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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

fuck that cannie be arsed watching a shitty youtube stream by the wankers from Active patriot

these deluded fuckwits are getting taken over by the right
The woman speaking now to that massive crowd in Trafalgar Square is a bona Fide classic rabid antisemite of the rothschilds are killing babies variety.

Yep, Sandie Adams, inviting people to visit her website, which like an idiot I did. :facepalm:

For me, one of the biggest fraudulent deceptions of the last 100 years involves what truly happened around the 1930’s and 1940’s, the 2nd World War and the fact that many global organisations and the state of Israel were established.

The ensuing censorship and creation of a vexatious social condition, shuts down, silences and criminalises any questioning of “the holocaust” or indeed “the fate of the Jews at the hands of Hitler” or ANYTHING relating to Jewish/Zionist/Israeli State power or conspiracy. The Jewish lobbying groups in many areas of life are powerful and insidious.

No, I don't think the wider scene that this emerges from is going to tail off at all. Some of it motivated by fear and wanting simple answers to complex issues, both which are only growing. I think it makes sense this demo is bigger as well, the general feeling in the public is more confused now, especially with deaths currently low.
Not that the underlying social reasons would have gone, but that this particular lot would have gone in too far too fast with the real hardcore loonery. Not just anti-vax but "vaccines turn you into a new species and mind control you", "the world is run by satanic paedophiles" etc etc. It doesn't seem to have reduced numbers so far though - perhaps it might have bypassed a lot of people, perhaps it has put some people off but numbers are growing fast enough that there's still a net gain or hold, perhaps people don't take it seriously and/or think some parts might be silly but they're harmless/ignorable, and I guess there are a certain number of people who really believe in this stuff.

ETA: that doesn't mean it will keep growing though. The FLA stuff looked like it was growing for instance (much larger numbers than this) but then their brand of loonery killed it off quite rapidly.
I probably mentioned it before, but last summer I was doing some IT work in a laboratory in the electronics Faculty of a large university and got chatting to a young student there on summer placement.

I don't actually know what he was studying (maybe I should have taken it up with his tutors - but it could easily have been music tech ...), but on the subject of 5G, in response to my reminding him we were basically "ugly bags of mostly water" and that the only possible effect of RF energy was a miniscule amount of heating, he said it was all about the "pulsing" interfering with nerve signals - as if we were talking about some idiot grabbing hold of the antenna of a 100 watt old school CW (Morse code) transmitter and not a few milliwatts of basically broad spectrum white noise ...

... he went on to tell me that the lead in petrol used to make drivers violent - i.e lungful of exhaust fumes and they immediately lost their rag
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