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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

As I think I've said elsewhere I find it interesting how conspiracy sorts seem to assume nobody puts anything in any kind of context - as you say existentialist , critical evaluation.

We don't believe things because we 'blindly trust authority', people generally take things in context, and, if they're not a conspiraloon on a balance of probabilites. Do i trust the government? No. Are governments faking COVID 'to control us'? On a balance of probability, no, it makes no sense at all, given COVID makes it hard to govern on so many levels (lost tax income, need to subsidise, supply chain issues etc) and also given that international governments can't agree on a fucking thing it seems highly unlikely they've managed a conspiracy that would have to involved tens or hundreds of thousands of people with every single one keeping schtum.

Could a pharmacuetical company have concocted COVID so it can profit from vaccines? This is actually a more plausible one in the sense there's a clear beneficiary, but still strikes me as a poor way to do business, plus we're not existing in a movie where you can apparently develop your evil designer bio-weapon and simultanously the vaccine to it while either not testing it on anyone or somehow secretly testing in on 100,000s people without anyone noticing.
your problem is you need to listen @secret_whisperer_light_worker on social media more is all. You will then be illuminated.
Because while obviously those behind the SCAMDEMIC have paid off or threatened 1000s of health practitioners around the world into complete silence about their nefarious plot, they've also left behind some extremely tenuous clues in the dates things happened or where they happened that some smart people on the internet will find to indicate what they're up to! Which makes total sense.
According to Eldest Q, she hasn't seen Crazy Ratlicker Lady outside Grandson 1's school for a few days. One of the other mum's told her today that CRL is in hospital having taken too much invermectin. Eldest was sniggering as she told her mother this.
That stuff is far from rare and it is interesting I think. I don't think it's as simple as they're outright lying always exactly. We've surely all got those friends who don't lie exactly, but embellish events and make up stories that they think are true, so mean something to them?

I get that all people lie and/or have an idealised of themselves, but there's a distinct subset of people for whom outrageous lying seems to be compulsive, or a reflex. Maybe it's just my autism, but I have a burning hatred for Little Billy Bullshitters who make stuff up instead of admitting speculation or ignorance.

According to Eldest Q, she hasn't seen Crazy Ratlicker Lady outside Grandson 1's school for a few days. One of the other mum's told her today that CRL is in hospital having taken too much invermectin. Eldest was sniggering as she told her mother this.

Shitting out your intestinal lining to own the libs.
I get that all people lie and/or have an idealised of themselves, but there's a distinct subset of people for whom outrageous lying seems to be compulsive, or a reflex. Maybe it's just my autism, but I have a burning hatred for Little Billy Bullshitters who make stuff up instead of admitting speculation or ignorance.

Shitting out your intestinal lining to own the libs.
Yep some people just can't help telling lies and tall stories, then there is the +1 subset, no matter what story you tell they have a +1 story just after.
I get that all people lie and/or have an idealised of themselves, but there's a distinct subset of people for whom outrageous lying seems to be compulsive, or a reflex. Maybe it's just my autism, but I have a burning hatred for Little Billy Bullshitters who make stuff up instead of admitting speculation or ignorance.

I see them that as a selfish portion of society who until now, have never been told what to do outside the existing laws.

They will (mostly 🙄) stick to the accepted society rights and wrongs but the 'awful horror' of wearing a mask or having a tiny needle in their arms makes them angry.
I see them that as a selfish portion of society who until now, have never been told what to do outside the existing laws.

They will (mostly 🙄) stick to the accepted society rights and wrongs but the 'awful horror' of wearing a mask or having a tiny needle in their arms makes them angry.

I think that's a different but overlapping phenomenon. The people who exhibit that kind of selfish bullheadedness might well be serial or outrageous liars, but not necessarily.
I don't think (?) that anyone's yet posted this link on this thread (or any other?? :confused: ), but I found this strongly anti-conspiracist article a properly excellent (Guardian) read the other day.
Guardian headline said:
Chakras, crystals, and conspiracy theories : How the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science

Luts of bonkers loons quoted or discussed in that article, but here's a couple of ultra-extremist head-exploders :

Sirin Kale said:
Away from the CCDH’s list, other prominent figures include the yoga instructor Stephanie Birch, who has posted QAnon hashtags on her now-deleted Instagram account, and Krystal Tini, a wellness influencer with 169,000 Instagram followers, who has consistently posted anti-vaccine content, including one post that compared lockdowns to the horrors inflicted on Polish Jews in the Warsaw ghetto

the Los Angeles wellness and beauty guru Shiva Rose recently compared vaccines to McCarthyism, slavery, the Cultural Revolution, the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust, all in one post.

Later on :

Sirin Kale said:
Catherine Gabitan** does not need the vaccine, because she is a shining paragon of health. The people dying from Covid are people with disabilities, or those who are already sick, obese or old. What happens to them is nothing for Gabitan to trouble herself about unduly, as an able-bodied member of the wellness community.
(**Supposedly a "wellness coach" in California :rolleyes: )

Then :

“A lot of the people that are experiencing hospitalisations from Covid had a lot of other co-morbidities, right?” Gabitan says. “Or they are overweight. If our government had promoted a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, from the beginning … that would have done a lot more to prevent some of these hospitalisations by actually encouraging people to become the healthiest versions of themselves. Right. So, for me, one premise is people taking responsibility for their own health.”

So if you get Covid, that's all your fucking fault! :hmm:
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Yeah these cunts are always just round the corner from a 'well it's only old and sick people dying so who cares' argument. Even when they try not to make it explicit it's in there.
Tbh, i think that ^ has been pretty mainstream throughout this whole thing. Including the 'they had an underlying health condition so 🤷‍♀️ ' narrative. (When that underlying health condition could be something that wouldn't typically kill you if well controlled.)
Tbh, i think that ^ has been pretty mainstream throughout this whole thing. Including the 'they had an underlying health condition so 🤷‍♀️ ' narrative. (When that underlying health condition could be something that wouldn't typically kill you if well controlled.)

Yeah I think that's fair but I think it's often been a source of comfort when people are worried. It's still unpleasant granted but I think the conspiracy nut 'fuck em' stance is a big step further on.
Tbh, i think that ^ has been pretty mainstream throughout this whole thing. Including the 'they had an underlying health condition so 🤷‍♀️ ' narrative. (When that underlying health condition could be something that wouldn't typically kill you if well controlled.)
Plus on top of that its used to tiptoe around all the deaths that occured in people who were hospitalised for other reasons and then caught covid in hospital.
Have been dealing with the odd daily nutter at testing stations for months now. Most are annoying rather than problematic but all are tiresome.

Am now involved in planning and running a two day vaccination drive in a busy shopping centre. It needs to be well publicised but also needs high security 🙄 none of the council cunts have any 'real life' understanding.

Have been dealing with the odd daily nutter at testing stations for months now. Most are annoying rather than problematic but all are tiresome.

Am now involved in planning and running a two day vaccination drive in a busy shopping centre. It needs to be well publicised but also needs high security 🙄 none of the council cunts have any 'real life' understanding.

They're asking for volunteers locally ... :hmm:
Is this connected to the "NPC" phenomenon I don't really "get" because I'm not a gamer ?
Well I haved gamed in the past and developed using 3D game engines, so I know what an NPC is but I'll be making no attempts to consider how the basic concept may have been taken and misapplied to something fuckwits imagine could actually be part of the real world.
Well I haved gamed in the past and developed using 3D game engines, so I know what an NPC is but I'll be making no attempts to consider how the basic concept may have been taken and misapplied to something fuckwits imagine could actually be part of the real world.
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Unthinking beings.

Wow. They're right out there....

Prosecutor Chloe Fordham told the court the pair "held extreme views about there being a conspiracy by the elite to have the general population vaccinated against Covid in order to infect them with a substance which would kill the God particle in humans and turn them into unthinking beings".
As part of the theory this "elite" wanted to reset the economy, resulting in worldwide food shortages which would require them to defend themselves and their property, she said.

Good work by the cops too.

Harry Wilson paid for the pistol, a Glock magazine and 50 rounds of ammunition with cryptocurrency but the parcel was intercepted by law enforcement agencies in the United States.
The UK's National Crime Agency arranged for a dummy package to be sent in its place, which Ashley Wilson signed for at the family farm at Helsington, near Kendal, on 25 August.
Recording equipment was hidden within it and captured the brothers' conversation as it was unwrapped.
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