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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

yes, a lot of tied up with strange spiritual beliefs, energies, etc. a lot of which just translates to "i'm a bit special and different to everyone else".
I vaguely remember some people who I was squatting with in the mid-80s, and a few years later, hanging out with fellow acid house raverists, one or two of them were David Icke fans. Danny Rampling exemplifies this tendency IMHO. Maybe a result of lots of acid and seeing auras, 'energies' and whatnot.

In my experience, acid can induce complete certainty about a false or unproven belief.

I can remember tripping one time at work and being utterly convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that a certain horse was going to win the 3:30 at Haydock Park. Needless to say it didn't win, wasn't even placed :D
I vaguely remember some people who I was squatting with in the mid-80s, and a few years later, hanging out with fellow acid house raverists, one or two of them were David Icke fans. Danny Rampling exemplifies this tendency IMHO. Maybe a result of lots of acid and seeing auras, 'energies' and whatnot.

In my experience, acid can induce complete certainty about a false or unproven belief.

I can remember tripping one time at work and being utterly convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that a certain horse was going to win the 3:30 at Haydock Park. Needless to say it didn't win, wasn't even placed :D
weird, I definitely was a horse once though while tripping, great stuff.
I can remember tripping one time at work and being utterly convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that a certain horse was going to win the 3:30 at Haydock Park. Needless to say it didn't win, wasn't even placed :D

Once when I was on mushrooms I was totally sure that Tom Jones was an automaton without any brain. :D

You can be convinced of all sorts when you're off your head can't you and it seems like a great insight at the time. Most of us get over it when we come down though.

Gotta persecute these fuckers.


He stood as a county council candidate for the dodgy Direct Democracy Ireland party in 2014 apparently.

A number of publications and commentators have highlighted DDI's close links to the Freemen on the land movement and the right-wing conservative Christian Solidarity Party.
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I vaguely remember some people who I was squatting with in the mid-80s, and a few years later, hanging out with fellow acid house raverists, one or two of them were David Icke fans. Danny Rampling exemplifies this tendency IMHO. Maybe a result of lots of acid and seeing auras, 'energies' and whatnot.

In my experience, acid can induce complete certainty about a false or unproven belief.
This reminds of the nonsense that former Crass drummer Jeremy Ratter aka 'Penny Rimbaud' came out with years ago. He is on film claiming that when he was in Africa he witnessed people magically flying in the air (you can find the clip of him saying this on YouTube).

And funnily enough he's been posting anti-lockdown/anti-vaccine and covid denier shite on twitter.

Will this spell ever wear off for any of them?
Will they awaken from the fog of delusion, bleary-eyed, remorseful and full of contrition? or will they mostly dig their heels in, recalcitrant to the end? I just can’t figure it out.
it's a fascinating question, whether they ever turn around and say "yeh, i was wrong". especially when it will be a talking point, perhaps even as much as the Wars, for generations.

"Oh i didn't give a fuck, it was all nonsense". that will have a strange way of aging. they could end up looking like antisocial cunts every time it is mentioned.
my theory is that they are "awake" now. they will continue to "awaken" even more by those others who are also "awake".

of course this means just an endless diet of conspiritoral madness. check out the earlier posts on how they all start getting paranoid about the census. and remember too this isn't just some bloke in a pub who smells a bit. this is 10s of ks of Michaels and Susans on facebook liking this stuff.
my theory is that they are "awake" now. they will continue to "awaken" even more by those others who are also "awake".

of course this means just an endless diet of conspiritoral madness. check out the earlier posts on how they all start getting paranoid about the census. and remember too this isn't just some bloke in a pub who smells a bit. this is 10s of ks of Michaels and Susans on facebook liking this stuff.

Awake but maybe not woke
it's a fascinating question, whether they ever turn around and say "yeh, i was wrong". especially when it will be a talking point, perhaps even as much as the Wars, for generations.

"Oh i didn't give a fuck, it was all nonsense". that will have a strange way of aging. they could end up looking like antisocial cunts every time it is mentioned.
Dunno, my relative who got into this rubbish, also went for the whole Trump won and was cheated thing, down to the 'he going to be reinstated on x date'. When that clearly wasn't going to happen she switched to denying she was ever interested in the subject and quickly shut down any discussion of it
another way of looking at it is like an endless football match where the goal posts are being constantly moved. what will it take to get someone off hte pitch? the match goes on forever and no goal is ever quite scored. luckily they are the only ones playing.

Will this spell ever wear off for any of them?
Will they awaken from the fog of delusion, bleary-eyed, remorseful and full of contrition? or will they mostly dig their heels in, recalcitrant to the end? I just can’t figure it out.
I think they'll move on to some other madness. I can already see it in some people. Falling down the Q rabbithole or getting into the illuminati. The pandemic will be forgotten and there will be new madness to grift on.
I think they'll move on to some other madness. I can already see it in some people. Falling down the Q rabbithole or getting into the illuminati. The pandemic will be forgotten and there will be new madness to grift on.
They have a democratic president so there will always be something to rail against while that situation continues.

It must be harder for pro-virus right wing types in this country since the Prime Minister is pretty much on their side when it comes to lockdowns, masks and vaccine passports, not that they don’t continue to protest against these things that aren‘t actually happening anymore.
I think they'll move on to some other madness. I can already see it in some people. Falling down the Q rabbithole or getting into the illuminati. The pandemic will be forgotten and there will be new madness to grift on.
you can see the sort of split in teh republican party - the "never trumpers" and the trump wing. the trump wing a seething hellscape of racism and, yes, paranoid "deep state" conspiritoral thinking. i never thought i would say it, but i have a grudging respect now for those on the right who are also resistant against the stuff. the arsehole sam harris has come out recently and basically laid into fellow grifters who are anti vaxxers, saying that they are "commiting one of the crimes of the century" - to his credit, that's no small talk. if there is someone one the right who is resisitent to this stuff, they are still of course political enemies, but perhaps there is a strange "Reality Based Solidarity" thing going on. sit me down with anyone who has a respect for exploring reality honestly and objectively.
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