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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Worry is that as these movements grow, parties (or individuals within parties) will start to court their support. Anything to pander to the vote.
it's terrifying. back in my observing these groups online, i would leave feeling completly disorientated by just the sheer volume and visciral luancy....all liked by hundreds of karens and michaels (i.e. ordinary folk). seeing friends start to parrot it. losing friends because of it.

we need to keep a close eye on this stuff. hopefully will sink away if/when covid receeds. they have a cause and a meeting point.
sounds a bit lame, but i think things like jimmy carr having a dig in such a way is actually important. to create a narrative of shaming. that people who teeter near the hole suddenly think "oh this stuff is seen as wanky nonsense, better go somewhere else". we've done the same with holocaust denial to an extent, and racism to an extent. root causes are of course essential but this stuff should not be entertained by the vast majority, right and left. it's dangerous. i think a narrative of shame and embarrasment will be a guard against that.
the way they all started paranoidly projecting onto the fucking census lol might suggest that the rabit hole will remain in place, covid or not. but as long as it a marginalised thing, then it's not much of a threat. but then you have "hmmmmm interesting, lets hear both sides of the debate" cunts like russell bongo brand, then yeh it is a bit unsettling.
it's terrifying. back in my observing these groups online, i would leave feeling completly disorientated by just the sheer volume and visciral luancy....all liked by hundreds of karens and michaels (i.e. ordinary folk). seeing friends start to parrot it. losing friends because of it.

we need to keep a close eye on this stuff. hopefully will sink away if/when covid receeds. they have a cause and a meeting point.

Would hope it slips away, but when people become so entrenched in their views... weaning them off can be difficult. Looking at the chatter in Irish politics, this last couple of years, it's terrifying that the likes of Sinn Fein are attracting opportunistic far right individuals, covidiots and commentators rewriting history & bending reality to their own confused agendas. That's just the onliners. And SF, whatever else some might think about them, aren't about far right nationalism and entertaining conspiracy bollocks.
And the latest unsurprising chapter:

If I were to bend over backwards to give her the benefit of the doubt, I could stretch my thinking to the idea that she was, at least, making a principled stand on the basis of her apparent disbelief that Covid was a threat. However, it appears she wasn't too reluctant to play the game from both ends, and secured £53k in Covid grants from Swansea Council.

Which makes it look a bit like her principles tend to vary according to what she feels benefits her at the time. I suspect she is going to be made an example of, and, personally, I think that's fair enough. You can't have it all your own way, especially not when this is so much about protecting a common good.

How fear fuels the vaccine wars

Interesting to hear people's views on this. Well balanced in my opinion of course, and sums up my thoughts on where we are. Hopefully it can be read and not denounced as 'tin-foil' loonery.

Altough reading SpineyNorman's CCP maturbationary thoughts above, it may be in the wrong thread.
A loaded article, based on emotion over reason, with heavily slanted language - "interned" - and a fits-where-it-touches approach to the facts,

Tin-foil loonery.
So I asked a friend - who's a full on anti-vaxx loon - to write an obituary for someone notable who had died recently. They had worked together for some time, and the person in question had been considerably ill for the past few years.

So how does his obituary start:

"Last Sunday after getting home from the receiving the vaccine booster shot our dear friend & colleague *** collapsed & died."

The article then goes on to make absolutely no mention of the person's pre-existing serious health conditions, so he's using the death of his friend to promote an anti-vaxx agenda. I'm refusing to publish it as it stands because it's a total misrepresentation of the facts.

(I would ask people not to post up guesses as to who I'm talking about. Thanks)
That is a huge line to cross, ffs, totally out of order. Really sorry you've got to deal with that. TBH I'd be starting to think they'd lost the plot if someone wrote that. Even ignoring their position being bonkers, to be unable to put that aside when writing an obituary is fucked up, wild out of control ego or narcissism or something isn't it?
That is a huge line to cross, ffs, totally out of order. Really sorry you've got to deal with that. TBH I'd be starting to think they'd lost the plot if someone wrote that. Even ignoring their position being bonkers, to be unable to put that aside when writing an obituary is fucked up, wild out of control ego or narcissism or something isn't it?

All of these people have lost the plot. They'll say they aren't anti-vax just this bax, but scratch the surface and it's full-on loon spud.
In the train toilet on the way back from Canterbury today. The last one says : Wake up, rise up. Do not comply - not sure if it's the same person or even a covid denier type who did that one. Unfortunately I didn't have anything on me to deal with this (marker or stickers for example). Also saw some Maoist stuff scratched into the wall of the toilet compartment, don't think it was the same person though (just said: read Lenin, Mao and Marx, with a hammer and sickle symbol):





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My boss told me they met up with an old friend/colleague of theirs to get a lift to a mutual friend’s thing and their friend ORDERED them to take their mask off if they wanted a lift. Reason won through in the end, but if that’d been me that would have been an end for or at least a pause in that relationship.
Does anyone feel alienated by others’ mystifying behaviour around Covid? I certainly do
My boss told me they met up with an old friend/colleague of theirs to get a lift to a mutual friend’s thing and their friend ORDERED them to take their mask off if they wanted a lift. Reason won through in the end, but if that’d been me that would have been an end for or at least a pause in that relationship.
Does anyone feel alienated by others’ mystifying behaviour around Covid? I certainly do
yeh, similar. it's weird, because i could/can sit with right wingers just as much as i can sit with left wingers (but probably not ultimately bond as deeply). i've never been the type to shut people out of my life if they dont see things the way i do. i like discovering teh commonalities between people. they might be for brexit but there's things beneath all that. i work with a lot of right wingers, and we talk football, our kids, waht we've done at weekend. someone ranting about covid denial though i'd feel it in my body, a level of repulsion. same with racism.
the bog standard sun/mail readers at work i have foudn just as compliant and mask wearing and respectful of the rules etc than anyone else. they might moan occasionaly that it's a "bit overblown" or something but they tow the line as good as anyone.

where i wince a bit is some of more creative/alternative friends. i daren't enquire most of the time.
My boss told me they met up with an old friend/colleague of theirs to get a lift to a mutual friend’s thing and their friend ORDERED them to take their mask off if they wanted a lift. Reason won through in the end, but if that’d been me that would have been an end for or at least a pause in that relationship.
Does anyone feel alienated by others’ mystifying behaviour around Covid? I certainly do

I’m actually pretty surprised in that no one I know, not a single one, including my Dad who is really right-wing, have come out with anything to alienate me.

If anything, I think I’m on the side of being less cautious (being happy to forego a mask outdoors unless really crowded etc.).

I don’t even have any idiotic Facebook friends. Not so much as a significantly mask-sceptic person, let alone an anti-vaxxer.

I seem to live in a bubble of people who are either very sensible or imo a little over-cautious.

The main disagreement I have with people is that I am very hesitant about mandates, covid passports etc.
I’m actually pretty surprised in that no one I know, not a single one, including my Dad who is really right-wing, have come out with anything to alienate me.

If anything, I think I’m on the side of being less cautious (being happy to forego a mask outdoors unless really crowded etc.).

I don’t even have any idiotic Facebook friends. Not so much as a significantly mask-sceptic person, let alone an anti-vaxxer.

I seem to live in a bubble of people who are either very sensible or imo a little over-cautious.

The main disagreement I have with people is that I am very hesitant about mandates, covid passports etc.
Birds of a feather etc
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