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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I'm not supposed to have live vaccines due to a history of previous adverse reactions. So I'm 100% in favour of compulsory vaccination for everyone else, because herd immunity is the only kind of immunity I'm likely to get.

Also I loathe, despise and detest anti-vaxxers and I want everything they hate most to happen to them. You know, the way polio used to happen to innocent children.
I thought the Pfizer and Moderna were MRNA Vaccines with no live Virus?
Looks like the government is getting ready for introducing 'Plan B'.

In the clearest sign to date that Whitehall is actively considering additional measures, the Observer has learnt that the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) contacted local authorities on Friday to canvass their level of support for the “immediate rollout of the winter plan – plan B”.

Boris Johnson has so far publicly resisted suggestions that he should order the implementation of plan B, a menu of measures which includes the use of vaccine passports at higher-risk venues and mass gatherings, as well as legally mandating the use of face masks in some settings.

However, in a memo marked “official – sensitive”, the agency states that it was urgently seeking the views of council chief executives and leaders to be fed directly into the Cabinet Office. “This is a tight turnaround as you might appreciate and so a response by close of play would be really helpful,” it states.

That'll piss off of the loons.
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The hospital invasions are despicable on every level - having had to visit the hospital twice this year I know how (patients) feel at a worrying point in their life - it's like desecrating a place of worship...

There's an antivaxxer on Paltalk who has gone down the Wakefield rabbithole - though she apparently blames the DTP vaccine ...
She now won't visit the doctor for anything - which doesn't bode well for a woman in her 40s...

The discussion arose because I posted my cholesterol stats and she was disappointed that testing required the drawing of blood by a medical professional.
Piece at Richard Bartholomew's blog about former NHS paramedic Michael Chaves, the conspiraloon organising these paper serving stunts.

Media Profiles Anti-Vaxxer Targeting TV Presenters

Among the links in it is one to the article about Chaves in The Times last week - archived version of it here.
The Wong case is weird. He got serious time (IIRC 17 years or close for the kindap), but it was really well organised with another bunch of nutters who are all "Satan's gonna sacrifice my child". One of these freaks will do something serious sooner than later I fear.
Honestly surprised this hasn't happened already. Obviously I'd expect hospital workers to have above-average patience, but random members of the public won't necessarily share that mindset.
If I saw someone abusing my cancer nurses like this I'd be very tempted to punch them in the mush. I'd probably fall over afterwards. One of the Marsden nurses was saying some of these types of loons told her she was killing kids - I loath them.
They are getting out of control with their protests outside of schools.

It comes as The Telegraph can reveal that at least one school in London was told to close early by the police and their local authority, due to risk posed to pupils and staff by a large-scale protest by anti-vaxxers.

The headteacher, who is a prominent education leader, said the school had not taken the decision “lightly”, but felt obligated to do so to ensure “the safety and security of its students”.

Meanwhile, in more than a dozen first-hand accounts from heads across the country, it has emerged that anti-vaxxers have violently clashed with pupils, covertly filmed teachers, trespassed on school premises to serve bogus legal notices and handed out leaflets to pupils containing disinformation about Covid-19 vaccines.

In one clash outside of a school, three pupils were reportedly injured during a confrontation with demonstrators when their signs were stolen, with one pupil allegedly being pushed in front of a car.

Despite urging the police to attend the school two hours beforehand, the headteacher said they had been told that the protesters had a right to demonstrate - adding that they felt “extremely vulnerable, frustrated and helpless”.

In one incident, a headteacher had to request police involvement after receiving a death threat from a parent “threatening to hang me if I allowed vaccination to take place on the site”.

Several school leaders revealed their pupils were being handed leaflets containing disinformation about the vaccines, including claims that they “screw up your body”.

Others reported groups of demonstrators entering schools to demand to see headteachers and staff to serve them with bogus legal notices, often while filming covertly.

What a bunch of cunts. :mad:

They are getting out of control with their protests outside of schools.

What a bunch of cunts. :mad:

What a crowd of shites, these anti-vaxxers.

what the heads should do is hold all-school assemblies (or full year assemblies in the bigger schools)
and publicly correct the mis-information / covidiot conspiracies.
Preferably before these shites can get a word in edgeways.
Giving the kids handouts (or downloads off their intranets) with the correct information and reasons for vaccinations.
With plenty of paper spares ...
And go over the general theory for immunisations in special lessons / tutorial periods as well as science / history lessons.

Ask sensible pro-vaccine parents to attend school at chucking out time.

Complain to the LEA / academy bosses / local press and the police [again, for harassment by these shite4brains]
Book some local support for vaccination days.
Ask sensible pro-vaccine parents to attend school at chucking out time.

This I like the most. I think any pro-vaxx action on this front would be much more effective if it involves the leadership and/or participation of parents, possibly with kids' involvement if doing so would be reasonably safe. Doing it that way would help to cut the ground out from under the most common conspiracunt objections, seeing as they typically dismiss any kind of official or scientific response "part of the cover-up". I also think it would be much more demoralising for them to see ordinary folks blatantly rejecting their nonsense.
.. I also think it would be much more demoralising for them to see ordinary folks blatantly rejecting their nonsense.
I unfortunately think you are being over optimistic here, I think the ones left in the antivax camp doing these protests now are well down the rabbit hole on a messianic mission where they are trying to save us sheeple from the evil plan.
I unfortunately think you are being over optimistic here, I think the ones left in the antivax camp doing these protests now are well down the rabbit hole on a messianic mission where they are trying to save us sheeple from the evil plan.

Even if it doesn't do the hardcore anti-vax twats any good (what would?), I still think taking a more "grassroots" approach would have benefits down the line in general.
Seen photos of anti vaccine covid conspiracy protest up here and around half of them are from fash group For Britain. As well as being cunts, they're not very good patriots as surely getting jabbed is for the good of the nation. Don't they believe in patriotic duty?
Utter cun

Thanks for sending me into the bottomless pit that is antivax twitter. A favourite trick seems to be posting videos of people having seizures, completely devoid of context, and then saying, 'haha, told you vaccines were evil!'

I get that these conspironauts are just sad, pathetic people trying to find some meaning in their mediocrity by joining a plucky band of maverick outsiders but the depths they sink to in pursuit of that and the sheer mean-spiritedness they show towards others is unacceptable. Just being a fuckwit I can understand, that's not a moral failing.
Seen photos of anti vaccine covid conspiracy protest up here and around half of them are from fash group For Britain. As well as being cunts, they're not very good patriots as surely getting jabbed is for the good of the nation. Don't they believe in patriotic duty?
Perhaps the attraction of a virus that culls the useless mouths and exerts a disproportionate mortality rate on minority ethnic groups outweighs any 'patriotic duty' that the fash may feel.
Seen photos of anti vaccine covid conspiracy protest up here and around half of them are from fash group For Britain. As well as being cunts, they're not very good patriots as surely getting jabbed is for the good of the nation. Don't they believe in patriotic duty?

I wonder how many of them will go on about the virus being a Chinese bioweapon, while refusing the very vaccine that protects against it. It would be entirely in keeping with how the fash characterise their enemies as somehow both world-controlling and utterly weak.
I wonder how many of them will go on about the virus being a Chinese bioweapon, while refusing the very vaccine that protects against it. It would be entirely in keeping with how the fash characterise their enemies as somehow both world-controlling and utterly weak.
There are multiple contradictory threads to most of this batshit conspiralunacy, not least that this is something planned and created by the world government as population control yet the same government is pushing measures to limit the spread/effects, which must be resisted by the loons.
Seen photos of anti vaccine covid conspiracy protest up here and around half of them are from fash group For Britain. As well as being cunts, they're not very good patriots as surely getting jabbed is for the good of the nation. Don't they believe in patriotic duty?

Just checked their Darlo page and it’s full of anti-covid and anti-climate change stuff rather than the usual rape gangs fare. I think he might have been one of the organisers of the Sunderland event which I assume you’re referring to.
are there exemptions for communicable diseases? I can't see someone wandering round with smallpox and nobody being able to know about it.
are there exemptions for communicable diseases? I can't see someone wandering round with smallpox and nobody being able to know about it.
None at all for Covid.

Since Disgraced Prime Minister de Pfeffel Johnson declared 'FreeDumb' the police have no authority to detain people who are positive.

They can see who they want and go where they want.
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