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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Piece at Richard Bartholomew's blog about former NHS paramedic Michael Chaves, the conspiraloon organising these paper serving stunts.

Media Profiles Anti-Vaxxer Targeting TV Presenters
However, the media reports have failed to notice overlap between Chaves and activists involved with the resurgent “Satanic Ritual Abuse” protest crowd that blocked Tower Bridge in August (for reasons that included demonstrating support for convicted child kidnapper Wilfred Wong).

Among the links in it is one to the article about Chaves in The Times last week - archived version of it here.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate says that Chaves is the leader of Learn Something New Today, a group which believes that Matt Hancock, the former health secretary, is a murderer, vaccinations will kill children and Joe Biden is not human. He is also a member of a channel on the messaging service Telegram which is advocating targeting antivax protests at the presenter Nicky Campbell and the musician Peter Andre. Chaves, 55, of Camden, northwest London, visited the home of Vine, a BBC and Channel 5 presenter, on Sunday and gave his wife a “antivax writ”. In a clip from the event Chaves, tells viewers: “Every day he spews that rubbish about taking the vaccine. We know where everybody lives, we know where every single one of these presenters, we are going to go to their houses and they are going to get served . . . If you’re a judge, politician, councillor, it doesn’t matter, we’ve got your address, we’re going to come to your front door and we’re going to serve you.”
Piece at Richard Bartholomew's blog about former NHS paramedic Michael Chaves, the conspiraloon organising these paper serving stunts.

Media Profiles Anti-Vaxxer Targeting TV Presenters

Among the links in it is one to the article about Chaves in The Times last week - archived version of it here.
"...a group which believes that Matt Hancock, the former health secretary, is a murderer..."

Not all bad, then? :D
Would you do that in your workplace?

I certainly would in mine :D
I'd be taking them and wordlessly dropping them on the floor, all the while fixing the twat with my best glassy eyed look and daring him to make a fuss about it.
Probably, but I’d get carpeted
I'd love to say I'd tell them to fuck off and I'd bin their stupid papers but I'd probably be too scared. They are an intimidating bunch. So self confident and full of themselves, filming everything as evidence, being super macho.
I'd probably just be quiet and hope they'd go away soon.
We had the loons lined up along the A24 leading out of Dorking station this evening. A series of placards with their scare stories. It ended with one saying “honk if you agree”. Despite heavy traffic, honking was notable by its absence.
Similar group of sad deluded losers at the Whyteleafe roundabout on the Caterham valley road the other evening with the 'honk' sign...not a toot was heard.
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