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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

The wankers targeted Chichester Hospital Radio volunteers carrying out their annual street collection. :mad:

What gets me, is none of the vaccine manufacturers have claimed - or would claim - that their vaccine is "100% safe". That'd be a hiding to nothing, because allergic reaction etc is ALWAYS factored in.
I saw a particularly stupid meme which said ‘xxxx got the vaccine and died of Covid 8 days later - explain that!’ as though that was some kind of gotcha. Pretty easy that one, vaccines take time to take effect, and anyone dead 8 days later already had the virus at the time they got their shot. It doesn’t work retrospectively.

It‘s like the vaccine is being seen as sold as an instant 100% end to this thing, and it’s not. In some ways this is dangerous and leads to people abandoning all caution, or anti-vaxxers seeing any breakthrough infection or death among vaccinated as proof it doesn’t work at all despite the countless lives saved.
The politics and reverse psychology is a dangerous game - not only over-selling the vaccines, but making out that the AZ/J&J vector vaccines are "traditional" - when it's actually super-clever and you never hear that it's DNA-based and actually enters the nucleus of the cell - and the ebola vaccine of 2013 was the first example of this type ever licensed.

My own sister was amazed when I explained that she hadn't been given an RNA vaccine but instead had been injected with a deactivated chimpanzee virus.

I wonder if they could make an arrangement with China to import some of their lack-lustre whole deactivated virus hen egg vaccines ...
The politics and reverse psychology is a dangerous game - not only over-selling the vaccines, but making out that the AZ/J&J vector vaccines are "traditional" - when it's actually super-clever and you never hear that it's DNA-based and actually enters the nucleus of the cell - and the ebola vaccine of 2013 was the first example of this type ever licensed.

My own sister was amazed when I explained that she hadn't been given an RNA vaccine but instead had been injected with a deactivated chimpanzee virus.

I wonder if they could make an arrangement with China to import some of their lack-lustre whole deactivated virus hen egg vaccines ...
Yeah, it concerns me seeing some of the pro-vaccine crowd, particularly Americans, indulging in the same tribal dishonesty as their opponents (though nowhere near as stupid) - part of how it’s become political rather than a rational conversation, about ‘owning’ the opposition. It’s not 100% safe or effective, and shouldn’t be mis-sold as being so. But it will likely stop you from suffering serious harm.

It cost Hackney £50k on legal action & clean up costs to get rid of the anti-vax camp on Hackney Downs. The camp had preciously blighted Shepherd's Bush & Clapham Common. And now it is blighting Brighton apparently, is it still there?

It cost Hackney £50k on legal action & clean up costs to get rid of the anti-vax camp on Hackney Downs. The camp had preciously blighted Shepherd's Bush & Clapham Common. And now it is blighting Brighton apparently, is it still there?
Yuck at the peace and love hippy dippy sleight of hand

It cost Hackney £50k on legal action & clean up costs to get rid of the anti-vax camp on Hackney Downs. The camp had preciously blighted Shepherd's Bush & Clapham Common. And now it is blighting Brighton apparently, is it still there?
Sounds like FOTLers based on this quote:
The day after the protesters pitched up, campaigner Caul Grant of the Campaign for Truth and Justice sent an email to the council citing the Magna Carta and the Human Rights Act
’truth and justice’ my arse.
I saw a particularly stupid meme which said ‘xxxx got the vaccine and died of Covid 8 days later - explain that!’ as though that was some kind of gotcha. Pretty easy that one, vaccines take time to take effect, and anyone dead 8 days later already had the virus at the time they got their shot. It doesn’t work retrospectively.

It‘s like the vaccine is being seen as sold as an instant 100% end to this thing, and it’s not. In some ways this is dangerous and leads to people abandoning all caution, or anti-vaxxers seeing any breakthrough infection or death among vaccinated as proof it doesn’t work at all despite the countless lives saved.
Anti-vaxxers are the biggest bunch of thicko arse-weasels since the Freemen on the Land movement got going. They've got all the sense of a bent, rusty nail.

"A 15-year-old girl and her mum say they were intimidated by anti-vax protesters outside a Covid vaccination centre.

Grace Baker-Earle, who uses a wheelchair after contracting Covid, was confronted after receiving the jab at Cardiff's Bayside mass vaccination centre.

Her mum Angela said protesters accused her of using Grace "as a lab rat"."

"A 15-year-old girl and her mum say they were intimidated by anti-vax protesters outside a Covid vaccination centre.

Grace Baker-Earle, who uses a wheelchair after contracting Covid, was confronted after receiving the jab at Cardiff's Bayside mass vaccination centre.

Her mum Angela said protesters accused her of using Grace "as a lab rat"."
Jesus Christ what is wrong with these people?
The politics and reverse psychology is a dangerous game - not only over-selling the vaccines, but making out that the AZ/J&J vector vaccines are "traditional" - when it's actually super-clever and you never hear that it's DNA-based and actually enters the nucleus of the cell - and the ebola vaccine of 2013 was the first example of this type ever licensed.

My own sister was amazed when I explained that she hadn't been given an RNA vaccine but instead had been injected with a deactivated chimpanzee virus.

I wonder if they could make an arrangement with China to import some of their lack-lustre whole deactivated virus hen egg vaccines ...

You talk a load of crap about vaccine technology. Proper anti vax anti egg bullshit. Fake news.
A colleague at work went to her daughters school last week as they were having their jabs....there was a group of about 20-30 adults outside screaming abuse etc at the kids as they went in....she said most were bewildered and quite a few kids were really upset and frightened....:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Scum. Intimidating kids is fucking low. Reminded of Holy Cross from twenty years back.
A colleague at work went to her daughters school last week as they were having their jabs....there was a group of about 20-30 adults outside screaming abuse etc at the kids as they went in....she said most were bewildered and quite a few kids were really upset and frightened....:mad::mad::mad::mad:
And yet they claim to be “protecting the children”. Scum.
A colleague at work went to her daughters school last week as they were having their jabs....there was a group of about 20-30 adults outside screaming abuse etc at the kids as they went in....she said most were bewildered and quite a few kids were really upset and frightened....:mad::mad::mad::mad:
there's a sense of retribution though,imo - they now have to spend the god knows how many years looking over their shoulders for covid to either go long or whipe them out entirely. and no matter how many lies they tell themselves, they must have a small part of them that wonders if they could be next. mess around with fire folks and you could get burnt - they must know this on some level.
Sheep herded into stupid opinions by the internet. Pitiful really.
a lot of folk out there say "oh don't make a big deal out of it, there'#s always been this shit around". true it's always been around, but qanon, the trump right, covid denial, anti vax these days are, i dunno, taking the fast road, fast tracked extremism. i have no idea on the prevelance of this stuff, but when you go on facebook's and see earnest and explorative discussions on exactly how and why Obama drinks babies blood and it's being read and liked and by thousands of Karens and Michaels - i.e. very much not the bloke sat in the corner of hte pub who everyone avoids then it sure feels different. brave new world init. there's a weird transaction between community and information in these sorts of online spaces - i.e. can you have one withoiut the other? so logically if there's millions more missinfo being produced, then is it possilbe the level of growth would correlate too on that upward trend - a gradual building - say for every 100 posts the "eco systems" gain 6 new users? very much a case of watch this space...carefully. truth seems so little valued these days, the old traditional gate keepers are pretty much gone or are seen (rightly in some circumstances some of the time) as the pinicle of corruption.
we are against mainstreeam meeediaaaaa.

i hate it when they say that. as if truth and knowledge and investigation is far safer their way.
my sisters long term partner who she has two kids with has "refused the second vax" - she hasn't clarrified why, but apparently some bloke at his work who is a hard core christian has been "educating him on it". i just generally said to her that she should try and listen and understand where he is coming from and see how deeply he is involved, or getting involved, in that line of thinking because it's fertile ground for being fed a load of nonsesne on other things like qanon, far right extremism, etc.

i am not going to pry - she's very pissed off with him.
we are against mainstreeam meeediaaaaa.

i hate it when they say that. as if truth and knowledge and investigation is far safer their way.
I always feel particularly insulted because I haven't habitually watched or listened to broadcast news or read a newspaper for decades ...

I am desperate enough to hang out on Paltalk ... yesterday someone I vaguely recognised came into the room and started off with "I'm only tentatively back online because the atmosphere is so toxic" - Paltalk is so right-wing and anti-vax they were clearly deluded ...
... then comes the insulting assertion that THEIR "research" was valid, whereas ours wasn't - and the room contained at least one research biologist ...
When I offered a link to my favourite virologist, the response was "I am overwhelmed" by so much information" ....
Stupidity is now a virtue in some people's eyes. The internet just reinforces it for them. Thick as shit all their lives now they see other numbskulls and flock together wallowing in ignorance. At last able to group together with like-minded dunces and dismiss all the "cleaver" people who have taken the piss (rightfully) for so long.
In years to come, we should not let these dimwitted nobheads forget how stupid and offensive they were - and how many unnecessary illnesses and deaths they indirectly caused.

In two years time when all of us vaccinated sheeple haven’t carked it (this is genuinely one of their pigshit claims) we should be laughing at them long and loud.

When it turns out that the vaccinated majority haven’t become impotent, sterile or magnetic (more of their brainfree ‘research’) we should trumpet it from the rooftops and bombard their nonsensical websites with the inconvenient truth that they were very, stupidly, dangerously wrong.

I’d like to see the ringleaders, anyone organising their dumb-as-fuck ‘freedom’ events, become social pariahs. Mock and vilify them for ever.

Oooh I'm angry today :D
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I hold no candle for Jeremy Vine but this is out of order. These pricks need stopping somehow.

Check the second tweet, there was a crowd of them ready to lay siege to his house.

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