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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

That's true, but I wonder if the difference now is that the anchors of collective organisation, communities, and belonging to something bigger than oneself has evaporated more, leaving a much larger number of people isolated, alienated, and more susceptible to this kind of thing?

I'm sure it's much better. We have actual news and medicine for example, rather than just proclamations from the Duke of York and bloodletting.
It's a pandemic. Exactly the same lunacy has happened in all the previous pandemics. Nothing new at all.
I dunno, people were nowhere near as connected and always on, previously you just had the news and books, these days every fucking knob with an internet connection can spread utter bollox around for the feeble minded to latch on to and organise themselves into large groups, in the last modern pandemics they probably just al died or went nuts in isolation or family groups
I dunno, people were nowhere near as connected and always on, previously you just had the news and books, these days every fucking knob with an internet connection can spread utter bollox around for the feeble minded to latch on to and organise themselves into large groups, in the last modern pandemics they probably just al died or went nuts in isolation or family groups
Or if the genie will ever go back in the bottle. It could be the case where anyone credible or actually who has some grounding in factual argument just has a constant low hum of collectives of lunacy and conspiracy surrounding any debate.

There’s a simple test in my view of seeing this stuff in the discourse and in the wild - is what they are saying suggestive of dark, hidden forces? What ever is happening I think it’s important to try and spot this subtext because it feels, stress on feels, that this stuff is growing.
Lots of contemporary writings on previous pandemics and the measures taken to combat them, which contain plenty relevant to today e.g.:

The True Causes of the Discontents in Relation to the Provisions Against the Plague from 1721

"Where the disease is desperate, the remedy must be so too; and to dwell upon the rights and liberties, and the ease and convenience of mankind, in case of the plague hanging over our heads, is as wild a way of reasoning as if under a malignant fever we should insist upon being dealt with in all respects like men in perfect health."
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They must be relabelling "negative ion" devices - usually the anti-5G shit is "orgonite"-based (passive "technology")

Piers Morgan, Jeremy Corbyn and anti vaxxers are widely reviled by various different groups.

I'm thinking he might as well go the whole hog and change his middle name to Hitler by deed poll.
you're widely reviled, perhaps you should change your username to something more appropriate
i know a couple of anti vaxxers. one i think has been radicalised by the church she goes to and weird christian groups online and also because she couldn't see her mum who was dying of something else during the first lockdown :(

i don't really understand the other one tbh but the family has always been into quite new agey and spiritual type stuff and she seems to think that her grandparents didnt really die of covid despite testing positive because they were 'old people with fluid in their lungs anyway' :( She's got a phd! :eek:

it sounds bad but im kinda reluctant to cut either of them off tbh im kinda hoping i can be a positive influence on the second as she's a primary school mate who i got back in touch with in 2019 :(
i know a couple of anti vaxxers. one i think has been radicalised by the church she goes to and weird christian groups online and also because she couldn't see her mum who was dying of something else during the first lockdown :(

i don't really understand the other one tbh but the family has always been into quite new agey and spiritual type stuff and she seems to think that her grandparents didnt really die of covid despite testing positive because they were 'old people with fluid in their lungs anyway' :( She's got a phd! :eek:

it sounds bad but im kinda reluctant to cut either of them off tbh im kinda hoping i can be a positive influence on the second as she's a primary school mate who i got back in touch with in 2019 :(

I'm less impressed by 'PhD' than I once was.
Dr Laura-Jane Smith, a respiratory consultant who works on a Covid ward at King’s, said on Friday: “I have seen four new patients admitted to the ward this morning aged between 40 and 90. They are all unvaccinated.

“I haven’t sent anyone to intensive care recently who has had any vaccines. Even if people who are vaccinated are getting sick, they’re not getting as sick. The ones we are seeing are going home much quicker and with less complications. It’s hard to hear people who are so sick saying: ‘I just wish I had got the vaccine’.”

Michael Bartley, a critical care matron at King’s, estimated that “80 to 90%” in the hospital’s critical care beds were unvaccinated.

great quote on the decoding the gurus, joe rogan episode: "someone with good epistemics, has an appreciation for their own limitations." what this is, if it's any thing much at all, is the complete and utter reversal of that. i.e "someone with bad epistemics, (that) does not have an appreciation of their own limitations." fine, in itself, but some of these geniuses (like rogan) have platforms of millions.
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that joe rogan episode is excellent and covers a huge amount of what is covered on this thread and how we got here
great quote on the decoding the gurus, joe rogan episode: "someone with good epistemics, has an appreciation for their own limitations." what this is, if it's any thing much at all, is the complete and utter reversal of that. i.e "someone with bad epistemics, (that) does not have an appreciation of their own limitations." fine, in itself, but some of these geniuses (like rogan) have platforms of millions.

So why would you trust these guys any more than Rogan and of his guests? :hmm: This is a problem really with any loose conversational podcast.. no-one really has the time to dig in to any claims made.
So why would you trust these guys any more than Rogan and of his guests? :hmm: This is a problem really with any loose conversational podcast.. no-one really has the time to dig in to any claims made.
Rogan and his bro mate are doing it all by themselves.
I'm grateful for this because I've never been able to stomach more than a few moments of Rogan's shite.
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