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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

“If you’re triple jabbed you will have a spazzed immune system, you will have AIDS, millions of people in this country will have AIDS by March.…We’ve got to get more physical.…We’ve got to hammer to death those scum who have decided to introduce new fascism. If you’re MP is one of them go to their offices and I would recommended burning them down.”

He has been arrested.

“If you’re triple jabbed you will have a spazzed immune system, you will have AIDS, millions of people in this country will have AIDS by March.…We’ve got to get more physical.…We’ve got to hammer to death those scum who have decided to introduce new fascism. If you’re MP is one of them go to their offices and I would recommended burning them down.”

He has been arrested.

'Millions and millions of people in this country who are triple jabbed will have AIDS by March."

He's a deranged lunatic. But this is nice:

'Millions and millions of people in this country who are triple jabbed will have AIDS by March."

He's a deranged lunatic. But this is nice:

I thought my family Xmas used to be a bit tense sometimes, but I never made a public call for mobs to burn down my brother's office. Oh dear.
jc on a bike.
brother piers is well out on the furthest side of the logic & fact free wilderness, isn't he ?

I wonder if that claptrap can be counted not just as hate speech but as incitement / conspiracy to riot ? or something else that will get the idiot off the streets.
[ditto icky icke]
What's more worrying is the amount of people that gather at these...'things', I mean there must be a spectrum of batshit-loony-toons in the crowd but if only 1 percent of them believe what they are hearing thats far more utter mentalists wandering round than I would have ever countenanced.

New dark ages?
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I thought my family Xmas used to be a bit tense sometimes, but I never made a public call for mobs to burn down my brother's office. Oh dear.

Piers exempted those Tories and "my brother and his mates" who voted against the new regulations from being burnt to death for heresy.

As it's Christmas here's some relevant Gilbert and Sullivan

“You’ve got to get a list of them … and if your MP is one of them, go to their offices and, well, I would recommend burning them down, OK. But I can’t say that on air. I hope we’re not on air.”

"Keeping a fucking idiotically insane viewpoint in Piers Corbyn's throat is like trying to keep a fart in your trousers"
It's a pandemic. Exactly the same lunacy has happened in all the previous pandemics. Nothing new at all.

That's true, but I wonder if the difference now is that the anchors of collective organisation, communities, and belonging to something bigger than oneself has evaporated more, leaving a much larger number of people isolated, alienated, and more susceptible to this kind of thing?
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