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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

at most demonstrations where there is going to be bother - even your average well versed footie hooligan - will mask up, and certainly won't film other fellow rioters etc.

not this lot though, see the capital riot.

proper gone.

Masks are worse than useless and very dangerous though, If you believe their bollocks. Cause bacterial infections and death.
at most demonstrations where there is going to be bother - even your average well versed footie hooligan - will mask up, and certainly won't film other fellow rioters etc.

not this lot though, see the capital riot.

proper gone.
Just sat in on the testing/vaccine Teams call. The MK boss was on saying they ruined thousands of tests and caused a lot of damage 😡

I almost want them to come to my centre 🤔
Just sat in on the testing/vaccine Teams call. The MK boss was on saying they ruined thousands of tests and caused a lot of damage 😡

I almost want them to come to my centre 🤔
yes would love to see them nicked.

the moment they enter, can that be classed as tresspasing?

if there are a few arrests, though, it will feed nicely into their persecuted complex.
I am wondering whether or not the people who filed that law suit (and others who support them) genuinely truly believe what they are saying, that over 50 million people in this country will be dead (from the genocidal vaccine) within a year and a half.
Do you think they actually believe that?
If they do then they must be having meetings to plan how the world will work after the rapture.
I think they don’t really believe it, are to some degree aware that it’s a mad made up story that’s useful to them right now.
You could make a fucking brilliant TV series based in a world where this actually happened and only the antivaxxers are left.

I mean, there are two options - you could do a serious one based on the premise of the only ones left being serious anti-vaxx loons on one side and people of colour who didn't get vaxxed because they didn't trust status quo because you could imagine how well that might go given the tendencies of some of the former.

Or a hilarious comedy about all the factions they break down into.
You could make a fucking brilliant TV series based in a world where this actually happened and only the antivaxxers are left.

I mean, there are two options - you could do a serious one based on the premise of the only ones left being serious anti-vaxx loons on one side and people of colour who didn't get vaxxed because they didn't trust status quo because you could imagine how well that might go given the tendencies of some of the former.

Or a hilarious comedy about all the factions they break down into.
reminds me a bit of this. the logic is pretty water tight too.



In another case, an adviser’s child was repeatedly targeted by a teacher who blamed the parent for the government’s lockdown policy. The family did not make a formal complaint because the child’s exam grade depended on the teacher’s assessment.

the vacinne, for both people on the right and left, should have been a personal, simple choice, coming from a little introspection outside of any sort of political considerations. i.e. "is covid not very nice?" if yes, move to "does the vacinne work against covid" if yes, move on to spending half an hour going to the doctors and getting a shot. aboutly nothing at all to do with "left" or "right". a simple consideration for personal and community safety. much the same as this seat belt might save my life and save the need to come and scrape me off the streets by our over streatched health service. or, this seat belt might mean that my kids out live me, better pop it on.

but the grift is endless. the culture warriors once again reduce everything to a game that their side has to win. like an existential question, i.e. my very nature and identity is under threat. no it isn't, that's just what you've learnt on teh fucknig interweb. just get the vacinne and move on you silly cunts. it's no surprise things get a bit authoritarian when you have many states in the US for example where only half the people have had the shot! no wonder the strong arm of the state is starting to be felt. these folsk could be the very reason that measures are introducted in the first place.

the left have won a lot of respect from me recently, where i had been drifting to the centre for a while - most of the covid response in teh west was by right wing governments. but the left in my view, other than a few wellness wankers etc, have been teh ones advocating public safety. and they weren't doing it in a culture war type way. they were just getting on with it, and political point scoring was ALWAYS secondary to public health compliance. and to be fair, if i take the people in my life, most on the right were doing the same. but that hasn't stopped this turnign into the usual rancid idea-driven based culture war that we see.

monitised extremism. misinformation being hugely profitable. has that ever been the case in the past? you could say what about The Sun - can we really compare that shit rag to the mountains and mountains of horsehit out there?

anyway lets hope it all blows over!

Roberts’s spelling is generally good and his sentences might be a bit long, but the grammar is usually sound. Most letter-writers have at best a very basic grasp of the English language – enough to get their point across, but extremely rudimentary. The spelling really is shocking.

Imagine writing this, without a drop of irony, for The Grauniad.
I am wondering whether or not the people who filed that law suit (and others who support them) genuinely truly believe what they are saying, that over 50 million people in this country will be dead (from the genocidal vaccine) within a year and a half.
Do you think they actually believe that?
If they do then they must be having meetings to plan how the world will work after the rapture.
I think they don’t really believe it, are to some degree aware that it’s a mad made up story that’s useful to them right now.
I have a mate who has fallen down the rabbit hole and genuinely believes every vaccinated person is going to die soon. I asked him how does that benefit the elite when they have no one to exploit etc. His reply ‘they have AI ready and waiting to do everything for them’ :rolleyes:
I have a mate who has fallen down the rabbit hole and genuinely believes every vaccinated person is going to die soon. I asked him how does that benefit the elite when they have no one to exploit etc. His reply ‘they have AI ready and waiting to do everything for them’ :rolleyes:

I don't know why the loons can't even come up with loon theories that make internal sense.

If the lizard people, et al. were going to try to kill off a large proportion of the world's population, why would they do so in a way that would exterminate the obedient sheeple and leave the noble truth-seekers alive? Wouldn't it make more sense to manipulate the nutters truth-seekers into not getting vaccinated against a deadly virus?
Fucking hell, just up the road from me. :bigeyes:

Thousands of anti-vaccine activists have joined a group running combat training sessions and threatening “direct action” in a sign that conspiracists have become more radical.

In the past fortnight the group, Alpha Men Assemble, has hosted several meetings for “training and strategy tactics”, The Times can reveal.

At its most recent session, on a beach at Littlehampton, West Sussex, on Tuesday, up to 100 activists took part in boxing drills and a scrummaging exercise, in which two groups of dozens of people tried to push each other back.

Alpha Men Assemble? Twats. :D

Two more training and strategy meetings are scheduled, one in Brownhills, Staffordshire, on January 8 and another in Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, on January 29.
Attendees are told to wear a “black uniform, black boots and a black hat”. A “task team” will be chosen at Brownhills to carry out the group’s first “task”, in mid to late January.

The type of action planned by the group is unclear. Those hoping to join the task team have been told: “You will need to have a cool head and you will need to control your emotions. If you can not do that you will not be allowed to attend the direct action.”

It's worth reading the full article to see how mad and possibly dangerous these loons are. (Paywall smashed link)

Antivaxers threaten ‘radical action’ after boxing drills on beach

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