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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I can’t seem to find the stats for Uk on this currently - does anyone know what % of the covid patients in hospital are un/vaccinated ?
Feeling angry again after managing to back off for a few months. A simple story appeals to me, like if only people like my neighbours all got over themselves & got jabbed then we’d not be looking at another likely lockdown but is that even half true idk.

ETA ok if 3/4 of the hospitalised who are under 50 are unvaccinated then I think I am justified in blaming next door .
Given that 80% of adults are vaccinated (and those who aren’t are mostly under 30), I would be surprised if the vaccinated proportion in hospital are not the majority. The odds of hospitalisation are about 30x higher for the unvaccinated, but that doesn’t overcome the sheer relative exposure of vaccinated to unvaccinated.
I can’t seem to find the stats for Uk on this currently - does anyone know what % of the covid patients in hospital are un/vaccinated ?
Feeling angry again after managing to back off for a few months. A simple story appeals to me, like if only people like my neighbours all got over themselves & got jabbed then we’d not be looking at another likely lockdown but is that even half true idk.

ETA ok if 3/4 of the hospitalised who are under 50 are unvaccinated then I think I am justified in blaming next door .
I'm unconvinced by the utility of blame. There are some people whose reasons for remaining unvaccinated we're not in any position to judge, and, personally, I think trying to divide the "deserving" unvaccinated from the "undeserving" is a sideshow that distracts from the more important issues.

If blame can be laid at anyone's door, I think that the confusing and mixed messages sent by our governments - not least by their hypocrisy around Christmas parties - are far more responsible for people's confused and confusing attitudes to vaccinations (and mask-wearing, lockdowns, etc...) than anything else.
Given that 80% of adults are vaccinated (and those who aren’t are mostly under 30), I would be surprised if the vaccinated proportion in hospital are not the majority. The odds of hospitalisation are about 30x higher for the unvaccinated, but that doesn’t overcome the sheer relative exposure of vaccinated to unvaccinated.
Our figures here. With 93% of over 12s vaccinated, 57% of those admitted to ICU are unvaccinated.

ireland covid stats.jpg

I can’t seem to find the stats for Uk on this currently - does anyone know what % of the covid patients in hospital are un/vaccinated ?
Feeling angry again after managing to back off for a few months. A simple story appeals to me, like if only people like my neighbours all got over themselves & got jabbed then we’d not be looking at another likely lockdown but is that even half true idk.

ETA ok if 3/4 of the hospitalised who are under 50 are unvaccinated then I think I am justified in blaming next door .

As kabbes and others have said, it's going to give an easily misunderstood picture as so many more people have been vaccinated, in fact it's one of the things that anti-vaxxers use to says 'look vaccination doesn't work'. It's also with Omicron going to increasingly show vaccinated people in hospital, especially those with just 2 doses.

Blame is not that helpful tbh, just hate them for being selfish hippie fools.
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i just got a thing appear on my twitter feed that was totally an anti vax tweet, it was 'promoted' to me by twitter, with them apparently totally mischaracterising it as under the topic of 'information security' . I see no way of reporting to them that what the hell are they doing (I don't 'follow' any vax type people at all).
Very not good twitter.
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blame would be wasted on these fools to. blame a wise person, or someone with an ounce of self awareness, and you've got a good chance they would accept the blame and adjust accordingly. good luck with that with most of this mob, though.
Diary of a Covid Tester...

Had a proper nut job today 🙄

Quoting the Nuremburg code at me ffs. I told him to write to his MP and leave me alone.

He ranted on about his nurse friends, empty hospitals, faked death certificates, vaccine cancer and other nonsense. I told him to fuck off and try not to die at which point he accused me of crimes against humanity. Said he will see me in court and I will be jailed for life as a murderer.

So I grabbed him and dragged him over to a couple of coppers and told them he had accused me of a serious crime. He started freaking out at this point :D luckily the police did not arrest me, but did give a decent bollocking :)
Diary of a Covid Tester...

Had a proper nut job today 🙄

Quoting the Nuremburg code at me ffs. I told him to write to his MP and leave me alone.

He ranted on about his nurse friends, empty hospitals, faked death certificates, vaccine cancer and other nonsense. I told him to fuck off and try not to die at which point he accused me of crimes against humanity. Said he will see me in court and I will be jailed for life as a murderer.

So I grabbed him and dragged him over to a couple of coppers and told them he had accused me of a serious crime. He started freaking out at this point :D luckily the police did not arrest me, but did give a decent bollocking :)
Diary of a Covid Tester...

Had a proper nut job today 🙄

Quoting the Nuremburg code at me ffs. I told him to write to his MP and leave me alone.

He ranted on about his nurse friends, empty hospitals, faked death certificates, vaccine cancer and other nonsense. I told him to fuck off and try not to die at which point he accused me of crimes against humanity. Said he will see me in court and I will be jailed for life as a murderer.

So I grabbed him and dragged him over to a couple of coppers and told them he had accused me of a serious crime. He started freaking out at this point :D luckily the police did not arrest me, but did give a decent bollocking :)
I hope the bollocking was for him and not you?
I have been told they are carcinogenic, have dangerous chemicals 'hidden' in the swabs and it is just data collection for government who are on the side of Amazon etc.
Considerng the amount of data both the Government and Amazon already have on me, I'd love to know what extra they could possibly learn by sticking a cotton bud up my nose
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