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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

A pal has slipped down the hole and referenced the Nuremburg code to me. I asked what it was and got given a wiki link. Fucking arse.
Someone on another forum which is science based has gone down that rabbit hole as well as Great Reset shite. He's an expert in his field and I've listened to what has said since the day of the Usenet newsgroups. It's rather sad 😞
Someone on another forum which is science based has gone down that rabbit hole as well as Great Reset shite. He's an expert in his field and I've listened to what has said since the day of the Usenet newsgroups. It's rather sad 😞

There something that has gone on, be it lockdown loneliness and/or too much time to spend online, or something else, that that has seen people you couldn't possibly believe go thay way. Formerly sharp people sharing obvious fucking shite:(
There something that has gone on, be it lockdown loneliness and/or too much time to spend online, or something else, that that has seen people you couldn't possibly believe go thay way. Formerly sharp people sharing obvious fucking shite:(
Of the four I know who've fallen down the hole, three of them were far from sharp in the first place and one was only slightly sharp. They all now think they're experts in fucking everything.
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Dickhead cinema Swansea
'Human Rights'

Only just seen this ... :(

I've not been there for a fairly long time now, but until this :mad:, Cinema & Co. have been a pretty good place showing good and varied films, and also organising some good gigs ......

But even the soundest places can end up becoming total idiots :thumbsdown:

My defacto recent boycott will become deliberate now! :facepalm:
They had someone like you on the radio yesterday. Asked why they hadn't had the vaccine they gave a reason, which was answered by a professor specializing in the area. They then ignored the answer and gave another reason, which was again answered, and then again ignored. Etc.

There's some pretty good arguments against 'vaccine passports' etc. and I'm totally sympathetic to them and don't have a clear position for or against tbh. But using incorrect info about the vaccine actually shows that you and others like you have more of a problem with covid and vaccines than just the actual 'passport' idea itself.
I thought Griff was taking the piss. He doesn’t actually believe that bollocks, does he...? :eek:

How else would you describe it? Look at Austria.

I don't fancy being locked up at home for being fit and healthy just gecause I haven't had a vaccine. Having police checking my 'status' isn't a good look.
What does this mean?

And all that being prevented from doing stuff as unvaccinated. What do you expect, I learned to drive playing Grand Theft Auto doesn't mean I qualify for a driving licence or that I'd be safe on the road.

The vaccine is to save people and protect society, it's antisocial not to have it.
...without a good (ie. medical) reason.
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