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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I did celebrate the fact that some of the tyrants who tried to make their people carry on without reasonable measures to protect them from the virus, hiding behind bullshit that offered no real protection, ended up dying of the virus.

I'm still somewhat annoyed Trump, Bojo, Bolsonaro and the rest of the cabinet didn't suffer as much as the people they've knocked off during all this.
Theres nothing anarchist about ignoring a clear and present danger of illness and doing your best to protect yourself and others from illness.

Reasonable measures are one thing. Vaccine mandates such as in Austria, or vaccine passports as we see across Europe are another thing entirely.
In this information technology age a hell of a lot of the data gathering and analysis systems were already well in place. And there was already a mix of corporations and state institutions involved. Some corporations and state entities revealed during the pandemic so far a little of what they have in terms of masses of mobility data.

What the pandemic does is somewhat shift things in terms of how overt and covert some of these data systems are, public awareness of them, as well as providing fresh justifications for their use and some interesting debates about whether it is mandatory to subject yourself to those systems, and what you may be excluded from if you refuse to participate.

So we do get things like Blair sensing an opportunity to promote id cards after failing to secure their use using war on terror justifications. A lot of people groaned when he came out with such an obvious sales pitch, fuck off Blair.

The UK establishment sometimes gets a bit twitchy about these things because traditionally they have given rather a high priority to 'not revealing their sources and methods', with the public invited to indulge in plenty of doublethink, 'its uncomfortable, look the other way'. So in some ways the pandemic has been a bit awkward for them, they smell some opportunity but they are wary of tipping their hand much. And not much in this pandemic is actually brand new on these fronts.

I havent seen many signs of public opinion shifting dramatically as a result of the pandemic, not beyond certain core uses of data for viral control which has some fairly obvious merits but clear limits in terms of what people find acceptable. For example so far none of this stuff seemed to make people hugely relaxed about their data, eg lots of people were still rather keen to opt out of medical record sharing.
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Also I expect reasons why the UK establishment, especially as it pertains to England, has not been keen to press on with vaccine passports etc so far, is tied to powerful illusions they traditionally rely on in terms of claims such as 'we have a consent-based form of policing here'.

If I'm opposed to the surveillance state then my concerns shouldnt really hinge on whether that surveillance is overt or covert, especially since the overt forms are at least more honest about it. There isnt much point in me going nuts about attempts to eradicate a tradition of 'no personal papers' on some limited fronts in this country, if I overlook similar surveillance by differennt means (internet, cctv, numberplate tracking etc).
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And hypocrites and turncoats and enablers of petty tyrants. And mockers and jeerers who are too afraid of being ostracised from their little online buble to speak out against what is happening. And those that would claim to be anti-establishment in one breath, only to leap to the support of the most powerful in the next.
What are you going on about? What should we be speaking out about?


If these antivax cunts were sensible and took scientifically researched advice like wearing masks and distaning we wouldn't have half the problem we do now.

Next time any anti-mask cunts have surgery make their surgeon doesn't wear a mask and sneezes into their open abdomen.
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Emergency powers are being enacted that may never be repealed. The technological infrastructure neccessary for total control over the population is being built. Legislation such as the online harms bill, and the policing bill are being pushed for that will increase the power of the state over the individual. The general mood on both left an right is one of anti-liberty, with free speech being a derisable concept for many. All of these small things added together make me feel like a frog slowely being boiled. Time to jump out.

Oh dear, I don't look at here for 24 hours, and in the intervening time you seem to have lost the plot.

Where are you going to 'jump out' to?
See the thing is they say masks will be compulsory in shops like before but in actuality they never really were(i work in a medium sized supermarket, one of the big four)...loads of people very quickly cottoned on that if they say as they come in that they're 'exempt' then we cannot challenge it, we never outright stopped people coming in if they really were determined to without a mask...and before people start having a go, we will again have to go through daily arguments and abuse..we're not the fucking police.
Am really dreading next week now :(
See the thing is they say masks will be compulsory in shops like before but in actuality they never really were(i work in a medium sized supermarket, one of the big four)...loads of people very quickly cottoned on that if they say as they come in that they're 'exempt' then we cannot challenge it, we never outright stopped people coming in if they really were determined to without a mask...and before people start having a go, we will again have to go through daily arguments and abuse..we're not the fucking police.
Am really dreading next week now :(
It’s totally unfair to expect retail staff to police the mask policy. What it maybe needs is for local authorities to be given the same powers they have for licensing conditions for pubs/clubs so they can stipulate a minimum number of door staff needed for each outlet to do the job of enforcement.
And hypocrites and turncoats and enablers of petty tyrants. And mockers and jeerers who are too afraid of being ostracised from their little online buble to speak out against what is happening. And those that would claim to be anti-establishment in one breath, only to leap to the support of the most powerful in the next.
Emergency powers are being enacted that may never be repealed. The technological infrastructure neccessary for total control over the population is being built. Legislation such as the online harms bill, and the policing bill are being pushed for that will increase the power of the state over the individual. The general mood on both left an right is one of anti-liberty, with free speech being a derisable concept for many. All of these small things added together make me feel like a frog slowely being boiled. Time to jump out.
all because of a tiny jab in teh arm and having to wear a mask on a bus?
See the thing is they say masks will be compulsory in shops like before but in actuality they never really were(i work in a medium sized supermarket, one of the big four)...loads of people very quickly cottoned on that if they say as they come in that they're 'exempt' then we cannot challenge it, we never outright stopped people coming in if they really were determined to without a mask...and before people start having a go, we will again have to go through daily arguments and abuse..we're not the fucking police.
Am really dreading next week now :(

Awful for you, and indeed those who generally can't wear one, who no doubt people suspect are just arseholes, because of the fake-exempt.

On the bright side, now the loons have redefined tyranny for the world, the oppressed around the world will now all they have to do to not be murdered for their sexuality, religion, race or political views, is say #'I'm exempt'. Who knew!?

E2A: the hashtag was a typo, but I feel a Twitter campaign coming on:D
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