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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I quite liked this off reddit:

I quite liked this off reddit:

can easily describe school shooting as terrorism, too. mass murder. and they have one after the other (is it weekly?). i wonder if as technology advances, we will get stupidier?

i'm experimenting at hte moment with just checking urban before bed and spending the evening reading books, drinking tea. having some music playing. i can literally feel my brain screaming to get distracted somehow. determined to see it through. unplug.
Another Guardian piece about how hippies and such are moving over to the dark side. I sadly recognise this in a few people I know. :(

"Extreme right-wing views and the wellness community are not an obvious pairing"

Yes they are.
"Extreme right-wing views and the wellness community are not an obvious pairing"

Yes they are.

I dunno. I'm interested in psychedelic stuff, environmental issues, fitness and even now yoga. I know "good" people who are really passionate about the environment and socialism who seem to be slipping down the anti-vaxx route - or are becoming more Piers Corbyn than Jeremy Corbyn... They are caring and arty, but perhaps easily mislead when it comes to junk science and bullshit.
"Extreme right-wing views and the wellness community are not an obvious pairing"

Yes they are.

Yeah, I'm struck again here by the assumption that there's something that's at heart 'left wing' about this stuff and there really isn't in most cases is there. There's a very surface level 'alternativeness' about it but what really characterises it is individualism and a strong belief in your right to choose anything - even what science you believe. I don't see anything surprising at all in some of them drifting towards more extreme right wing views, particularly in the current circumstances.
nowt wrong with looking after yourself.

but what a lot of them forget is that you cannot look after yourself without others - from the crystals they buy to the shitty shakes they drink, all are part of an inter-related system, created by people. they drive to their yoga class on roads that others built. they read their EAstern mysticim books on books made from cheap labour.

but they look in the mirror at their glowing faces and slim wastes and innner chakras and just see their beatific vision of ...themselves. and low behold anyone who tries to invade that with say a near-harmless life saving pandemic ending juice.
Despite abhorring each other there have always been crossover characteristics in both groups e.g. Distrust of Government and unfaltering belief only their views are correct.
Good piece, but weird site, I had a pop-up telling me I've read over 12,000 articles on there this year, when I've never come across the site before. :hmm:

But, lol at the headline to this article - Mark Zuckerberg – Dead At 36 – Says Social Media Sites Should Not Fact Check Posts
You should have read the pop up. It was a jokey one that said in the text that they had no idea how many articles you have read because they haven't installed any tracking software.
Yeah, I'm struck again here by the assumption that there's something that's at heart 'left wing' about this stuff and there really isn't in most cases is there. There's a very surface level 'alternativeness' about it but what really characterises it is individualism and a strong belief in your right to choose anything - even what science you believe. I don't see anything surprising at all in some of them drifting towards more extreme right wing views, particularly in the current circumstances.
a lot wont have sufficient self awareness and insight that they are driftin that way too. they follow the money - the money being feelings. incredibly powerful feelings of certainty and righteousness. they won't even be aware they are slipping along a tired and well trod path.
a lot wont have sufficient self awareness and insight that they are driftin that way too. they follow the money - the money being feelings. incredibly powerful feelings of certainty and righteousness. they won't even be aware they are slipping along a tired and well trod path.

Yep. To be honest I think what I was talking about - the idea that the 'wellness community' is left wing - says more about the Guardian and it's assumptions then it does about the people they're writing about. There's a whole range of people in that Guardian-y, 'bit of a lefty' sort of area for who left wing is just a differentiation from Tory old men in suits types.
Despite abhorring each other there have always been crossover characteristics in both groups e.g. Distrust of Government and unfaltering belief only their views are correct.

I don't actually think there's anything wrong with reasonable distrust in corporations and govt tbh. The problem is a lot of evils in the world are blatantly on view and don't require conspiracy theories.
a lot wont have sufficient self awareness and insight that they are driftin that way too. they follow the money - the money being feelings. incredibly powerful feelings of certainty and righteousness. they won't even be aware they are slipping along a tired and well trod path.

I think many people who get sucked into wellness stuff have issues and could be considered vulnerable to some degree. There are too many charlatans out there who sell pills, books, treatments and therapies with little or no scientific backing. Even the whole "mindfulness" thing. HR departments will happily send employees on mindfulness courses (which I guess someone makes money from) when AFAIK there's no evidence that it works, probably isn't what the person needs, and indeed is a distraction from the real issues at work they might be facing.
those white rose conspiracy cunts are full of actual fascists from groups like For Britain and Britain First, attacking vaccine centres and their staff, daubing graffiti on hospitals, threatening nhs workers, targetting schools and other shit. after coming face to face with them myself at the weekend, I think they need a few good kickings and yes, I'm being serious. i've had enough of them. just needed to get that off my chest.
I think many people who get sucked into wellness stuff have issues and could be considered vulnerable to some degree. There are too many charlatans out there who sell pills, books, treatments and therapies with little or no scientific backing.

Yup, the shite I've seen charlatans try to sell Mrs Smiles to 'help' with our eldest's Autism. And some we've even spent serious money on, if I was a positive it was harmless and it kept the peace between us. The fuckers know how desperate parents of children with additonal needs are and take full advantage where they can
S.C. N. Sq uatters: Fac ebook
Hi there appears to be an obsessive; pro T rump, Q a non, R esistance G B, 4 Ch an poster in this faceboo k group and admins are reluctant to take his posts down; significantly ant i Vax X, ant i, mig rant covi d conspiraloo n posts; presumably on the grounds of freedom of speech and discussion!
He really hates it if you expose him as al t/f ar right and/or posts that expose falsities of an ti Vax xers and links to f ar right organisations and groups!
S.C.N (Squatters Community Network)
One of the - many - things I find so absurd about the anti-vaxx movement is it's totally lack of understanding of nuance of people's trust. They seem to think it's this binary where you either unquestioningly believe the government, or you don't believe anything, regardless of context and evidence of your own experience. :confused:

I mean, I didn't get a vaccine because I unquestioningly believe everything the government says. I could see, quite clearly, evidence of a virus that was dangerous to vulnerable people, even if it wasn't to me. If the government had been saying there was a virus and we all had to stay indoors, and i hadn't seen any evidence of it, and scientists were saying 'We've no idea what they're on about, I mean flu is around as usual but not seen anything going on', I'd probably have smelt a rat and yes, wondered what the government hoped to gain from the situation.

If my experience was clearly showing there was a dangerous virus going around an the government were saying it could only be ended by reporting your friends and neighbours for anti-Tory sentiment, I'd similarly not have been convinced, and if scientists had actually been joining in going 'Oh yes, we can definitely only get rid of it by imprisoning anyone who badmouths the Tories' then I'd probably be worrying that something was up with the scientists and while I could give creedence to a virus I would be able to recognise that the government was trying to gain something from the situation (and had been buying off all the scientists somehow) and while I would have believed in the virus, I would not have believed in the proposed solution.

Human judgement is clever like that. Or it can be...
S.C. N. Sq uatters: Fac ebook
Hi there appears to be an obsessive; pro T rump, Q a non, R esistance G B, 4 Ch an poster in this faceboo k group and admins are reluctant to take his posts down; significantly ant i Vax X, ant i, mig rant covi d conspiraloo n posts; presumably on the grounds of freedom of speech and discussion!
He really hates it if you expose him as al t/f ar right and/or posts that expose falsities of an ti Vax xers and links to f ar right organisations and groups!
S.C.N (Squatters Community Network)
not a member of the group but having taken a look I believe he might have issues on top of being a right wing covid denying idiot, also, other than you replying no one seem to actually reply engage or even like his posts.
Have you contacted the admins directly about it?

e2a: definitely has issues, complaining of AZ vaccinees shedding and him getting migraines because of it...
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I haven't been on FB for a long time. Someone I know has posted a yellow star with 'Not vaccinated' written across it. Because it's just like Jewish people in Nazi Germany obviously. 😡

I've just torn a strip off them but ffs. What is this fucking loonspudery.

Best just not getting to drawn into it IMO, especially if it's someone who you were close to. As I've posted previously, I think people who are generally very decent can get dragged into this stuff. :(
Best just not getting to drawn into it IMO, especially if it's someone who you were close to. As I've posted previously, I think people who are generally very decent can get dragged into this stuff. :(
I just pointed out the nonsense and how utterly disgraceful it was. No intention of getting involved because it would be completely pointless. But seriously, just don't know what happened to him.
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