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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

'tis a global pandemic and we're all trying to make sense, but right about here and right about now most on here think that vacinnees will help us get through it so i'm sorry mate people will react to some of the stuff you come out with.

I agree with you that vaccines are part of the way out. I had my booster yesterday even though on a personal level I was reluctant for various reasons.

But dangers exist other than the virus. We shouldn’t be blinded by fear of the virus so much that an equal or greater number of people die as a result of our growing division and hatred of others.

Freedom isn’t just an abstract concept. It’s the very real opposite of slavery and serfdom, a state of affairs that is the historical norm. Many more may die because of its loss than they will from covid.
I am increasingly troubled that a whole bunch of vaccine-related topics are happening at the expense of other important stuff.

For example the issue of mandatory vaccines for healthcare workers. Take the principals involved, both in terms of patient safety and availability of medical staff. Then consider that in this country the standard of masks that are provided by the authorities for use in health settings is still a great big disgrace, with implications for both patient and staff safety and staff being off work because they caught covid. Then consider that issues relating to PPE barely register since the press initially went on about then intensely for some weeks during the first wave but then moved on, never to return to the issue properly.
Part of me is glad that the mask has slipped from so many people. It saddens me to see how much malevolence exists in society just below the surface, but seeing the process of Othering first hand is very revealing. I wish you well, even though I suspect that for now you despise my existence.

You're the one that's been going on about 'war on the streets' and other such nonsense about masks and vaccines that's got 'othering' at its very core.

I don't despite your existence you self important prick, I just think your arguments don't make sense, are over dramatic and not grounded in reality, and at heart justify and encourage a selfish individualism masquerading as some nebulous 'freedom'.

Have a look at yourself and think why to most people on here you seem to come across as a bit of a loon.
You're the one that's been going on about 'war on the streets' and other such nonsense about masks and vaccines that's got 'othering' at its very core.

I don't despite your existence you self important prick, I just think your arguments don't make sense, are over dramatic and not grounded in reality, and at heart justify and encourage a selfish individualism masquerading as some nebulous 'freedom'.

Have a look at yourself and think why to most people on here you seem to come across as a bit of a loon.

I’m just predicting what is to come if we keep on down this path. If I get called names because of it then so be it.
I’m just predicting what is to come if we keep on down this path. If I get called names because of it then so be it.

What path though, sensible public health measures (albeit usually too little and too late) that have saved tens of thousands of lives, and vaccination that has saved hundreds of thousands of lives? And who's going to fight this war? It's just over dramatic nonsense, just looks like you've lost perspective and a bit of a grip on reality tbh. Most people follow the restrictions, most people get vaccinated, so who are these footsoldiers of freedom waiting to declare war on anyone wanting some public health measures? It's just bollocks!

Honestly you sound like someone from the EDL or Britain First talking about immigration or something. It's just a fantasy world.
Not to mention that all this covid-shit-version-of-Braveheart talk of war and freedom and the anti-vax/lockdown/fake/over-hyped type stuff actually fuels resentment and attacks on NHS staff and other workers.

I talked to a taxi driver last night who gets shit loads of abuse from anti-mask and anti-lockdown types when he asks them to wear a mask - he's clinically vulnerable in a number of ways.
Actually now you mention it I'm amazed we haven't been treated to Mel Gibson going on about some mad anti-vax shit.

Maybe I just missed it.

He only comes up in connection with covid on rare occasions:

“So it looks like we’re never really getting rid of Covid,” said Colbert. “It’s like Mel Gibson – he ebbs and flows and because of a few idiots out there, we’re stuck with some form of him forever.”

One of my paltalkers has discovered my personal room* and seems to like listening to my voice - so perhaps I will end up doing something "for the cause" :)
But an online friend of hers - a barrister - told me she wasn't even a conspiranut before this and she'd had to give up trying to sort her out ...

*"In this room we are happily vaccinated and masked"
Or if the genie will ever go back in the bottle. It could be the case where anyone credible or actually who has some grounding in factual argument just has a constant low hum of collectives of lunacy and conspiracy surrounding any debate.

There’s a simple test in my view of seeing this stuff in the discourse and in the wild - is what they are saying suggestive of dark, hidden forces? What ever is happening I think it’s important to try and spot this subtext because it feels, stress on feels, that this stuff is growing.

It undoubtedly is.
Not to mention that all this covid-shit-version-of-Braveheart talk of war and freedom and the anti-vax/lockdown/fake/over-hyped type stuff actually fuels resentment and attacks on NHS staff and other workers.

I talked to a taxi driver last night who gets shit loads of abuse from anti-mask and anti-lockdown types when he asks them to wear a mask - he's clinically vulnerable in a number of ways.
there is a growing number of vaccinated anti-lockdown types, probably a far bigger number than the straight-up anti-vax lot, and they can still pass on the virus irregardless of how many jabs they've had.
there is a growing number of vaccinated anti-lockdown types, probably a far bigger number than the straight-up anti-vax lot, and they can still pass on the virus irregardless of how many jabs they've had.

Yeah, and have said before I think the anti-lockdown stuff is much more complex and there's some good reasons why people are attracted to it that are nothing to do with anti-vax/conspiracy theory/it's all fake/etc.
But dangers exist other than the virus. We shouldn’t be blinded by fear of the virus so much that an equal or greater number of people die as a result of our growing division and hatred of others.

Freedom isn’t just an abstract concept. It’s the very real opposite of slavery and serfdom, a state of affairs that is the historical norm. Many more may die because of its loss than they will from covid.
Say what?
Yeah, and have said before I think the anti-lockdown stuff is much more complex and there's some good reasons why people are attracted to it that are nothing to do with anti-vax/conspiracy theory/it's all fake/etc.
Yeah, we'd do well to remember that it's not one homogeneous anti-stuff constituency out there. And there is at least some kind of rationality around the anti-lockdown argument, even if it's not my rationality. The same can't really be said for the anti-vaxxers.
Absolutely fucking bonkers, anarchist gone down the Great Reset conspiracy rabbit hole.

This is a classic Who’s behind the fake-left vaccine gang?
I know I'm very behind in catching up with this thread, but just noticed this. A story in a few parts, from that same site:
And here's the punchline:

You'd think that this should encourage a bit of a "Hans, are we the bad guys?" moment, but suspect that it won't.
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I know I'm very behind in catching up with this thread, but just noticed this. A story in a few parts, from that same site:
View attachment 301951
View attachment 301952
View attachment 301953
View attachment 301956
And here's the punchline:
View attachment 301957

You'd think that this should encourage a bit of a "Hans, are we the bad guys?" moment, but suspect that it won't.

He (Winter Oak) used to do The Porkbolter direct action/DIY free-sheet down in Worthing I was told recently. Sad.
I know I'm very behind in catching up with this thread, but just noticed this. A story in a few parts, from that same site:
View attachment 301951
View attachment 301952
View attachment 301953
View attachment 301956
And here's the punchline:
View attachment 301957

You'd think that this should encourage a bit of a "Hans, are we the bad guys?" moment, but suspect that it won't.
not sure we have even used the word fascist here though. here's some of the stuff we have used.

selfish bastards
Yeah, and have said before I think the anti-lockdown stuff is much more complex and there's some good reasons why people are attracted to it that are nothing to do with anti-vax/conspiracy theory/it's all fake/etc.

Yes definitely. I think there's a continuum there isn't there rather than a pro/anti lockdown split. At any point since last March you could probably make a case that stricter lockdowns would have been beneficial in some ways but I don't think many of us are sitting here thinking that the peak lockdown rules should have applied for the duration. I'm certainly not and I don't think I'd still be sticking to them if they were, and I doubt anyone would see me as an 'anti-lockdown' person. So there's definitely much more room for debate there, it's not the same as the full-on anti-vax stuff.
Back to vaccine mandates for healthcare... This is just one of many measures the gvt could be rolling out, but they seem to be pushing harder on this than anything else, knowing that a reasonable proportion of staff will be waverers, that will either leave or be pushed, putting even more strain on the NHS. It's almost like its a convenient unintended outcome.
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