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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Those aren't the words of someone that should be in a caregiving role, tbh. Bitter, angry, resentful and hatefilled toward her patients? Yikes!

It's just a Tweet ffs, making a point about people not getting vaccinated etc. is not likely to be reflective of how they work.

Stop projecting all that emotion into it and get some perspective and sense.
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Careful, you'll get branded a conspiraloon...
I think that's a mistake that conspiraloons often make. IME, most non-loony people are generally reasonably capable of taking a reasonably nuanced view of things and recognising that not everything has to be grist to their mill of reasoning; the conspiraloons, meanwhile, are only too happy to point and shout stuff about sheeple the minute anyone expresses an iota of scepticism towards their viewpoint.

And it's easy to see why: the rationalist, scientific viewpoint does not have the same need of defence against dissenters that a viewpoint based on selective evidence, goal-driven reasoning, and some kind of overarching conspiracy behind it all that drives most, if not all, of the conspiranoid mindset.
I think that's a mistake that conspiraloons often make. IME, most non-loony people are generally reasonably capable of taking a reasonably nuanced view of things and recognising that not everything has to be grist to their mill of reasoning; the conspiraloons, meanwhile, are only too happy to point and shout stuff about sheeple the minute anyone expresses an iota of scepticism towards their viewpoint.

And it's easy to see why: the rationalist, scientific viewpoint does not have the same need of defence against dissenters that a viewpoint based on selective evidence, goal-driven reasoning, and some kind of overarching conspiracy behind it all that drives most, if not all, of the conspiranoid mindset.

OK. Thanks for the psycho-analysis of my light-hearted remark. Should really have put a :D on the end. :)
I think that's a mistake that conspiraloons often make. IME, most non-loony people are generally reasonably capable of taking a reasonably nuanced view of things and recognising that not everything has to be grist to their mill of reasoning; the conspiraloons, meanwhile, are only too happy to point and shout stuff about sheeple the minute anyone expresses an iota of scepticism towards their viewpoint.

And it's easy to see why: the rationalist, scientific viewpoint does not have the same need of defence against dissenters that a viewpoint based on selective evidence, goal-driven reasoning, and some kind of overarching conspiracy behind it all that drives most, if not all, of the conspiranoid mindset.
if you take a central belief "something wicked is happening behind the scenes, by evil actors who are out to get us" then a lot of the cognitive matrix, reasoning methods can be seen clearly in these folk leading from that.

where as if you have the belief "there is no real coalition of evil planning behind the scenes (indeed evil and injustice is largely in plain sight)", then you can understand the cognitive matrix and reasoning methods of a place like urban.

the key difference between the two "styles" is that one basis their logic on things that can be explored in real world, real time (hell there might be evil cabals, but i am not goign to waste my reasoning until i can see them, until there is something tangable), the other is reasoning in the dark, grasping at shadows, images in the mind, projections.
It sounds like a pretty blunt public health message to me.

Maybe medical staff who refuse to get vaccinated in order to protet their patients and fellow workers are in the wrong job.
Eould rather work with them than someone that sounds like they are about to accidentally kill someone. They need a break and should take it.
"As a healthcare professional I advise you to take this medication for your health, and the health and protection of your friends and family."

"Have you had it?"

"Errr... no."

"Well then...".

If you work in healthcare and you won't have the vaccine then you don't have an understanding of simple evidence based practice, and you lack a basic sense of solidarity and care for your fellow workers and wider society. As well as credibility to give good advice on medication and other health matters to patients.
If you work in healthcare and you won't have the vaccine then you don't have an understanding of simple evidence based practice, and you lack a basic sense of solidarity and care for your fellow workers and wider society. As well as credibility to give good advice on medication and other health matters to patients.
Don't want to get confrontational with you (honestly), but what are your views on this: England hospital units may close as staff revolt over jab mandate, says NHS leader

Up to126k health workers losing their jobs due to not wanting the jabs. You're in the NHS, how do you see this impacting a service that's in the state it's in?

It's a shame it's in this thread rather than something less 'provocative'.
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Don't want to get confrontational with you (honestly), but what are your views on this: England hospital units may close as staff revolt over jab mandate, says NHS leader

Up to126k health workers losing their jobs due to not wanting the jabs. You're in the NHS, how do you see this impacting a service that's in the state it's in?

It's a shame it's in this thread rather than something less 'provocative'.
i don't think they should mandate it. if those numbers are correct, and they are really not going to have the vacinne, then that's a tanker that'll be too heavy to reverse.
what do i think of such people? well, i guess you'd have to talk to them to find out their concerns. but no matter how i rack my brains, and other than medical conditions or even perhaps past traumatic reactions, for the life of me i cannot find any moral argument to justify it when it's a known fact that vacinnes prevent deaths and will help manage the pandemic better for the whole of society
Don't want to get confrontational with you (honestly), but what are your views on this: England hospital units may close as staff revolt over jab mandate, says NHS leader

Up to126k health workers losing their jobs due to not wanting the jabs. You're in the NHS, how do you see this impacting a service that's in the state it's in?

It's a shame it's in this thread rather than something less 'provocative'.

Quick answer is I think it's a mess tbh Griff.

I think the anti-vax (and related) stuff has had a hugely negative impact on healthcare staff (as it has on wider society) and in part created this situation, and that's why I probably come across as pretty angry at people that perpetuate that, as I hold them partly responsible for some people dying when they didn't need to - although obviously the bulk of my anger is reserved for others with more responsibility. This is all of course on top of a tired and fucked over workforce, lack of trust in government, etc etc.

I would much rather the vaccination for healthcare staff thing had been dealt with much earlier and more constructively, and driven by workers themselves (demands for day off for vaccination, education by unions and Trusts on it, better sick pay if side effects, bonuses for vaccination, etc.) and this would minimize and marginalize the loon elements.

Also think not that many will actually leave, especially if individual Trusts etc. deal with it well; vaccination visits to your ward/department, personal meetings, support, clear explaining, peer pressure, etc. rather than one management or HR warning and then you're out.

But we are were we are as it were, and I'm reluctantly in favour of mandatory vaccination for healthcare staff. And personally I find it very depressing that recent ballots about strike action by the unions were very poorly supported by staff, yet loads seem to be happy to leave their job for a selfish, highly individualist, and irrational load of nonsense.
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Don't want to get confrontational with you (honestly), but what are your views on this: England hospital units may close as staff revolt over jab mandate, says NHS leader

Up to126k health workers losing their jobs due to not wanting the jabs. You're in the NHS, how do you see this impacting a service that's in the state it's in?
I see unvaccinated NHS workers being a far bigger threat to the health of the country, particularly the elderly and vulnerable. Don't you?
Vulnerable people don't only exist in care homes and hospitals though do they. Vulnerable people go on buses, into shops, into pubs and clubs. They go to parties, to sports clubs and fitness centres, wait in queues. They work in offices and workshops and classrooms. Everything everyone does, in all the usual places.

The rationale for mandating jabs for carers etc is that "you see vulnerable people face to face". But we all see vulnerable people face to face. Every day, and we mostly have no idea when, right? Because many conditions and disabities are invisible, hard to notice, as well as people choosing to try and conceal what's wrong, for a variety of reasons.

So if its OK to mandate jabs for carers, why not for everyone?

I know there are people who don't agree with mandating jabs for carers etc or anyone, myself included. What I'm saying is for anyone who thinks we should make should make special example of carers etc. Someone with COPD could just as well get Covid in a warm fuggy pub or a football crowd or at work, as in hospital or at home from their home helper.

This belongs on another thread really, and I may c&p it there, but for now it's here because this is where the discourse has gone.

Why mandate covid vaccine for carers etc, and not for everyone?

This is where I am, actually where we are whether we acknowledge it or not.
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