...) and finding others with similar grievances gives them and their issue some power. And then there's a hardcore of people that are fully down with a collection of contradictory and bonkers stuff who drift from various out there conspiracies and social groupings like this wherever they emerge, and are often vulnerable.

I expect the things like the court case and the groups of people turning up in hospitals to serve 'legal papers' is driven by a very small number of motivated people who genuinely believe what they're doing (goaded by the first group of bandwagon jumpers often) and then a wider group of people that are vulnerable and/or not very able to see what's going on and people with a single grievance that spiraled into ending up with them. (Often seems to be loss of work or a business, death of family member not from covid that they blame the lockdown or the NHS for, or something similar.) Don't think it's as clear-cut as that, and some of the groups overlap a bit.
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How the fuck was Piers Corbyn there? Surely he should be on some very strict bail conditions from all his arrests for this stuff? Lock the fucker up.
Reminds me of when we had a covid testing station - with squaddies ! - just across the yard from the workshop. [They did keep the cars out of our half, to be fair].

One of our neighbours has a rabid covid-denier, anti-masker & anti-vaxxer conspiraloonspud working for them.
As might be expected, he lost his 5h1te with the squaddies - who told him to "foxtrot oscar" - when he got tangled up with the incoming car queues.
What wasn't amusing was that the shitehawk has actually had covid - and one of his colleagues has kidney disease / cancer ...

I've had several rows with the twat, usually over my insistence on masking-up when I do visit the workshop during normal hours.

Our local vaccination centre has army doing some vaccinations. They're not Army Medical Corps, but soldiers that have been trained to give the vaccinations.

I'd hope that if loons tried to invade the centre, the squaddies would make their presence felt. Anyone trying to grab medical equipment from a soldier could expect a hard response.
If you are on Twitter, please consider reporting this scumbag. I do however love the response:

I would presume accusing someone of crimes might be actionable if they haven’t actually committed any crimes. Can libel writs be issued in Moscow?

I expect we will hear of her arrest very soon, as someone is bound to come forward with her name & address.
at most demonstrations where there is going to be bother - even your average well versed footie hooligan - will mask up, and certainly won't film other fellow rioters etc.

not this lot though, see the capital riot.

proper gone.
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