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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'

Please don't feel pressured to post any particular way just because some tinfoil cunt will inevitably misunderstand what free speech is about and moan "censorship". It's your website, you can censor whatever the fuck you want.
What absolute plonkers. They really, really don't understand, do they ?

In my youth, I spent a few years living in that area. It wasn't that into loonspudery at the time.
But these twats might go some way towards explaining why Calne has had as many cases as it has.
I engaged on FB this weekend and regretted it. I never do normally mainly cos I only see antivaxx or anti-lockdown tomfoolery reported on threads like this on Urban rather than on the open wilds of social media. I’ve got a few dj/promoter friends keen to get back to earning their rent payments, so I can overlook a lot of grousing unless what’s being said is so stupid that someone needs to point it out. I don’t get any great reset/antivaccine weirdos, masktwats etc which I am grateful for. But I’m shocked to see an endless pageant of proud ignoramuses who seem to think they understand science while being entirely unfamiliar with how empirical research is conducted and even the vocabulary used to present such research using the scientific method. I was taught this in school when I was 9-10, not that I remember it well. But i at least remember the basic process of observation followed by hypothesis, experiment then deduction, conclusion and possibly even a theory if we’re lucky.
But people say stuff like ‘a recent study found…’ as if that instantly confirms that the information is credible. I know people ‘do their own research’ but what is their motive for doing so? I don’t understand science so I don’t go reading scientific papers as I won’t be able to grasp the concepts. I trust the experts to present the information to me so I don’t have to do my own research.
All this research and quoting studies and papers you’ve googled for shows to me bad faith and a desire to back up the selfish desires a lot of these people have, rather than a genuine interest in science. They’re just looking for ammunition so they can feel smug for being awkward refuseniks.
All I think of when I see this is a small child being defiant but lacking the vocabulary to articulate it so they just spout BUTBUTBUTBUTBUTBUTBUT

Just get the fucking jab! Why weasel out of it like this, even if you’re not sure of the efficacy cos of a paper you read and half understood? Wouldn’t it be easier to just get the fucking jab than bleat about it online?
I engaged on FB this weekend and regretted it. I never do normally mainly cos I only see antivaxx or anti-lockdown tomfoolery reported on threads like this on Urban rather than on the open wilds of social media. I’ve got a few dj/promoter friends keen to get back to earning their rent payments, so I can overlook a lot of grousing unless what’s being said is so stupid that someone needs to point it out. I don’t get any great reset/antivaccine weirdos, masktwats etc which I am grateful for. But I’m shocked to see an endless pageant of proud ignoramuses who seem to think they understand science while being entirely unfamiliar with how empirical research is conducted and even the vocabulary used to present such research using the scientific method. I was taught this in school when I was 9-10, not that I remember it well. But i at least remember the basic process of observation followed by hypothesis, experiment then deduction, conclusion and possibly even a theory if we’re lucky.
But people say stuff like ‘a recent study found…’ as if that instantly confirms that the information is credible. I know people ‘do their own research’ but what is their motive for doing so? I don’t understand science so I don’t go reading scientific papers as I won’t be able to grasp the concepts. I trust the experts to present the information to me so I don’t have to do my own research.
All this research and quoting studies and papers you’ve googled for shows to me bad faith and a desire to back up the selfish desires a lot of these people have, rather than a genuine interest in science. They’re just looking for ammunition so they can feel smug for being awkward refuseniks.
All I think of when I see this is a small child being defiant but lacking the vocabulary to articulate it so they just spout BUTBUTBUTBUTBUTBUTBUT

Just get the fucking jab! Why weasel out of it like this, even if you’re not sure of the efficacy cos of a paper you read and half understood? Wouldn’t it be easier to just get the fucking jab than bleat about it online?

no single cause. the stuff is everywhere. all sorts of different motives. a celebration of hubris, seems to be a key personality factor. a million different causes that makes this stuff manifest.
I engaged on FB this weekend ...

All I think of when I see this is a small child being defiant but lacking the vocabulary to articulate it so they just spout BUTBUTBUTBUTBUTBUTBUT

Just get the fucking jab! Why weasel out of it like this, even if you’re not sure of the efficacy cos of a paper you read and half understood? Wouldn’t it be easier to just get the fucking jab than bleat about it online?
tl'dred it for you
and the first line of your post is where you went wrong, I gave up quite a while back as sad as it is to see people you thought not negatively off suddenly go "I am a lunatic"
rage against the machine level politics. probably even lower in sophistication than the juniour common room level of political thinking.

from teh right: lefties are trying to enslave us
from the left: the interests of capital are trying to destroy us.

if someone has never really grasped nuance and broader pespectives (even within those views) than the ones above, then they are ripe for this stuff.

underpinning it all: hidden, sinister forces, doing stuff covertly in a very absoloute, concrete sense.

it's junk, whether it's from the left or the right. or mostly junk. there will be some truth in it somewhere, but so what - take that and bin the rest.
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Lesser Spotted Provincial Loons

At least they seem have had a robust response from the locals. Interesting take that the vaccines are making people angry though. :D

“But some people are very aggressive to us, you can’t imagine what f and c words I’ve been called, there’s no respect and this is what the vaccine is doing, it’s making people very angry,” said the spokesman.
He added: “There’s a global genocide going on, it’s all part of the New World Order. The elite want to get rid of seven billion people with this vaccine and they’ve got 20 more vaccines lined up.

“It’s not a vaccine anyway, it’s a gene therapy which changes people’s immune system; that’s the genocide, and the more jabs you have the worst you will get.”

That's massively normal fodder in places like Paltalk, but even in Wiltshire it's going to be obvious lunacy - to be grouped alongside flat-earthism.
That's massively normal fodder in places like Paltalk, but even in Wiltshire it's going to be obvious lunacy - to be grouped alongside flat-earthism.
proper down the rabit hole bingo going on there.

it's nothing other than paranoid projection. fears within given a story in the external world. people can't be trusted/evil runs through everything/powerful forces are trying to destroy all that i love. sling in a few whatsapp memes in support, job done. a non-existant pattern in the external world is picked to hang it all. down that hole they fall.
to get a bit jungian and to apply it to our wellness friends invovled with this stuff. Jung said, from what i can remember, that the more we walk a certain path, or toward something, such as: being a good person, being spiritual, being more moral, being better behaved - then an inverse is thus created within. so the more the religious or spiritual person tries to be a better person, the darker his shadow grows within. the more he will be besiged by dark forces within (a christian perspective would be to say that the devil is trying that bit harder to tempt him). jung then says that all those dark forces are then projected onto other people (far easier to deal with if someone else is assigned their power).

so from a jungian perspective, it's no surprise that the religious, they "hyper well", the "spiritual" are game for this stuff. they are projecting a good deal of their psyches fears on the external world.

i could be talking bollocks here, but that's what i can remember about reading about the jungian shadow.
i'll shut up after this as i probably come across as mad as them by my obsessive posting on this thread lol (i am not obessed, reading this thread is really teh only time i think about this stuff)

but if you take some of their general memes: the vacinnes will kill/harm us and it's being hidden/the virus is a means to enslave us/it's a cover up/covid doesn't exist.

just think how evil any of those being true would be. like truly evil guy stroking an evil cat somewhere. you would need masterminds and undercurrents of pure evil.

that's quite a prism in which to view the world. to sum up they probably need some sympathy for having painted themesleves into such a dark, frightening outlook.
to get a bit jungian and to apply it to our wellness friends invovled with this stuff. Jung said, from what i can remember, that the more we walk a certain path, or toward something, such as: being a good person, being spiritual, being more moral, being better behaved - then an inverse is thus created within. so the more the religious or spiritual person tries to be a better person, the darker his shadow grows within. the more he will be besiged by dark forces within (a christian perspective would be to say that the devil is trying that bit harder to tempt him). jung then says that all those dark forces are then projected onto other people (far easier to deal with if someone else is assigned their power).

so from a jungian perspective, it's no surprise that the religious, they "hyper well", the "spiritual" are game for this stuff. they are projecting a good deal of their psyches fears on the external world.

i could be talking bollocks here, but that's what i can remember about reading about the jungian shadow.
Jung was adept at taking sound concepts, and making them sound like woo bollocks. It took me quite a long time to get past the woo-ness, and realise that it wraps some quite sound ideas.
I can’t seem to find the stats for Uk on this currently - does anyone know what % of the covid patients in hospital are un/vaccinated ?
Feeling angry again after managing to back off for a few months. A simple story appeals to me, like if only people like my neighbours all got over themselves & got jabbed then we’d not be looking at another likely lockdown but is that even half true idk.

ETA ok if 3/4 of the hospitalised who are under 50 are unvaccinated then I think I am justified in blaming next door .
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