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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Do you think you're listening to too much of that sort of stuff? You'd said before about your concern of the darkness descending on democracy.

If you spend all your time looking at the misguided and misinformed, it's easy to forget that most people aren't like that.
This video series is worth watching - linked from "Conspiritulity"

The perceived differences between "innoculation" and "vaccination" in the context of smallpox and the sociological reasons behind the earlier, massive resistance to the vaccination of children.

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Well the central system for one. You've obviously never been anywhere near the implementation of a UK public sector IT system... police forces have to phone up their neighbours to transfer incidents by voice, multi billion pound government schemes are run on Excel spreadsheets. Even national insurance numbers don't have a check bit or anything remotely similar. Besides who in government is really going to b worried about bilge spouting nutters, some MI5 work experience lad? they can barely keep on top of the actual terrorists and Russian spies...
This is absolutely true. Anyone who has any experience in the public sector realises the sheer organisational skills needed to operate a conspiracy are absent, and the larger the organisation, the less well it can organise itself.
Yeah, I work in the NHS, the idea that anything (patient info excepted) could stay quiet and confidential (let alone be a highly secret conspiracy) is hilarious. I'd probably have heard about the plan from some domestic staff on a department Whatsapp chat between news on Bake Off and discussion on who's the hottest doctor.
I worked for one organisation where Christmas meant a significant change in work load. in almost 30 years we only ever seemed to remember and start planning in late November... Every year without exception.
So true 😂. I'm in the NHS and only when November comes around do certain people put an effort in.
I ended up being given some NHS Wales number to arrange my QR-card-sporting vaccine passport.

I needed it for the Erasure gig we went to in Cardiff a few weeks ago, and in December, when I meet my mate in Manchester to see Madness :thumbs: (with Squeeze in support! :cool: ), I'll need the same passport then as well.

Plus very probably I'll need it for various festivals next summer also.

Doesn't bother me much if at all!

Organising getting the thing posted was a slight hassle, but to me, live music is a whole stack more important than getting in any way stressed/worried about having to get a vaccine passport. Whatever! :D

It's not the hassle, just the principle of having to do something which in no way will protect me from catching covid.
I had to sign up to the NHS England website (I am not from England), create an user account, link to my NHS number and produce a QR Code for two recent gigs.

Yes, fuck the covid passport. It just gives people a false sense of security and then they don't wear masks or socially distance because they think they have the pass and are ok. Wearing masks works...I think that's what should be enforced more, not an useless covid passport.
I was at a show at the Palace Theatre in Manchester on Saturday. We all had to show our vaccine passports, which is fine by me, no problem. I assume the cards you're given can be used as an analogue version.

Masks were mandatory, though compliance was maybe only 50%.
They could show loon cuts of fillums.

Dallas : Something has attached itself to him. We have to get him to the infirmary right away.
Ripley : What kind of thing? I need a clear definition.
Dallas : An organism. Open the hatch.
Ripley : Wait a minute. If we let it in, the ship could be infected. You know the quarantine procedure. Twenty-four hours for decontamination.
Dallas: Medical apartheid!
I ended up being given some NHS Wales number to arrange my QR-card-sporting vaccine passport.
I needed it for the Erasure gig we went to in Cardiff a few weeks ago, and in December, when I meet my mate in Manchester to see Madness :thumbs: (with Squeeze in support! :cool: ), I'll need the same passport then as well.
Plus very probably I'll need it for various festivals next summer also.
Doesn't bother me much if at all!
Organising getting the thing posted was a slight hassle, but to me, live music is a whole stack more important than getting in any way stressed/worried about having to get a vaccine passport. Whatever! :D

mwgdrwg said:
It's not the hassle, just the principle of having to do something which in no way will protect me from catching covid.

I find it hard to get too much bothered about that sort of principle when to me, the practicalities of getting to gigs and festivals top my priority list! :thumbs:
William of Walworth said:
I find it hard to get too much bothered about that sort of principle when to me, the practicalities of getting to gigs and festivals top my priority list

mwgdrwg said:
Well we do live in an individualist society, I'm really not surprised.

It's true, and I do (more generally) believe in collectivism myself, but I'd want to avoid getting into the sort of collective that risks containing a big number of anti-vaccination people, even conspiracists :hmm:

Not saying you/all those who resist vaccine-passports fit into that box, but there'd be plenty who did.

I don't want to do collective solidarity with fruitcakes!! :D ;)
I had a look at his twitter follows and sure enough it's full of loons, even the Afd.

I see the moonoflabama loon is getting called a nazi by all the other loons because he pulled piers robinson up on his whining about german covid rules.

loon on loon piers robinson conspiraloon covid.jpg/SPOILER]
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Welsh cinema which refused to ask for Covid passes shut down by council

The bodily autonomy nonsense made me laugh though I shouldnt
And the latest unsurprising chapter:

A cinema has been ordered to close by the Welsh government after its owner failed to show up for her court case.

Anna Redfern did not turn up at Swansea Magistrates' Court after the city council told her to close Cinema & Co for refusing to ask for Covid passes.

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