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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I had a read of a Reddit page where people were talking about how they used to be troo believers and eventually came out of it. Really interesting to see their accounts of how it happens, how all encompassing the belief system becomes and how they escape it.
any chance of a link? sounds interesting
It’s not that it gives you brain cancer. The concern is the infra-red beam from the temperature reader will damage the pineal gland. That’s the concern people have. It comes from an Australian nurse.

It’s very easy to debunk this, because the temperature reader doesn’t emit infrared, it reads infrared emissions i.e. heat.

Plenty of people might “yeah-but” you if you respond with the facts, but one or two might listen.

It’s worth knowing/understanding what the nonsense claim is and where it comes from so that it can be countered if possible. I’ve successfully managed it a few times. You only have to sew a seed of doubt and use their own gambit of “do your research” to make a difference. I reckon it’s worth it, if only for one or two people.

I had a read of a Reddit page where people were talking about how they used to be troo believers and eventually came out of it. Really interesting to see their accounts of how it happens, how all encompassing the belief system becomes and how they escape it.

Yeah i couldn't remember exactly what she said about them when i did that post. I knew it sounded like nonsense when she said it though and she is into "anti vax" stuff so has form for this kind of thing.
Yes, I think it was that one Orang Utan , or one that blossomed off that.

Anyway, not the one two sheds posted; although I think I landed on that one at some point. I don’t remember seeing the Guardian article. Maybe it’s all just higher up the search algorithms.

I’m deeply concerned about how misinformation conspiracies etc is burgeoning. I’m trying to understand what’s going on behind it as well as what it’s doing.

A couple of Facebook colleagues have fallen down the hole. I’m not engaging with them but I’m clicking through to see what else is being posted, trying to get a handle on it.

Like watching something troubling happening at a distance and wondering if it will erupt into something larger, I’m keeping an eye on this stuff. I’ve got a bad feeling about it. I think it’s going to be a really huge and significant part of the ongoing domino cascade that we’re currently experiencing. I think it’s dangerous, and will be increasingly so.
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I’ve got a bad feeling about it. I think it’s going to be a really huge and significant part of the ongoing domino cascade that we’re currently experiencing. I think it’s dangerous, and will be increasingly so.

Yeah, I totally agree, I think it's only going to grow and become more of a problem. Like many things the pandemic has speeded some stuff up and inflamed some issues that otherwise might have just bubbled along at a steady-ish level and this is one of those things.
I think it’s only a matter of time before we see brazen physical attacks, on all sides, and I think there will be so little slack in the system that much of it will go unreported/ unprosecuted. Alternatively, it will lead to a huge crackdown with imposed controls.

The revolution we’ve long longed for will be subsumed by this shit.

Some customers kicked off at each other in the shop the other day. I wasn’t there but colleagues told me about it. Two masked women asked a refusenik to mask up, she refused, shouting and shoving ensued.
Some customers kicked off at each other in the shop the other day. I wasn’t there but colleagues told me about it. Two masked women asked a refusenik to mask up, she refused, shouting and shoving ensued.

Shit, that's really grim.

Yesterday I was in the shop. I asked people to put on their mask, to lift their mask over their nose etc. One said “Oh gosh sorry, yes of course!”. Two angrily declared they were exempt. I asked them to please have the lanyard and paperwork with them next time, explaining that it’s the law, they can download the exempt form for free over the internet, asking them to understand that we’re trying to keep the shop open so they can continue shopping there. Three argued with me about the conspiracy. A colleague stepped in to help with those, being very diplomatic and while not agreeing with them, didn’t oppose them either, just kept saying how it needs to be done.

This is one of the things I don’t get. We’re not telling them they’re wrong, we’re not telling them we doubt their theory, just asking them to wear a mask while they’re inside the shop so that we feel safe, so that we don’t get fined, so that we can keep the shop open. They’re so fired up about rights and freedoms while bullying us to conform to their beliefs.

ETA I just didn’t bother with some others. It was very apparent that it would lead to a pointless and upsetting exchange.
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Yesterday I was in the shop. I asked people to put on their mask, to lift their mask over their nose etc. One said “Oh gosh sorry, yes of course!”. Two angrily declared they were exempt. I asked them to please have the lanyard and paperwork with them next time, explaining that it’s the law, they can download the exempt form for free over the internet, asking them to understand that we’re trying to keep the shop open so they can continue shopping there. Three argued with me about the conspiracy. A colleague stepped in to help with those, being very diplomatic and while not agreeing with them, didn’t oppose them either, just kept saying how it needs to be done.

This is one of the things I don’t get. We’re not telling them they’re wrong, we’re not telling them we doubt their theory, just asking them to wear a mask while they’re inside the shop so that we feel safe, so that we don’t get fined, so that we can keep the shop open. They’re so fired up about rights and freedoms while bullying us to conform to their beliefs.

I'm guessing it's some health food/hippie type shop from that?!
Yesterday I was in the shop. I asked people to put on their mask, to lift their mask over their nose etc. One said “Oh gosh sorry, yes of course!”. Two angrily declared they were exempt. I asked them to please have the lanyard and paperwork with them next time, explaining that it’s the law, they can download the exempt form for free over the internet, asking them to understand that we’re trying to keep the shop open so they can continue shopping there. Three argued with me about the conspiracy. A colleague stepped in to help with those, being very diplomatic and while not agreeing with them, didn’t oppose them either, just kept saying how it needs to be done.

This is one of the things I don’t get. We’re not telling them they’re wrong, we’re not telling them we doubt their theory, just asking them to wear a mask while they’re inside the shop so that we feel safe, so that we don’t get fined, so that we can keep the shop open. They’re so fired up about rights and freedoms while bullying us to conform to their beliefs.

ETA I just didn’t bother with some others. It was very apparent that it would lead to a pointless and upsetting exchange.
If it was my shop, I'd install a trapdoor. If mask refuseniks start spouting all that conspiracy crap and refuse to leave, a quick click of the button and - whoosh! - they're gone.

For people that bang on about their rights, they sure as hell don't seem to give much of a fuck about other people's rights not to be infected.
I'm guessing it's some health food/hippie type shop from that?!

Yes indeed. Brixton Wholefoods.

I’ve said this on here before, months ago when it all started. I think that some of this is coming from a population that has long felt disenfranchised, lied to, persecuted, victimised, ostracised.

The demographic who uses this shop is really interesting. And it’s really interesting to see who is taking on the hoax narrative. Irs not just the young white hippy types. The majority are Afrocaribbeans, but not the Windrush generation, who are all properly masked up.
I do find this all very strange. When I took the dog to the vets in Truro there was a bloke on the door politely letting people in when there was space in the shop, if they had a mask, with nice clear marks for where to queue. I only saw it for about 5 minutes but it was all very civilized. Fucking stupid thing to get iffy about. :mad:
Yes indeed. Brixton Wholefoods.

I’ve said this on here before, months ago when it all started. I think that some of this is coming from a population that has long felt disenfranchised, lied to, persecuted, victimised, ostracised.

The demographic who uses this shop is really interesting. And it’s really interesting to see who is taking on the hoax narrative. Irs not just the young white hippy types. The majority are Afrocaribbeans, but not the Windrush generation, who are all properly masked up.

Yeah, that's been noted before, on here somewhere as well. Funnily enough I was chatting to friend last night who has friends involved with Co-operation Jackson (Cooperation Jackson) and apparently it's so big there they're spending all their time doing pandemic conspiracy de-bunking among the African Americans there.
If it was my shop, I'd install a trapdoor. If mask refuseniks start spouting all that conspiracy crap and refuse to leave, a quick click of the button and - whoosh! - they're gone.

For people that bang on about their rights, they sure as hell don't seem to give much of a fuck about other people's rights not to be infected.

They only spout it if you engage with them, and I don’t. Or I try not to. And it’s not a small minority, it’s a significant proportion of the paying customers. What are you going to do, ban them and lose the income?

It’s fine to make half-joking edicts but this is a real world problem.

I can talk with my clients, who trust me and trust my judgement; but I can’t talk with the customers, or with the work colleague who is completely engrossed with the nonsense (when I tried she switched to “you’re being racist”).

But a trapdoor, or banning them, just doesn’t work.
I do find this all very strange. When I took the dog to the vets in Truro there was a bloke on the door politely letting people in when there was space in the shop, if they had a mask, with nice clear marks for where to queue. I only saw it for about 5 minutes but it was all very civilized. Fucking stupid thing to get iffy about. :mad:

We operate a strict policy of six customers on the shop floor, two on the herb counter, and we’re introducing on,y one unmasked person at a time. Plenty are fine with this but a significantly number of people take umbrage, for any number of reasons.

They seem to think we’re asking them to indulge our personal neuroses.

Some of them come in wearing a mask and then take it off or lower it once they’re inside. Ask them to put it on, they sa6 “in a minute.... I’m not here for long.... I can’t breathe (which now has significant baggage attached to it)” etc.
We operate a strict policy of six customers on the shop floor, two on the herb counter, and we’re introducing on,y one unmasked person at a time. Plenty are fine with this but a significantly number of people take umbrage, for any number of reasons.

They seem to think we’re asking them to indulge our personal neuroses.

Some of them come in wearing a mask and then take it off or lower it once they’re inside. Ask them to put it on, they sa6 “in a minute.... I’m not here for long.... I can’t breathe (which now has significant baggage attached to it)” etc.

Really, one unmasked person? Is that anyone without a mask or only people that say they have exemption? From what you've said that's going to be a right nightmare to enforce... Do you currently have someone stopping people coming in if there's already 6 in the shop?
Really, one unmasked person? Is that anyone without a mask or only people that say they have exemption? From what you've said that's going to be a right nightmare to enforce... Do you currently have someone stopping people coming in if there's already 6 in the shop?

Less of a nightmare than having several people in the shop wandering around without masks, which is what currently happens. Hopefully, we can achieve a critical mass of what the shop will tolerate that’s works for, not against, our best interests. We have to maintain something that is workable for all of us.

Yes, we have someone on the door when we can/when necessary.

It'll have to be one person without a mask, whatever their reason is. The person imposing that (I.e the person guarding the door ) will have to decide whether it’s worth arguing with every unmasked person about their exemption status or just accepting their stance regardless of paperwork.

This is not yer ordinary shop. It’s always been a bit maverick, and the people who shop there (largely the reason they like to shop there) are also maverick. It’s a place where, up til now, they’ve always felt free, unjudged, accepted, foibles and all. It’s always been dysfunctional in some ways, but it’s also uniquely perfect for what it is. All it’s flaws are being exposed now. We’re hoping customers will hold it precious and want to protect it. Right now, there’s a risk they start to see the shop as the Enemy whereas before they felt it to be Sanctuary.

It’s complicated. It’s not just a shop. You’ll have to take my word for that, or come and visit it yourself.
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