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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

A more nuanced and thoughtful political take on some of this type of thing....

I didn't like this at all. I knew where it was going when they started banging on about 1905. All that kernels of truth in qanon guff. Nah. Anti-vaxxers, specifically the 24/7 loon variant, are determined to facilitate the spread of the virus and overload already inadequate health systems yet Roberto is far more conciliatory to this tiny minority of freaks than he's been to say Grillo and M5S.

Not one word about the abuse and violence that workers have been subjected to from these shitheads I note.
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The council have bolted the restriction and court-flouting cinemas shutters to the ground!

Ha! I walked past that last weekend - there were two people in front who looked like they might be about to pull out cardboard signs and do a pathetic careful now protest or anti-protest - they had unhealthy looking complexions and an air of batshit about them, so enough to put off anyone going in. You would avoid starting a conversation with them for sure,
What a shame as I think it’s the only independent cinema in Swansea so would deserve everyone’s patronage if the owner wasn’t such a melt who prefers scandal and attention over providing Swansea’s healthy, considerate and safety-minded cineastes with a safe environment to watch independent films the multiplexes overlook.
Everyone I talked to (well, I only spoke to three people!) seemed to know the owner in some way and have an anecdote about what a twat they are. I guess it’s a small town.
there were two people in front who looked like they might be about to pull out cardboard signs and do a pathetic careful now protest or anti-protest - they had unhealthy looking complexions and an air of batshit about them, so enough to put off anyone going in. You would avoid starting a conversation with them for sure,

Down with this sort of thing!
So I got a response from the guy writing the obit.

He's still sticking with the opening line, "Last Sunday after getting home from the receiving the vaccine booster shot our dear friend & colleague **** collapsed & died" but then adds - right at the end - "+++ had suffering with COPD health trouble for sometime. His coroner’s reports stated an issue with his heart finally took him."

To me that just reads like he's doubling down on the anti-vaxx crap (the heart attack after the vaccine is their latest obsession) and this is my response to him:

His response:

Going shopping isn’t a medical procedure

It’s a pity that any criticism of the vaccine program is now taboo. It was probably the same way during the Thalydimide roll out too

My 33 year old yoga teacher now has myocarditis & thyroiditis after being injected with it. She was perfectly healthy before.

Another friend has Bells Palsy after taking it ( facial paralysis )

It also sent my friend Liz blind for an evening

I just mentioned the sequence of events as they occurred. It’s a pity this is seen as too radical for BB

I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'
His response:

I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'
Nice slip in of "radical".

No, it's not radical - it's you using someones DEATH and your own lunatic scientific method - i.e. confusing cause with correlation (why aren't you asking what they had for breakfast that morning or what the weather was like?) - to grandly make assumptions about a proven life saving vacinne in the middle of a global pandemic in which many are dying each day and many are losing their freedoms each day, in part largely due to Einstiens like you spreading dangerous misinformation. I don't want a body count associated with my website thank you, so argue the toss with Harvard, Imperial, the NHS, and the rest of the global medical world, rather than me on this blog.
His response:

I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'

Going shopping isn’t a medical procedure

It’s a pity that any criticism of the vaccine program is now taboo. It was probably the same way during the Thalydimide roll out too

My 33 year old yoga teacher now has myocarditis & thyroiditis after being injected with it. She was perfectly healthy before.

Another friend has Bells Palsy after taking it ( facial paralysis )

It also sent my friend Liz blind for an evening

I just mentioned the sequence of events as they occurred. It’s a pity this is seen as too radical for BB

I think he might be confusing his mates having the vaccine with his mates injecting crack into their own eyeballs. Easy mistake to make.
there's some top, top researchers out there, isn't there. sheesh.
His response:

I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'
also, the lazy paranoid assumption that vacinne programmes are not being being debated by scientific peers and journals etc is just so ludicrious. someone like this guy believing there's no "debate" - of course there's fuckign debate in these circles. but they are probably a bit hesitant to ask Dave From Facebook for his input after his long and fruitful academic career of studying virusus on Youtube and whatsapp memes.
His response:

I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'
I think you're right to forget it.

You're not obliged to proved him a platform for his loonery, you're not obliged to publish anything you'd feel uncomfortable about being associated with and you're not obliged to spend any more time trying to explain yourself to someone whose mind is obviously not open to anything resembling reasonable discussion.
I think you're right to forget it.

You're not obliged to proved him a platform for his loonery, you're not obliged to publish anything you'd feel uncomfortable about being associated with and you're not obliged to spend any more time trying to explain yourself to someone whose mind is obviously not open to anything resembling reasonable discussion.
anyone would think there's a certain value in having "gate keepers".

oh but that would be main streeeeaaaaaaam meeeedjaaaaaa. much greater to have tidal wave after tidal wave of utter horseshit.
Speculating on cause of death in an obituary to suit your hobby horse really isn’t a good look. Just tell him some crisis actors are preventing you from publishing it then ignore the bellend.
yes ed you could have some fun.

"every time i go to publish it, my laptop just mysteriously closes down. and yes, it is a microsoft one".
His response:

I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'
I think his response just shows how much he wants to use his proposed obituary to further his anti-vax agenda.

As you've said, mentioning that the person had the booster is inappropriate.

If the anti-vax fuckwit friend has written other, relevant and meaningful stuff about the dead person's life, offering to publish it without any mention of the cause of his death would seem the best response. If he sees that as censorship, don't publish it.

Your blog, your rules.
I'm inclined to just forget about posting it because I expect if I do post it up with the bullshit removed, some crap will soon surface about how the site 'censors' the 'truth.'

I think that would be the best choice, but having to make it at all is shit.
Just keep in mind who is being a twat and dont beat yourself up...bum trip all the same
...dunno if you mean me, but its just something that I noticed...seems to have been adopted by adherents organically, without considering the resonance.

No not aimed at you particularly. Just a comment on the sort of language they're adopting. I mean I don't think most of them are conscious Nazis or anything but this stuff does lead in that direction.
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