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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I did have an encounter randomly with a very bashful Piers Corbyn last night. Probably projecting but I wonder if he was thinking how his stupid mob are being played.
not a member of the group but having taken a look I believe he might have issues on top of being a right wing covid denying idiot, also, other than you replying no one seem to actually reply engage or even like his posts.
Have you contacted the admins directly about it?

e2a: definitely has issues, complaining of AZ vaccinees shedding and him getting migraines because of it...

One of the admins on that site appears to be an Urban75 member. :hmm:
So Michael Gove blunders into a group over anti vaxxers yesterday to be rescued by a mob of cops within seconds. Neither side in this fight I support but looks staged as fuck post Southend by the Tories to make hay on the death of their own. Cunts.
Another grim set of figures today, but despite that, the bloody government will continue to delay reintroducing some measures.

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Patients actually in hospital are up around 10% in the last week, even in the unlikely circumstances they are kept to that level of increase, rather than the percentage increase continually to go up, in 10 weeks, those numbers will be matching the peak in the first wave.
That's patients with covid. Hospitals will reflect community spread and test every patient it stands to reason there will be more with a positive result whatever the reason for admission.
That would collapse under the weight of a body, fucking useless twats, can't even build a decent set of gallows. :rolleyes:
The only thing that surprises me is that the dangerous conspirloon cunts are not outside some primary school bellowing their fuckwittery.
Interesting how antivaxxers are using ideas with a basis of reality eg 'Oppressive governments start with small steps' (now that vaccine passports are snapping at their heels) or 'Oh yes, it starts with just being inconvenienced...', but failing to see huge gulf between targeting an ethnic or political group and enacting things that affect a diverse group whose only 'political' demand seems to be 'I don't want to be vaccinated'

Also significant that the dangerous climate deniers have adopted the term climate lockdown to associate governmental 'response' to climate change with the worst thing that's happened to everyone...ever.
Best way to deal with them is to cut their gas and electric off and take their cars away. :)
I did have an encounter randomly with a very bashful Piers Corbyn last night. Probably projecting but I wonder if he was thinking how his stupid mob are being played.

I read up a bit about him and it seems some of his scientific theories about predicting weather never made it into the mainstream (because they weren’t at all reliable) and so he’s thrown his toys out of the pram and is now to the environment what Wakefield is to Vaccines. And there’s a captive audience. Not sure if he’s on the grift with it though.
What was that all about? I was trying to hear what mad laws he was on about but couldn't catch them. Don't summonses need to be served by officers of the court anyway? Or can I just go round my neighbours house and server him papers stating that I'm going to kill his annoying yappy dog?
These are clearly FMotL victims.
57 secs..." the Pope"? :D
I will be serving you today: Nuremberg code, [...] UK medical alliance which is all about the other UK alliance of medical treatment and alliance, [...] well the pope is the head of the businesses across the world and he stripped your liability in 2013, [...] and the most important one which is all of the evidence to prove that coronavirus is an absolute pandemic hoax, that you are operating illegally and you are committing crimes against humanity [...] the Nuremberg code should tell you that though.
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