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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Fucking arse in my local yesterday who has a PHD telling me covid is a lie. No one has died from it, they were all poisoned by hyperbaric oxygen. Fucks sake.
There was a news item about some UK anti-vaxxer feller who was in hospital with Covid and still insisted he wouldn’t have the jab (bit late for that anyway)

The article made a big deal of the fact that he has a PhD. Turned out his PhD was in Law. So how would make him an expert in virology and epidemiology …?
Today's best exchange...

Woman screams at me 'You should be fucking ashamed scabbing for this scam'

My reply was something like 'Yes dear, now run along' which she took umbridge at. Asked for my name so she could report me, I told her it was Piers Corbyn which she wrote down.

Then started ranting about microchips and 7/7 bombings being the government and a whole load of nonsense, I told her to 'fuck off and stop wasting my time' took about another half hour to get rid ffs
Today's best exchange...

Woman screams at me 'You should be fucking ashamed scabbing for this scam'

My reply was something like 'Yes dear, now run along' which she took umbridge at. Asked for my name so she could report me, I told her it was Piers Corbyn which she wrote down.

Then started ranting about microchips and 7/7 bombings being the government and a whole load of nonsense, I told her to 'fuck off and stop wasting my time' took about another half hour to get rid ffs

Do you have a front of house job or was this randomly in the street?
there's no mask mandate, no vaccine mandate, no checking of vaccine status for access, or recording names for tracing.

what are they actually protesting against? against the hypothetical that these things might be brought in in future?
Today's best exchange...

Woman screams at me 'You should be fucking ashamed scabbing for this scam'

My reply was something like 'Yes dear, now run along' which she took umbridge at. Asked for my name so she could report me, I told her it was Piers Corbyn which she wrote down.

Then started ranting about microchips and 7/7 bombings being the government and a whole load of nonsense, I told her to 'fuck off and stop wasting my time' took about another half hour to get rid ffs
On my way to the market, there was a small cadre of anti-vaccine twats hanging around the square outside sainsburys on the crystal palace triangle at lunchtime today, waving a range of lurid yellow placards ranging from the technically correct ("vaccines don't stop transmission!") to full-bore loonspuddery ("vaccines don't work!", "vaccines are killing children!", something else to do with the new world order using vaccines to turn us in to slaves) - the first time I've seen anything so overt so close to home (although not unsurprising as I think there's a lot of the hippy types around here). Thankfully no megaphones or aggressive accosting of the general public anything, just a bunch of people standing around by the bus stop.

It didn't stop me feeling immensely angry though. I walked past in haste, giving serious consideration if I should shout something or not, but ended up chickening out. Lots of the usual saturday bystanders chatting to one another staring at them, some I overheard murmuring such edifying support as "those stupid wankers" and "who let those pricks out?". By the time I walked past again about an hour later they'd all disappeared; I did wonder if they were amassing for a larger event elsewhere or if someone less cowardly than me had thrown a bucket of piss in their faces.
Fucking arse in my local yesterday who has a PHD telling me covid is a lie. No one has died from it, they were all poisoned by hyperbaric oxygen. Fucks sake.
Bit like person I unfriended on FB saying that she totally overheard a woman in Brent Cross saying that she was a nurse at Northwick Park and the whole thing was a scam and hospitals were empty and had been the whole time.

Because of course every single member of the NHS would be totally fine with this and not a single one would have revealed this devilish plot to the media, and all the people who claim to have been in hospital fighting for their lives for 8 weeks were actually just sent on a nice holiday by The Government that for some reason left them still ill and debilitated for months afterwards. :facepalm:
Bit like person I unfriended on FB saying that she totally overheard a woman in Brent Cross saying that she was a nurse at Northwick Park and the whole thing was a scam and hospitals were empty and had been the whole time.

Because of course every single member of the NHS would be totally fine with this and not a single one would have revealed this devilish plot to the media, and all the people who claim to have been in hospital fighting for their lives for 8 weeks were actually just sent on a nice holiday by The Government that for some reason left them still ill and debilitated for months afterwards. :facepalm:

It's not just NHS staff, but everyone working for funeral directors, graveyards, crematoriums, registry offices and local papers publishing all those extra death notices, that are in on it. :facepalm:
Bit like person I unfriended on FB saying that she totally overheard a woman in Brent Cross saying that she was a nurse at Northwick Park and the whole thing was a scam and hospitals were empty and had been the whole time.

That stuff is far from rare and it is interesting I think. I don't think it's as simple as they're outright lying always exactly. We've surely all got those friends who don't lie exactly, but embellish events and make up stories that they think are true, so mean something to them?

As I think I've said elsewhere I find it interesting how conspiracy sorts seem to assume nobody puts anything in any kind of context - as you say existentialist , critical evaluation.

We don't believe things because we 'blindly trust authority', people generally take things in context, and, if they're not a conspiraloon on a balance of probabilites. Do i trust the government? No. Are governments faking COVID 'to control us'? On a balance of probability, no, it makes no sense at all, given COVID makes it hard to govern on so many levels (lost tax income, need to subsidise, supply chain issues etc) and also given that international governments can't agree on a fucking thing it seems highly unlikely they've managed a conspiracy that would have to involved tens or hundreds of thousands of people with every single one keeping schtum.

Could a pharmacuetical company have concocted COVID so it can profit from vaccines? This is actually a more plausible one in the sense there's a clear beneficiary, but still strikes me as a poor way to do business, plus we're not existing in a movie where you can apparently develop your evil designer bio-weapon and simultanously the vaccine to it while either not testing it on anyone or somehow secretly testing in on 100,000s people without anyone noticing.
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