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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Nawaz is just another man of a certain age who has fallen down the rabbit hole. It's almost all men, and it's almost all "of an age". They just turn the corner. Utterly brainwashed by extremism.

For Nawaz you can see Fox, and before him maybe Griffin, and before him Icke.
A very serious case has been filed at the international criminal court.

I do hope they’re wrong, but if they’re correct and we vaccinated people will all perish within a couple of years, at least that’s better than surviving into the new world where piers corbyn & friends will rule the wasteland.

Eighteen months?! Shit, I could drop any time now then. That would be irritating.
there's a great story i came across where a nurse in teh states was talking to someone really poorly with it, about to go on a ventilator. she couldn't resist and asked him if he would end up getting the vacinne (if he made it through) and he said no, i don't knwo whats in it. she then said, i have given you about five medicines in teh past hour that you ahve no idea of their ingrediants.

In a way, that was what made me change from nursing to pharmacy. A patient asked what something did, I replied that it was for his heart, he said OK, but what does it do? I found out and came back to him. I then realised the lack of knowledge I had about most of what I dished out. The journey of discovery lead to a change of career.
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These pricks need filling in. See how long their gormless grins last then.

It got me thinking what I'd do if I were at a test centre and something like this kicked off. I suppose I'd probably pointedly not engage (blank thousand-yard stare), stand in front of anything that looked like it needed protected, and be obstructive with extreme prejudice.

It got me thinking what I'd do if I were at a test centre and something like this kicked off. I suppose I'd probably pointedly not engage (blank thousand-yard stare), stand in front of anything that looked like it needed protected, and be obstructive with extreme prejudice.


I think I'd end up losing my rag, shortly followed by my job tbh!
See also the storming of the Capitol. These are not bright people.

When does it tip into being unwell? I mean being against lockdowns, or being vaccine hesitant, yeah whatever.

But thinking there's nanobots or trackers in the vaccine, or that everyone that has it will die in 18 months, or that it's a psy-ops program of genocide and mass control etc. That's paranoia and/or delusional isn't it?
When does it tip into being unwell? I mean being against lockdowns, or being vaccine hesitant, yeah whatever.

But thinking there's nanobots or trackers in the vaccine, or that everyone that has it will die in 18 months, or that it's a psy-ops program of genocide and mass control etc. That's paranoia and/or delusional isn't it?
i think pathological paranoia is characterised by hearing voices, seeing things. i.e. auditory/visual hullicanations.

these folks can be explained largely in my view (in a reductive pscyhological way to focus the lense in) by the central belief that evil is conspiring behind the scenes. so all the insanity you see is matrixed from that central belief.
i think pathological paranoia is characterised by hearing voices, seeing things. i.e. auditory/visual hullicanations.

these folks can be explained largely in my view (in a reductive pscyhological way to focus the lense in) by the central belief that evil is conspiring behind the scenes. so all the insanity you see if is matrixed from that central belief.
Evil is conspiring behind the scenes.

That is, if by evil you mean the royal family, the Tory party and big capitalists
i think pathological paranoia is characterised by hearing voices, seeing things. i.e. auditory/visual hullicanations.

these folks can be explained largely in my view (in a reductive pscyhological way to focus the lense in) by the central belief that evil is conspiring behind the scenes. so all the insanity you see if is matrixed from that central belief.

Yeah, I get told off by someone who knows this shit much better than me when I use words like paranoia or delusional! Fucking bonkers is my go-to fallback. (Apologies to most bonkers people though tbf.)
i think pathological paranoia is characterised by hearing voices, seeing things. i.e. auditory/visual hullicanations.

these folks can be explained largely in my view (in a reductive pscyhological way to focus the lense in) by the central belief that evil is conspiring behind the scenes. so all the insanity you see is matrixed from that central belief.
whatever it is, it's grim and if a family member was going down that route i would be just as concerned as if tehy were complaining about a mental illness.

it must actually be a very frightening space for them - to believe that there's evil overlords, and they are all slowly trying to kill us/control us, and only they can see it. that can't be a very peaceful place to carry around through life.
When does it tip into being unwell? I mean being against lockdowns, or being vaccine hesitant, yeah whatever.

But thinking there's nanobots or trackers in the vaccine, or that everyone that has it will die in 18 months, or that it's a psy-ops program of genocide and mass control etc. That's paranoia and/or delusional isn't it?
I wonder about this. I'm not sure if I can explain this clearly and it just my own thought. But I think there is a certain critical mass that can be reached where believing somting is no longer a sign of being mentally ill. Most religious beliefs would sound just as out there (if not more so) but that does not make Christians, Muslims or whatever unwill as those beliefs are commonly accepted.

I wonder if this shit is getting to that point?
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