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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Less of a nightmare than having several people in the shop wandering around without masks, which is what currently happens. Hopefully, we can achieve a critical mass of what the shop will tolerate that’s works for, not against, our best interests. We have to maintain something that is workable for all of us.

Yes, we have someone on the door when we can/when necessary.

It'll have to be one person without a mask, whatever their reason is. The person imposing that (I.e the person guarding the door ) will have to decide whether it’s worth arguing with every unmasked person about their exemption status or just accepting their stance regardless of paperwork.

This is not yer ordinary shop. It’s always been a bit maverick, and the people who shop there (largely the reason they like to shop there) are also maverick. It’s a place where, up til now, they’ve always felt free, unjudged, accepted, foibles and all. It’s always been dysfunctional in some ways, but it’s also uniquely perfect for what it is. All it’s flaws are being exposed now. We’re hoping customers will hold it precious and want to protect it. Right now, there’s a risk they start to see the shop as the Enemy whereas before they felt it to be Sanctuary.

It’s complicated. It’s not just a shop. You’ll have to take my word for that, or come and visit it yourself.

Used to live in Brixton, even been in that shop years ago. I guess you have some perfect storm overlapping Venn diagram of hippie health food weirdos and fucked over vulnerable poor people or something.
Used to live in Brixton, even been in that shop years ago. I guess you have some perfect storm overlapping Venn diagram of hippie health food weirdos and fucked over vulnerable poor people or something.

Exactly so. I’m more fucked off at the white hippy men than any of the others. The ones I feel really bad for are the Windrush elderlies who are diligently trying to take good care of their dwindling health, taking their cod liver oil and wearing their masks while their adult grandchildren are refusing to wear a mask.

There are also some for whom English is their second language, and I reckon they are falling through the information cracks. And some others have comprehension issues due to literacy, hearing, learning issues etc. No one seems to be addressing any of that properly.

I spoke with a woman the other day who is very isolated because her adult son has severe non-verbal autism and she’s on her own with him at home. Her understanding around the virus was very patchy, because no one has taken the time to make sure she has all the relevant information, and she has little time to watch TV or read (her son needs constant supervision). She was saying “I heard... isn’t it... I thought....” and a lot of it was nonsense, but she was keen and able to understand when I set her straight (e.g. asymptotic transmission).
Exactly so. I’m more fucked off at the white hippy men than any of the others. The ones I feel really bad for are the Windrush elderlies who are diligently trying to take good care of their dwindling health, taking their cod liver oil and wearing their masks while their adult grandchildren are refusing to wear a mask.

Where I live loads of the older Muslim generation (who came here from Pakistan etc. when younger) are being careful, but loads of their older kids (mostly 20 something men) are ignoring all the guidance and behaving really badly. Which must be really stressful when loads of them are all in the same houses.
Where I live loads of the older Muslim generation (who came here from Pakistan etc. when younger) are being careful, but loads of their older kids (mostly 20 something men) are ignoring all the guidance and behaving really badly. Which must be really stressful when loads of them are all in the same houses.

And it appears that this is exactly how transmission is being driven: (mostly young) people carrying the virus in from outdoor social gatherings where transmission is low but not nil, to close quarters indoors where transmission is much higher. Boom, the household becomes a vector, now the street is a vector.

See also pub crawls, ski resorts etc.
And it appears that this is exactly how transmission is being driven: (mostly young) people carrying the virus in from outdoor social gatherings where transmission is low but not nil, to close quarters indoors where transmission is much higher. Boom, the household becomes a vector, now the street is a vector.

See also pub crawls, ski resorts etc.

Got a bit of a party going on near my office right now...
More this weekend, with more cops around it looks like.

Do you know when it starts? I'm working in the city so need to avoid these muppets when I'm going home. I know there'll be loads of them on the tube at some point, coughing and not wearing masks, so I need to avoid them if poss. I might just walk to Paddington.
Do you know when it starts? I'm working in the city so need to avoid these muppets when I'm going home. I know there'll be loads of them on the tube at some point, coughing and not wearing masks, so I need to avoid them if poss. I might just walk to Paddington.
Technically midday Trafalgar Square, though people get there earlier - I believe the plan is to move on to Hyde Park afterwards. I'd expect people to be around all afternoon. To be fair there will only be a few thousand tops, which spread across the tube network is not much.
That's more than the first one. I thought it would tail off.

No, I don't think the wider scene that this emerges from is going to tail off at all. Some of it motivated by fear and wanting simple answers to complex issues, both which are only growing. I think it makes sense this demo is bigger as well, the general feeling in the public is more confused now, especially with deaths currently low.
I console myself with the thought that, although they do present a risk to the rest of us, the primary risk they present is to themselves, and - without actually hoping for it to happen - the idea that our little viral friend might mete out a little poetic justice is not an entirely unattractive one.

And, if you know any covidiots, you know exactly who to stay away from and/or be sure to be wearing PPE around.

I do also think that anyone interfering or coercing someone to remove masks, etc., or who attempts to remove a mask from someone else, should be fair game for "total and unreasonable massive retaliation", though I suspect that might present some awkward legal challenges :D.
It’s not just or to be honest not even primarily the virus I’m worried about them spreading. The way Icke & co have surged in popularity during this year is extraordinary and there’s no vaccine for that.
Yeah, that aspect is dismaying. It just goes to show that PT Barnum was right - "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the [American] public".
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