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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

.....this popped up this morning via facebook


it made me angry that he is inciting people give stick to shopworkers, I was comtemplating posting it here but when I look he has gone even further with this nasty shyte.The trigger warning is there for good reason....

In the past I have kept these peeps anonymous but this is a special level of cuntitude and so I have no qualms about revealing the perpetrators id.... anyway a proud ‘freedom crusader‘ and keeps his feed public....
.....this popped up this morning via facebook

View attachment 298960

it made me angry that he is inciting people give stick to shopworkers, I was comtemplating posting it here but when I look he has gone even further with this nasty shyte.The trigger warning is there for good reason....

In the past I have kept these peeps anonymous but this is a special level of cuntitude and so I have no qualms about revealing the perpetrators id.... anyway a proud ‘freedom crusader‘ and keeps his feed public....

Plus since when did these self-obsessed twats give one shit about disabled people's rights.

Plus since when did these self-obsessed twats give one shit about disabled people's rights.
They don't
they just worked out they could use this to not have to wear a mask

My gone down the hole acquaintance needs a new phone, he was asking for recommendations for one that does 4G but not 5G
proper gone
Seen on a mate's FB page (not posted by mate himself, I hasten to add). At first I thought this was a parody...

View attachment 298906

But then he went on...

View attachment 298907

At first I just laughed. Then I looked at his profile (not under his real name - he knows what they're up to! Having said that, neither am I...). It's just post after post of conspiraloon nonsense, from Hillary Clinton being a clone to some kind of new age spiral cult that reminded me of the Call of the Yeti in Mighty Boosh ('The rhythms of the forest flow through me - and they can flow through you too').

It's not that surprising really, that this bollocks appeals to lonely vulnerable people, perhaps with learning difficulties, and makes them feel like they're stronger and more perceptive than everyone else. I bet he has no idea what ivermectin or midazolam are.
definitely drank the whole cool aid :'(

Marcus Lamb big arsed anti vax anti mask...conspirsloon...
Dies from covid aged 64.
Spent the pandemic telling anyone who would listen that the vaccines were the work of the devil.

Had briadcasting station devoted to scaring people into not being vaccinated.

Oh well
get a busy london train each day twice, and would have to say mask wearing has gone from say 60% pre omincon, to now about 98%.

i'm sure i have spotted some flashes of fear across the face of the maskless though, as the train fills up. they must get doubts etc, especially when tehy see that the its packing out.

what a weird corner they have painted themselves in. sitting ducks.
Went Bodmin yesterday :) . Pretty well 100% masks in shops except for some of the shop assistants. Then got a train for the first time in two years - not rush hour so not at all crowded, felt really safe and all except two younguns with masks. I may go out again some day :cool:

Eta: oops wrong thread
get a busy london train each day twice, and would have to say mask wearing has gone from say 60% pre omincon, to now about 98%.

i'm sure i have spotted some flashes of fear across the face of the maskless though, as the train fills up. they must get doubts etc, especially when tehy see that the its packing out.

what a weird corner they have painted themselves in. sitting ducks.
I too noticed there were more masked people on my commute this week than previously.
D'you think it's cos people are worried about the Omicron, or about the possibility of being refused entry or fined again, as was the case before July 19th (not that I ever saw anyone prevented from getting on a tube or bus, far less being kicked off or fined)
Absolutely fucking bonkers, anarchist gone down the Great Reset conspiracy rabbit hole.

This is a classic Who’s behind the fake-left vaccine gang?
Apparently some of them got hold of the fact that there used to be a business called 'Omicron nanontechnology' so it's OBVIOUSLY connected to the omicron variant. Because it's really suss for a science company to be named after a greek letter, and if you super-duper top-secretly invent a virus you'll obviously name it after your business. :facepalm:

Damn, I've just learned of the first person in my circle of people I know well and get on with that is a vaccine refusnik, He's not at all bright so I guess he's fallen for some Bullshit.
Really pissed off that these bastards are taking impressionable but otherwise decent people with them
Apparently some of them got hold of the fact that there used to be a business called 'Omicron nanontechnology' so it's OBVIOUSLY connected to the omicron variant. Because it's really suss for a science company to be named after a greek letter, and if you super-duper top-secretly invent a virus you'll obviously name it after your business. :facepalm:

Lots of people passing through the Oxford area flipped out a while back when they saw 'ISIS Decorators' and 'ISIS Scaffolding' vans driving about. The Isis being the river that runs through Oxford and is actually the Thames.

Some people are just stupid.
Damn, I've just learned of the first person in my circle of people I know well and get on with that is a vaccine refusnik, He's not at all bright so I guess he's fallen for some Bullshit.
Really pissed off that these bastards are taking impressionable but otherwise decent people with them

Have you asked him what his concerns are?
Damn, I've just learned of the first person in my circle of people I know well and get on with that is a vaccine refusnik, He's not at all bright so I guess he's fallen for some Bullshit.
Really pissed off that these bastards are taking impressionable but otherwise decent people with them
If he's only just stepped into the hole, you might be able to drag him back out.
Careful supply of real, correct information to allay his concerns.
wow, that's nuts. down the hole they go.

Think it's not entirely new or unexpected, been borderline weird for ages, then they defo posted some stuff like that a while ago. It was just the occasional thing, now seems to be all they're about.
bit of credit to sam harris, the soft voiced twat loved by right wingers and "logic bros" everywhere. he is disgusted by these movements and credit to him because huge chunks of his grift is directed at such people. he has barely stopped ranting about them and so many of his followers have called him traitor etc. at least it seems there are some principles there whcih is so different to all the others in the "intellectual dark web" who are either silent or anti vax.
Think it's not entirely new or unexpected, been borderline weird for ages, then they defo posted some stuff like that a while ago. It was just the occasional thing, now seems to be all they're about.
had a glance through. it's proper cracked. total hubris and arguments based on paranoia. and realms and realms of it.
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Meroni’s supporters said he did not mean to insult Segre but to point out that the persecution of Jews has parallels with some measures of the government’s policies to contain COVID-19, the Il Cittadino newspaper reported.
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