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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I see unvaccinated NHS workers being a far bigger threat to the health of the country, particularly the elderly and vulnerable. Don't you?
Like the ones we clapped last year you mean and the unjabbed ones working now? In answer to your question, no I don't.
I see 126k less staff far more of a problem, which is what my post was about.
Vulnerable people don't only exist in care homes and hospitals though do they. Vulnerable people go on buses, into shops, into pubs and clubs. They go to parties, to sports clubs and fitness centres, wait in queues. They work in offices and workshops and classrooms. Everything everyone does, in all the usual places.

The rationale for mandating jabs for carers etc is that "you see vulnerable people face to face". But we all see vulnerable people face to face. Every day, and we mostly have no idea when, right? Because many conditions and disabities are invisible, hard to notice, as well as people choosing to try and conceal what's wrong, for a variety of reasons.

So if its OK to mandate jabs for carers, why not for everyone?

I know there are people who don't agree with mandating jabs for carers etc or anyone, myself included. What I'm saying is for anyone who thinks we should make should make special example of carers etc. Someone with COPD could just as well get Covid in a warm fuggy pub or a football crowd or at work, as in hospital or at home from their home helper.

This belongs on another thread really, and I may c&p it there, but for now it's here because this is where the discourse has gone.

Why mandate covid vaccine for carers etc, and not for everyone?

This is where I am, actually where we are whether we acknowledge it or not.

Health & care workers are dealing with the most vulnerable people, and in far greater numbers than most people will will encounter outside of the health & care environments. They are also dealing with people that have no, or very little, choice about their situation, they are plainly very different to the public at large.
Vulnerable people don't only exist in care homes and hospitals though do they. Vulnerable people go on buses, into shops, into pubs and clubs. They go to parties, to sports clubs and fitness centres, wait in queues. They work in offices and workshops and classrooms. Everything everyone does, in all the usual places.

The rationale for mandating jabs for carers etc is that "you see vulnerable people face to face". But we all see vulnerable people face to face. Every day, and we mostly have no idea when, right? Because many conditions and disabities are invisible, hard to notice, as well as people choosing to try and conceal what's wrong, for a variety of reasons.

So if its OK to mandate jabs for carers, why not for everyone?

I know there are people who don't agree with mandating jabs for carers etc or anyone, myself included. What I'm saying is for anyone who thinks we should make should make special example of carers etc. Someone with COPD could just as well get Covid in a warm fuggy pub or a football crowd or at work, as in hospital or at home from their home helper.

This belongs on another thread really, and I may c&p it there, but for now it's here because this is where the discourse has gone.

Why mandate covid vaccine for carers etc, and not for everyone?

This is where I am, actually where we are whether we acknowledge it or not.

I do have some sympathy for that position, but I guess I feel much more uncomfortable with it, which I totally accept is maybe slightly illogical.

I can see that changing, I mean what if we're looking at another 150,000 dead in the next 2 years even with more restrictions? Would that be enough to mandate vaccines for the population as a whole? What if it turns out the mass vaccination massively reduces the chance of a worse variant coming about? Is that enough to swing it?
Staffing has waaay bigger implications to patient care than covid. You might not even get in a hospital before you need to worry about nurse typhoid Mary
Staffing has waaay bigger implications to patient care than covid. You might not even get in a hospital before you need to worry about nurse typhoid Mary

Yes, but that could be dealt with, infact needs to be irrespective of vaccination. Also since you seem very concerned about this I assume you're involved with the unions and organising around pay and staffing in the NHS and related issues?

Is your objection to mandatory vaccine purely a pragmatic staffing loss issue, or do you have some moral/health/other stance against it? As from what you've said elsewhere about vaccination and other measures I get you're more against it than just on this staffing issue?

Also interested in what role you have in healthcare?
Whilst I see the immediate problem with requiring vaccine compliance for health workers, To me allowances due practical need should be a short term situation and the allowances being made should not be permanent.
It feeds into the general trend of society believing everyone should be entitled to not only do what they want in life but receive protection of that choice from the rest of society regardless of their consideration for the needs of others in society that are negatively affected by their choice, its unreasonable
In short selfishness which is becoming endemic.
Health & care workers are dealing with the most vulnerable people, and in far greater numbers than most people will will encounter outside of the health & care environments. They are also dealing with people that have no, or very little, choice about their situation, they are plainly very different to the public at large.

This is equivocation, covid itself makes no distinction between healthcare workers and 'the public at large'. Healthcare workers work in full PPE, they're trained in infection control procedures, and their vaccine uptake is already better than 'the public at large'. Meanwhile, in the old world we'd like to get back to, extremely vulnerable people also got buses and went shopping. So I see if anything, the urgency of getting 'the public at large' vaccinated is even more urgent than getting healthcare workers done.
This is equivocation, covid itself makes no distinction between healthcare workers and 'the public at large'. Healthcare workers work in full PPE, they're trained in infection control procedures, and their vaccine uptake is already better than 'the public at large'. Meanwhile, in the old world we'd like to get back to, extremely vulnerable people also got buses and went shopping. So I see if anything, the urgency of getting 'the public at large' vaccinated is even more urgent than getting healthcare workers done.
Having taken a mate for 8 or 9 hospital appointments this year, and visited/collected him after major surgery, I haven't seen a single staff member in 'full PPE', and 'trained in infection control procedures' is somewhat laughable considering the numbers that got infected whilst in hospitals.
Having taken a mate for 8 or 9 hospital appointments this year, and visited/collected him after major surgery, I haven't seen a single staff member in 'full PPE', and 'trained in infection control procedures' is somewhat laughable considering the numbers that got infected whilst in hospitals.
And wards are full of unmasked people who may have Hepatitis, TB, uncontrolled HIV, MRSA, C Diff, thats the common ones nurses deal with in addition to radiation exposure in some areas. But yea they haven't been trained in infection control and spend most of the time pulling infected needle sticks out of their bodies while laughing at how clumsy they are.
It’s right there at the top of the page.

But, a quick summary would be something along the lines of them telling you to get fucked, on account of loon status, presumably ultimately stemming from your curious position that you’d refuse a vaccine you’ve already had if it became compulsory, because freedoms something or other.

Part of me is glad that the mask has slipped from so many people. It saddens me to see how much malevolence exists in society just below the surface, but seeing the process of Othering first hand is very revealing. I wish you well, even though I suspect that for now you despise my existence.
It’s right there at the top of the page.

But, a quick summary would be something along the lines of them telling you to get fucked, on account of loon status, presumably ultimately stemming from your curious position that you’d refuse a vaccine you’ve already had if it became compulsory, because freedoms something or other.
china #china
Part of me is glad that the mask has slipped from so many people. It saddens me to see how much malevolence exists in society just below the surface, but seeing the process of Othering first hand is very revealing. I wish you well, even though I suspect that for now you despise my existence.
luv all this grand postering about freedoms and principles and othering, especially since we are not on lockdown god knows what, alert level lost track, and we have zero deaths a day. it looks brilliant and i am sure it will age really well. something to tell the grandkids when they ask you how you got through.

let me pull you a nice cool pint of Go Fuck Yourself.
Having taken a mate for 8 or 9 hospital appointments this year, and visited/collected him after major surgery, I haven't seen a single staff member in 'full PPE', and 'trained in infection control procedures' is somewhat laughable considering the numbers that got infected whilst in hospitals.
If there were reliable numbers for patients and service users that got infected in health and care settings, compared to staff who got infected in those settings, or patients / service users who infected each other there .. as against people who got infected 'in the community' or from eg. friends or family .. and if shops and public transport were as safe as hospitals and care environments (in terms of PPE and infection control, at least according to the law) .. as well as cooperative members of 'the public at large' .. it's all a big fucking 'if', frankly.

We're past the thin end of the wedge IMO. Well on to the slippery slope by now.
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