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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Has anyone had to deal with any of this shit from colleagues? I had to walk away from a stupid conversation today as I was so angry at them. They were saying some shit about Fauci being employed by Pfizer - I told them they can’t be getting their information from a reliable source. I even sent them a fact checking link to a Reuters article.
I was too angry to school them on how to verify information on the internet but they need some instruction on this. Aren’t they supposed to do this at school?
Has anyone had to deal with any of this shit from colleagues? I had to walk away from a stupid conversation today as I was so angry at them. They were saying some shit about Fauci being employed by Pfizer - I told them they can’t be getting their information from a reliable source. I even sent them a fact checking link to a Reuters article.
I was too angry to school them on how to verify information on the internet but they need some instruction on this. Aren’t they supposed to do this at school?

I never knew that Fauci was employed by Pfizer. I suppose that the health ministers in every fucking country in the whole world are also employed by Pfizer.
Just remembered that IME they don’t teach this in schools. I had to make a fuss in both places I worked to get library lessons on the curriculum and had to teach this stuff myself to year 7&8s in them cos no one else would. We’re fucked.
One of the first things we learnt on my open university degree (english lit and language) was

false premises lead to a false conclusion.

correct premises lead to a (logically) correct conclusion.

We then spent half a day or so looking at the logical steps of arguments and how we could pick them apart.

It was so valuable, even though for most intelligent people it's taken for granted.

Although the whole peadagogue method is pretty much based on this, implicitly and explicitly, to make it an actual sylabus section looking back had enormous value.
it's interesting how "post modern" a lot of the right is these days: "these are my beliefs, this is my truth, this my truth and that's your truth so leave me alone, don't attack my beliefs etc."

moral relativism/post modern "no such thing as ultimate truth etc" alive and kicking on the right. too thick to realise that its criticism was often strongest comign from the right lol
I'm trying to re-book my appointment from the 4th Jan to an earlier date, but the NHS Website is still down and there are no walk-in centres that are close.
A friend tells me that the danger from Omicron is being overhyped in order to use up old vaccine stocks before they go out of date. Seems a bit overkill to me. :hmm:
The nature of mutations seen, and quantity of them, combined with things like how quickly case numbers rocketed up and how low the doubling time appears to be, provide all the reasons necessary to legitimately generate a high level of concern about the Omicron variant.

However, if the implications of such concerns dont all come to full fruition, then the increased vigilance and measures and ramped up booster schedule do also happily offer the opportunity to compensate for some of the mistakes that were accruing over time in our response to previous variants like Delta.
Quick rant and some. I am CEV and have since discovered a new colleague is also CEV. We also work with predominately elderly people and many vulnerable people in their homes.
The last I heard was a colleague was staunch anti vax. I have since found out that they are now self isolating as their (adult) daughter has caught covid. This has really muddied the waters
as they are booked to visit family in Jamaica in a week or two.
If only the Plandemic wasn't actually a massive pain in the arse to those at the levers of power and consistently pissing off their prime constituency ey?
yeh like what the fuck do they gain?

lets even take the worst scenario in these people's minds - mandatory vacinnes - other than a few medical companies, what fucking big bad villan would get anything from that?

am i missing something here? what force do these people think is there and what end is justfiying this means? it's an honest question in an attempt to understand?
yeh like what the fuck do they gain?

lets even take the worst scenario in these people's minds - mandatory vacinnes - other than a few medical companies, what fucking big bad villan would get anything from that?

am i missing something here? what force do these people think is there and what end is justfiying this means? it's an honest question in an attempt to understand?
Slavery by tiny weeny incremental instalments. At this rate there will be no freedom by the year 3535.
to turn us into china or somefink? so what would all the top unis in teh world, all the free market governments, all the medical instituions etc gain from that, who in the main must be "in on it"? who is orchestrating it?
that Dark Lord is a right busy cunt, as they might say at millwall.

(busy cunt: over involved and a busy body)
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yeh like what the fuck do they gain?
The entire purpose of the Conservative party is to support private companies and encourage everyone possible to become independent units who live or die on that hill.
That they suddenly want to close down businesses and pay workers to sit at home doing nothing has nothing to do with a change of ideology and more to do with protecting the ideology they have in crisis.
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